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Last active January 31, 2024 14:02
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AutoCorrect AutoHotkey spelling script

This is a combination of the 2007 AutoHotkey AutoCorrect script with my customizations and additions.


  • Converted to Unicode (Notepad++ "Convert to UTF8", not "Save as UTF8")
  • I changed Win+H to Win+A ("add"), because I already use Win+H for "expose hidden files".
  • Added words I've run into that weren't corrected, though might have conflicts
  • Added symbols that are hard to type, like °C (then moved these to AutoHotkey_L Hotstrings and other utilities because they're not really typos or misspellings)
  • Added lazy contractions to avoid pressing Shift, like wouldntwouldn't.

To do

  • Fix 2 consecutive capitals, but only if they occur at the beginning of a word, within a short period of time.
  • Adding new words with Win+A should strip whitespace first
  • After adding a new word, it should actually replace the one you highlighted, too.
  • Hitting backspace after it autocorrects should undo the autocorrection, like it does in other software. Then we can add words like cant and wont that are only rarely used without the apostrophe. Hard to do without modifying AHK?
  • Typographer's apostrophe like don’t instead of don't? Probably not. :/
  • -ign exceptions should be endings, not just entire words. "unalign" and "digidesign" should not be changed.
  • Disable in certain windows that can't handle the retyping
; c = case sensitive
; c1 = ignore the case that was typed, always use the same case for output
; * = immediate change (no need for space, period, or enter)
; ? = triggered even when the character typed immediately before it is alphanumeric
; r = raw output
; 2011-03-21 and after: See
; Sep 13 2007: Added more misspellings.
; Added fix for -ign -> -ing that ignores words like "sign".
; Added word beginnings/endings sections to cover more options.
; Added auto-accents section for words like fiancée, naïve, etc.
; Feb 28 2007: Added other common misspellings based on MS Word AutoCorrect.
; Added optional auto-correction of 2 consecutive capital letters.
; Sep 24 2006: Initial release by Jim Biancolo (
; This is an AutoHotKey script that implements AutoCorrect against several
; "Lists of common misspellings":
; This does not replace a proper spellchecker such as in Firefox, Word, etc.
; It is usually better to have uncertain typos highlighted by a spellchecker
; than to "correct" them incorrectly so that they are no longer even caught by
; a spellchecker: it is not the job of an autocorrector to correct *all*
; misspellings, but only those which are very obviously incorrect.
; From a suggestion by Tara Gibb, you can add your own corrections to any
; highlighted word by hitting Win+A. These will be added to a separate file,
; so that you can safely update this file without overwriting your changes.
; Some entries have more than one possible resolution (achive->achieve/archive)
; or are clearly a matter of deliberate personal writing style (wanna, colour)
; These have been placed at the end of this file and commented out, so you can
; easily edit and add them back in as you like, tailored to your preferences.
; Microsoft Office autocorrect list
; Script by jaco0646
; OpenOffice autocorrect list
; TextTrust press release
; User suggestions.
; Settings
; AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals (commented out by default)
; Win+H code
; Fix for -ign instead of -ing
; Word endings
; Word beginnings
; Accented English words
; Common Misspellings - the main list
; Ambiguous entries - commented out
; Settings
#NoEnv ; For security
#SingleInstance force
; Custom icon from
Menu, Tray, Icon, text_replace.ico
; AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals.
; Disabled by default to prevent unwanted corrections such as IfEqual->Ifequal.
; To enable it, remove the /*..*/ symbols around it.
; From Laszlo's script at
; The first line of code below is the set of letters, digits, and/or symbols
; that are eligible for this type of correction. Customize if you wish:
keys = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Loop Parse, keys
HotKey ~+%A_LoopField%, Hoty
