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Created August 2, 2019 19:28
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two variations of Condorcet-Schulze voting algorithms [by Russ Paielli]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# alpha release 2005-02-04
# This python script by Russ Paielli implements two variations of
# Condorcet-Schulze voting algorithms and provides associated
# input/output utilities. To try it, type
# <input> <output>
# where <input> is the input file, and <output> is the output file. The
# command-line arguments are optional. If <output> is omitted, the
# output will go to the standard output. If <input> is omitted, the
# input will come from the standard input. A valid input file specifies
# the pairwise voting matrix in the following format:
# .SUM Smith: 0 44 83
# .SUM Jones: 49 0 29
# .SUM Brown: 93 75 0
# Note that the ".SUM" keyword must start in the first column, otherwise
# spacing and column alignment is arbitrary. The column ordering
# corresponds to the row ordering. For example, Smith got 44 votes over
# Jones, and Brown got 93 votes over Smith in the example above. This
# format is the standard output format of GVI: The Graphical Voter
# Interface <>. This script can also
# handle the standard GVI format for full candidate names and parties.
# This script can be used interactively by omitting the input file and
# entering the pairwise matrix from the standard input (usually the
# keyboard). In that case, the .SUM keywords must be omitted, and the
# completed pairwise matrix is entered by typing "<control>-d" (hold
# down the "control" key and type "d", without quotes).
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
from sys import exit, argv, stdin, stdout
def CondorcetSchulze ( PairMat, output=stdout, debug=0 ):
"Condorcet-Schulze voting algorithm"
# Markus Schulze, "A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent
# Single-Winner Election Method," Voting Matters, issue 17, p. 9-19,
# Oct 2003.
# This function does NOT measure pairwise defeats of equal magnitude
# by a secondary metric of margin of defeat. Although this function
# is simpler than the "CondorcetSchulze2" function below, the latter
# is recommended for small committee elections.
# PairMat: pairwise voting matrix (input)
# PairMat[i,j]: number of votes ranking candidate i over candidate j
if debug: printPairMat ( PairMat, output, "input matrix:")
nc = PairMat['nc'] # number of candidates
pmat = PairMat.copy() # "p" matrix in Schulze paper
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
pmat[i,j] = PairMat[i,j] - PairMat[j,i]
if debug: printPairMat ( pmat, output, "p matrix:")
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
if i == j: continue
for k in range(nc):
if i == k: continue
if j == k: continue
s = min ( pmat[j,i], pmat[i,k] )
if pmat[j,k] < s: pmat[j,k] = s
if debug: printPairMat ( pmat, output, "p after Floyd algorithm:")
win={} # array for potential winners (plural if tied)
for i in range(nc):
win[i] = 1
for j in range(nc):
if pmat[j,i] > pmat[i,j]: win[i] = 0
winners=[] # a list containing the winner (or winners if tied)
for i in range(nc):
if win[i] == 1: winners.append ( PairMat['cand',i] )
return winners
def CondorcetSchulze2 ( PairMat, output=stdout, debug=0 ):
"Condorcet-Schulze voting algorithm"
# Markus Schulze, "A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent
# Single-Winner Election Method," Voting Matters, issue 17, p. 9-19,
# Oct 2003.
# This function measures pairwise defeats of equal magnitude by a
# secondary metric of margin of defeat. Although more complicated
# than the "CondorcetSchulze" function above, this function is
# preferable for small committee elections.
# PairMat: pairwise voting matrix (input)
# PairMat[i,j]: number of votes ranking candidate i over candidate j
if debug: printPairMat ( PairMat, output, "input matrix:")
nc = PairMat['nc'] # number of candidates
p1 = PairMat.copy() # "p1" matrix in Schulze paper
p2 = PairMat.copy() # "p2" matrix in Schulze paper
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
p2[i,j] = PairMat[i,j] - PairMat[j,i]
if PairMat[i,j] > PairMat[j,i]: p1[i,j] = PairMat[i,j]
if PairMat[i,j] <= PairMat[j,i]: p1[i,j] = -1
if debug: printPairMat ( p1, output, "p1 matrix:")
if debug: printPairMat ( p2, output, "p2 matrix:")
for i in range(nc):
for j in range(nc):
if i == j: continue
for k in range(nc):
if i == k: continue
if j == k: continue
s = p1[j,i]
t = p2[j,i]
if p1[i,k] <= s and p2[i,k] < t:
s = p1[i,k]
t = p2[i,k]
if p1[j,k] <= s and p2[j,k] < t:
p1[j,k] = s
p2[j,k] = t
if debug: printPairMat ( p1, output, "p1 after Floyd algorithm:")
if debug: printPairMat ( p2, output, "p2 after Floyd algorithm:")
win={} # array for potential winners (plural if tied)
for i in range(nc):
win[i] = 1
for j in range(nc):
if p1[j,i] > p1[i,j]: win[i] = 0
if p1[j,i] == p1[i,j] and p2[j