CapCount := SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,2,1)="+" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<999 ? CapCount+1 : 1
if CapCount = 2
SendInput % "{BS}" . SubStr(A_ThisHotKey,3,1)
else if CapCount = 3
SendInput % "{Left}{BS}+" . SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,3,1) . "{Right}"
; Win+A to enter misspelling correction. It will be added to this script.
; Get the selected text. The clipboard is used instead of "ControlGet Selected"
; as it works in more editors and word processors, java apps, etc. Save the
; current clipboard contents to be restored later.
AutoTrim On ; Delete any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard. Why would you want this?
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll%
Clipboard = ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c
ClipWait 1
if ErrorLevel ; ClipWait timed out.
; Replace CRLF and/or LF with `n for use in a "send-raw" hotstring:
; The same is done for any other characters that might otherwise
; be a problem in raw mode:
StringReplace, Hotstring, Clipboard, ``, ````, All ; Do this replacement first to avoid interfering with the others below.
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `r`n, ``r, All ; Using `r works better than `n in MS Word, etc.
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `n, ``r, All
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, %A_Tab%, ``t, All
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `;, ```;, All
Clipboard = %ClipboardOld% ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
; This will move the InputBox's caret to a more friendly position:
SetTimer, MoveCaret, 10
; Show the InputBox, providing the default hotstring:
InputBox, Hotstring, New Hotstring, Provide the corrected word on the right side. You can also edit the left side if you wish.`n`nExample entry:`n::teh::the,,,,,,,, ::%Hotstring%::%Hotstring%
if ErrorLevel <> 0 ; The user pressed Cancel.
; Otherwise, add the hotstring and reload the script:
FileAppend, `n%Hotstring%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; Put a `n at the beginning in case file lacks a blank line at its end.
; it would be best if it overwrote the string you had highlighted with the replacement you just typed in
Sleep 3000 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached.
MsgBox, 4,, The hotstring just added appears to be improperly formatted. Would you like to open the script for editing? Note that the bad hotstring is at the bottom of the script.
IfMsgBox, Yes, Edit
IfWinNotActive, New Hotstring
; Otherwise, move the InputBox's insertion point to where the user will type the abbreviation.
Send {HOME}
Loop % StrLen(Hotstring) + 4
SendInput {Right}
SetTimer, MoveCaret, Off
#Hotstring R ; Set the default to be "raw mode" (might not actually be relied upon by anything yet).
; Fix for -ign instead of -ing.
; Words to exclude: (could probably do this by return without rewrite)
; From: nds-with/gn/
#Hotstring B0 ; Turns off automatic backspacing for the following hotstrings.
; Can be suffix exceptions, too, but should correct "-aling" without correcting "-align".
:?:campaign:: ; covers "countercampaign". no such words as -campaing
::digidesign:: ; Company name
return ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the ign->ing rule below.
#Hotstring B ; Turn back on automatic backspacing for all subsequent hotstrings.
; Word endings
:?:, btu::, but ; Not just replacing "btu", as that is a unit of heat.
:?:; btu::; but
::sice::since ; Must precede the following line!
;:?:t eh:: the ; converts "but eh" to "bu the"
:?:t hem:: them
; Word beginnings
::develope::develop ; Omit asterisk so that it doesn't disrupt the typing of developed/developer.
; Word middles
:?*:compatab::compatib ; Covers incompat* and compat*
:?*:catagor::categor ; Covers subcatagories and catagories.
; Accented English words, from, amongst others,
; I have included all the ones compatible with reasonable codepages, and placed
; those that may often not be accented either from a clash with an unaccented
; word (resume), or because the unaccented version is now common (cafe).
::a bas::à bas
::a la::à la
::ancien regime::Ancien Régime
::ao dai::ào dái
::belle epoque::belle époque
::bete noire::bête noire
::cinema verite::cinéma vérité
::cinemas verite::cinémas vérité
::cinema verites::cinéma vérités
::charge d'affaires::chargé d'affaires
::coup d'etat::coup d'état
::coup d'etats::coup d'états
::coup de tat::coup d'état
::coup de tats::coup d'états
::coup de grace::coup de grâce
::creme brulee::crème brûlée
::creme brulees::crème brûlées
::creme caramel::crème caramel
::creme caramels::crème caramels
::creme de cacao::crème de cacao
::creme de menthe::crème de menthe
::deja vu::déjà vu
::el nino::El Niño
::fin de siecle::fin de siècle
::Fohn wind::Föhn wind
::folie a deux::folie à deux
::folies a deux::folies à deux
::grafenberg spot::Gräfenberg spot
::langue d'oil::langue d'oïl
::la nina::La Niña
::maitre d'hotel::maître d'hôtel
::menage a trois::ménage à trois
::menages a trois::ménages à trois
::mobius strip::Möbius strip
::mobius strips::Möbius strips
::motley crue::Mötley Crüe
; ::nee::née ; mistyping things like "I nee da" is more common.
::neufchatel cheese::Neufchâtel cheese
::nez perce::Nez Percé
::número uno::número uno
::objet trouve::objet trouvé
::objets trouve::objets trouvé
::opera bouffe::opéra bouffe
::operas bouffe::opéras bouffe
::opera comique::opéra comique
::operas comique::opéras comique
::piece de resistance::pièce de résistance
::pina colada::Piña Colada
::pina coladas::Piña Coladas
::raison d'etre::raison d'être
::roman a clef::roman à clef
::sinn fein::Sinn Féin
::ventre a terre::ventre à terre
::vin rose::vin rosé
::vins rose::vins rosé
::vis a vis::vis à vis
; Common Misspellings - the main list
::avengence::a vengeance
::abouta::about a
::abou tit::about it
::aboutit::about it
::aboutthe::about the
::accordingto::according to
::afterthe::after the
::againstt he::against the
::all the itme::all the time
::a mnot::am not
::an dgot::and got
::andone::and one
::andt he::and the
::andteh::and the
::andthe::and the
::anyother::any other
::around ot::around to
::asthe::as the
::aswell::as well
::askt he::ask the
::a tthat::at that
::atthe::at the
:c:eb::be ; EB is legit?
::becausea::because a
::becauseof::because of
::becausethe::because the
::becauseyou::because you
::butthe::but the
::byt he::by the
::can't of::can't have
::capetown::Cape Town
::completedthe::completed the
::conditionsof::conditions of
::could of::could have
::couldthe::could the
::didnot::did not
::doe snot::does not ; *could* be legitimate... but very unlikely!
::don't no::don't know
::eight o::eight o
::everytime::every time
::fora::for a
::forthe::for the
::fromt he::from the
::fromthe::from the
::gameboy::Game Boy
::hadbeen::had been
::hasbeen::has been
::havebeen::have been
::hesaid::he said
::hewas::he was
::hitsingles::hit singles
::homestate::home state
::int he::in the
::inteh::in the
::inthe::in the
::inwhich::in which
::i snot::is not
::isthe::is the
::itis::it is
::itwas::it was
::its a::it's a
::it snot::it's not
::it' snot::it's not
::iits the::it's the
::its the::it's the
::judgement::judgment ; "without the -e is preferred in law globally, and in American English"
::judgements::judgments ; "without the -e is preferred in law globally, and in American English"
::lastyear::last year
::let's him::lets him
::let's it::lets it
::lightyear::light year
::lightyears::light years
::massmedia::mass media
::may of::may have
::might of::might have
; ::miliary::military ; miliary dermatitis
::moreso::more so
::must of::must have
::newyorker::New Yorker
::ninties::nineties ; fixed from "1990s": could refer to temperatures too.
::noone::no one
::ofits::of its
::ofthe::of the
::oft he::of the ; Could be legitimate in poetry, but more usually a typo.
::ont he::on the
::onthe::on the
::oneof::one of
::onepoint::one point
; ::originall::originally, original
::outof::out of
::overthe::over the
::overthere::over there
::partof::part of
::peacefuland::peaceful and
::percentof::percent of
::percentto::percent to
::pheonix::phoenix ; Not forcing caps, as it could be the bird
::protem::pro tem
::puertorrican::Puerto Rican
::puertorricans::Puerto Ricans
::receivedfrom::received from
::recordproducer::record producer
::saidhe::said he
::saidit::said it
::saidthat::said that
::saidt he::said the
::saidthe::said the
::shesaid::she said
::shortwhile::short while
::should of::should have
::silicone chip::silicon chip
; ::snese::sneeze ; More likely to be mistyped "sense" than misspelled "sneeze"
::sot hat::so that
::sportscar::sports car
; ::strat::start Stratocaster
::tellt he::tell the
::tennisplayer::tennis player
::thatt he::that the
::thatthe::that the
::thecompany::the company
::thefirst::the first
::thegovernment::the government
::thenew::the new
::thesame::the same
::thetwo::the two
::there's is::theirs is
::their are::there are
::they're are::there are
::their is::there is
::they're is::there is
::thisyear::this year
;::thru::through ;used as an alternate spelling in some contexts
::tot he::to the
::tothe::to the
::toldt he::told the
::undert he::under the
::unitedstates::United States
::unitesstates::United States
::wan tit::want it
; ::wanna::want to ;INTENTIONAL
::wa snot::was not
;::wether::weather ; ambiguous: leave uncorrected
::whent he::when the
::whicht he::which the
::willbe::will be
;::will of::will have ; "will of the voters"
::witha::with a
::witht he::with the
::withthe::with the
::wouldbe::would be
::would of::would have
::youare::you are
::your a::you're a
::your an::you're an
::your her::you're her
::your here::you're here
::your his::you're his
::your my::you're my
::your the::you're the
::your their::you're their
::your your::you're your
::you're own::your own
; Ambiguous entries. Where desired, pick the one that's best for you, edit,
; and move into the above list or, preferably, the autocorrect user file.
::a gogo::à gogo
::accension::accession, ascension
::achive::achieve, archive
::achived::achieved, archived
::ackward::awkward, backward
::addres::address, adders
::adress::address, A dress
::adressing::addressing, dressing
::afair::affair, afar, Afar (African place), a fair, acronym "as far as I recall"
::affort::afford, effort
::agin::again, a gin, aging
::agina::again, angina
::aledge::allege, a ledge
::alot::a lot, allot
::alusion::allusion, illusion
::amature::armature, amateur
::anual::annual, anal
::anual::annual, manual
::aparent::apparent, a parent
::apon::upon, apron
::appealling::appealing, appalling
::archaoelogy::archeology, archaeology
::archaology::archeology, archaeology
::archeaologist::archeologist, archaeologist
::archeaologists::archeologists, archaeologists
::assosication::assassination, association
::attaindre::attainder, attained
::attened::attended or attend
::baout::about, bout
::beggin::begin, begging
::behavour::behavior, behaviour
::belives::believes, beliefs
::boaut::bout, boat, about
::assasined::assassinated ; Broken by ":*:assasin::", but no great loss.
::buring::burying, burning, burin, during
::busineses::business, businesses
::calaber::caliber, calibre
::calander::calendar, calender, colander
::cancelled::canceled ; commonwealth vs US
::cancelling::canceling ; commonwealth vs US
::cant::cannot, can not, can't
::carcas::carcass, Caracas
::carmel::caramel, carmel-by-the-sea
::Cataline::Catiline, Catalina
::censur::censor, censure
::ceratin::certain, keratin
::cervial::cervical, servile, serval
::chasr::chaser, chase
::clera::clear, sclera
::comander::commander, commandeer
::competion::competition, completion
::coorperation::cooperation, corporation
::coudl::could, cloud
::councellor::councillor, counselor, councilor
::councellors::councillors, counselors, councilors
::coururier::courier, couturier
::coverted::converted, covered, coveted
::cpoy::coy, copy
::dael::deal, dial, dahl
::deram::dram, dream
::desparate::desperate, disparate
::diea::idea, die
::dieing::dying, dyeing
::diversed::diverse, diverged
::doub::doubt, daub
::dyas::dryas, Dyas (Robert Dyas is a hardware chain), dais
::efford::effort, afford
::effords::efforts, affords
::eigth::eighth, eight
::electic::eclectic, electric
::electon::election, electron
::emition::emission, emotion
::emminent::eminent, imminent
::empirial::empirical, imperial
::Enlish::English, enlist
::erally::orally, really
::erested::arrested, erected
::ethose::those, ethos
::extint::extinct, extant
::eyar::year, eyas
::eyars::years, eyas
::eyasr::years, eyas
::fiel::feel, field, file, phial
::fiels::feels, fields, files, phials
::firts::flirts, first
::fleed::fled, freed
::fo::for, of
::fomr::from, form
::fontrier::fontier, frontier
::fro::for, to and fro, (a)fro
::futhroc::futhark, futhorc
::gae::game, Gael, gale
::gaurd::guard, gourd
::gogin::going, Gauguin
::Guaduloupe::Guadalupe, Guadeloupe
::Guadulupe::Guadalupe, Guadeloupe
::guerrila::guerilla, guerrilla
::guerrilas::guerillas, guerrillas
::haev::have, heave
::Hallowean::Hallowe'en, Halloween
::herad::heard, Hera
::housr::hours, house
::hten::then, hen, the
::htere::there, here
::humer::humor, humour
::humerous::humorous, humourous, humerus
::hvea::have, heave
::idesa::ideas, ides
::imaginery::imaginary, imagery
::imanent::eminent, imminent
::iminent::eminent, imminent, immanent
::indispensable::indispensible ; commonwealth vs US?
::indispensible::indispensable ; commonwealth vs US?
::inheritage::heritage, inheritance
::inspite::in spite, inspire
::interbread::interbreed, interbred
::intered::interred, interned
::inumerable::enumerable, innumerable
::israelies::Israelis, Israelites
::labatory::lavatory, laboratory
::labled::labelled, labeled
::leanr::lean, learn, leaner
::lible::libel, liable
::liscense::license, licence
::lisence::license, licence
::lisense::license, licence
::lonly::lonely, only
::maked::marked, made
::managable::manageable, manageably
::manoeuver::maneuver ; Commonwealth vs US?
::manouver::maneuver, manoeuvre
::manouver::manoeuvre ; Commonwealth vs US?
::manouverability::maneuverability, manoeuvrability, manoeuverability
::manouverable::maneuverable, manoeuvrable
::manouvers::maneuvers, manoeuvres
::manuever::maneuver, manoeuvre
::manuevers::maneuvers, manoeuvres
::mear::wear, mere, mare
::meranda::veranda, Miranda
::mit::mitt, M.I.T., German "with"
::monestary::monastery, monetary
::moreso::more, more so
::muscels::mussels, muscles
::neice::niece, nice
::neigbour::neighbour, neighbor
::neigbouring::neighbouring, neighboring
::neigbours::neighbours, neighbors
::nto:: not ; Replaced with case sensitive for NTO acronym.
::od::do, of
::oging::going, ogling
::onot::note, not
::orgin::origin, organ
::palce::place, palace
::performes::performed, performs
::personel::personnel, personal
::positon::position, positron
::procede::proceed, precede
::proceded::proceeded, preceded
::procedes::proceeds, precedes
::proceding::proceeding, preceding
::profesion::profusion, profession
::progrom::pogrom, program
::progroms::pogroms, programs
::prominately::prominently, predominately
::qtuie::quite, quiet
::qutie::quite, quiet
::relized::realised, realized
::repatition::repetition, repartition
::restraunt::restraint, restaurant
::rigeur::rigueur, rigour, rigor
::sasy::says, sassy
::scholarstic::scholastic, scholarly
::secceeded::seceded, succeeded
::seceed::succeed, secede
::seceeded::succeeded, seceded
::sepulchure::sepulchre, sepulcher
::sepulcre::sepulchre, sepulcher
::shamen::shaman, shamans
::sheat::sheath, sheet, cheat
::shoudln::should, shouldn't
::sieze::seize, size
::siezed::seized, sized
::siezing::seizing, sizing
::sinse::sines, since
::snese::sneeze, sense
::sotyr::satyr, story
::sould::could, should, sold
::speciallized::specialised, specialized
::specif::specific, specify
::spects::aspects, expects
::strat::start, strata
::stroy::story, destroy
::surley::surly, surely
::surrended::surrounded, surrendered
::thast::that, that's
::theather::theater, theatre
::ther::there, their, the
::thse::these, those
::thikning::thinking, thickening
::throught::thought, through, throughout
::tiem::time, Tim
::tiome::time, tome
::tourch::torch, touch
::transcripting::transcribing, transcription
::travelling::traveling ; commonwealth vs US
::troups::troupes, troops
::turnk::turnkey, trunk
::unmanouverable::unmaneuverable, unmanoeuvrable
::unsed::used, unused, unsaid
::vigeur::vigueur, vigour, vigor
::villin::villi, villain, villein
::vistors::visitors, vistas
::wanna::want to - often deliberate
::weild::wield, wild
::wholy::wholly, holy
::wich::which, witch
::withdrawl::withdrawal, withdraw
::woulf::would, wolf
::Yementite::Yemenite, Yemeni
:?:t he:: the ; Can't use this. Needs to be cleverer.
; Capitalise dates
; ::march::March ; Commented out because it matches the common word "march".
; ::may::May ; Commented out because it matches the common word "may".
; Contractions (some duplicated in main list)
; Anything below this point was added to the script by the user via the hotkey.
::at he::at the
::t othe::to the
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ARezaK commented Mar 8, 2019

This feature honestly would make this script perfect: "Hitting backspace after it autocorrects should undo the autocorrection, like it does in other software. Then we can add words like cant and wont that are only rarely used without the apostrophe. Hard to do without modifying AHK?"

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I've been using this with Windows 10, and when I type in touché, I get touché. I've tried to find a solution and I found one by accident. I changed my keyboard layout to United States - International. Doing this allows me to get special characters with keyboard combinations, like é I just type in 'e. Knowing all the combinations, I edit the file to accommodate these. I can't do every special character like this, unless I use Alt+Ctrl. The only downside is when I use special characters, I must press space to get the character by themselves, but that is easy to teach yourself to start doing. I don't know why Windows 10 has this problem but so far is the only solution I see.


This goes over more about the keyboard.

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When using ` in the script for è or other characters, use `` (twice), else it will delete the letter.

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@madcatprime I'm in Windows 10 now too, and when I type touché it correctly changes it to touché. I have default English (United States) keyboard settings. The autocorrect.ahk file is UTF-8-BOM format, and running AutoHotkey v1.1.32.00

I have added many more corrections to my file, I should update this.

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The git history was a mess and included a lot of unvetted corrections so I altered history. Sorry to anyone who was using that...

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Actually I should just move it to GitHub.

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BashTux1 commented Nov 6, 2020


I saw it was not on gitub, and wanted to fork your script there.
I have spent a lot of time on my own version (but but also combined your script as well, with credit given in my readme)

I manually exported every single page on
as there have been many new additions since 2007 when the initial script was made.
Painstakingly, went through all entries and removed non relevant correction / or chose the best correction for my usecase.
the main list increased from some 5880 corrections up to 8139 and counting.

Though it has to be said, I have created my script for predominantly British English, not American.
as stated in my readme.

I only created my git yesterday, and it can probably do with loads of work, and possible UK / American sections for users.

Anyway, just wanted to point out my work on this as well ;)

And thank you for your script, it helped me as well.

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I found a bug where I added a correction that if I type i on it's own it will capitalize it for me. When I type i and hit the spacebar in google chrome it types "iI" instead. I found that if you have any single letter by itself be changed to any other letter it doesn't delete the original letter and adds the new one directly after it. For example. ::j::f will type "jf" but oddly enough, only in the address and search bar of google chrome..

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@narddog1 Yeah it doesn't work well in some other contexts, too, like using X2Go to control a Linux machine remotely.

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I did something similar for transcription. Not sure if it's relevant enough for general use, but I created a similar script based on my AutoCorrect entries a while back as well as put together some for alternating between speakers/auto-inserting common responses -- maybe it'll help someone or be built upon :)

Below script functionality:
[Shift+Tab] = [Return][Return]Q: -- then [tab] over begin text.
Same goes for [Shift+'.'] for speaker A:
Identifiers can easily be modified with find and replace in script, which can then be reloaded for immediate use if recording two speakers etc.

The rest of it is based on abbreviations, pretty straightforward but for ex 'kk' expands to: [return]
Q:[tab] Okay. [Return]
A: [tab] **Begin typing again here

Alternative for A responding 'Okay' = akk in this version. Other standards are pretty easily added -- I haven't had the opportunity to finish them to the degree I would like but it's a little starting point perhaps for someone :D

::allr::{enter}{enter}Q:{tab}All right.{enter}{enter}A:
::ohk::{enter}{enter}Q:{tab}Oh, okay.{enter}{enter}A:
#TAB::send {return}{return}Q1:{TAB}
+TAB::send {return}{return}Q:{TAB}
+<+>::send {return}{return}A:{TAB}
^+q::send ^!x {cliSpboard =} {return}{return}Q:{TAB} ^v {clipboard =}
^+w::send ^!x {clipboard =} {return}{return}Q1:{TAB} ^v {clipboard =}
^+e::send ^!x {clipboard =} {return}{return}A:{TAB} ^v {clipboard =}

::aallr::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}All right.{enter}{enter}Q:
::yesm::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}Yes, maam.{enter}{enter}Q:
::yessi::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}Yes, sir.{enter}{enter}Q:
::nossi::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}No, sir.{enter}{enter}Q:
::nomm::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}No, maam.{enter}{enter}Q:
::anoo::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}No. {enter}{enter}Q:
::ino::{enter}{enter}Q:{tab}I know.{enter}{enter}A:
::aino::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}I know.{enter}{enter}Q:
::idkk::{enter}{enter}Q:{tab}I dont know.{enter}{enter}A:
::aidk::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}I dont know.{enter}{enter}Q:
::idr::{enter}{enter}A:{tab}I dont remember.{enter}{enter}Q:

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Regarding your ToDo

Fix 2 consecutive capitals, but only if they occur at the beginning of a word, within a short period of time

I have found a different approach to the problem which was inspired by this Blog post and mostly solves your ToDo (which has bugged me up until now, too). This approach does, however, not take timing into account, but I don't think this is needed any more.

It uses the function RegExHotstrings() (described here).

RegExHotstrings("\b(\p{Lu})(\p{Lu})(\p{Ll})", "CapsCorrection")

	StringLower, $2, $2
	SendInput, % "{raw}" $1 $2 $3

For some reason, however, \p{Lu} and \p{Ll} (Unicode upper and lowercase) do not match German Umlauts (ÄÖU) in AHK on my system, so I actually settled on the following RegEx:

RegExHotstrings("\b([A-ZÄÖÜ])([A-ZÄÖÜ])([a-zäöü])", "CapsCorrection")

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endolith commented Jan 8, 2022

I still use this script continually, but I don't really notice it or think about it much, it's just become part of how I type. But that means I haven't taken the time to look through the forks or suggestions of improvements. Should I make a proper GitHub repo so people can make pull requests? I think someone actually did that and I haven't taken the time to look at that either ...

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RichardPrincipal commented Sep 9, 2022

For chemistry people.

Then maybe add in symbols to chemical elements so you type in mn it will auto-correct (or maybe say auto-change) to Manganese.
by using lower case M you can type in Mn and it will not auto-correct to Manganese.
I found by using mn+ it will auto-correct to Manganese (Mn)
Iodine gets a bit tricky, because i might auto-correct to I.
You can not use i. because that will go to I. but you can use .i and that will go to Iodine and .i+ will go to Iodine (I)

As F symbol is correct Fluorine (F) and the toxic version is Fluoride.
f could be use for Fluorine, f+ for Fluorine (F)
.f for Fluoride and .f+ for Fluoride (F')

Maybe someone can think of better, faster rules to use.

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oh I have just read line 5517 & 5519 why not use something like may< will change to may, but may will change to May

as I said in the post above or tried to imply, we need one rule , not many rules to make it easy not confusing

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Is there a version of this script for V2 of AHK? I tried to make a version for V2 and above but was unable to do so.

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@rkingett No, I don't have one.

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Im not sure I get how to use this. I executed it, its running, its in systray and then I press WIN+A, I've even tried WIN+H and that just bring up regular windows dication but nothing else happens. I try typoing in various fields like notepad++ and nothing gets corrected, what am I doing wrong?

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endolith commented Sep 5, 2023

@Skettalee If it's running, you should be able to type aweosme into Notepad++ and then when you press spacebar, it should automatically backspace and replace it with awesome.

To add new words to your correction list, you highlight the misspelling, then press Win+A, and it will pop up a window with a string ::wrod::wrod and you replace the second with the correct spelling ::wrod::word and then press "OK".

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rkingett commented Sep 5, 2023

If anybody is using V2, like I am, and wants this script for V2, the below form post has an updated autocorrect for V2.

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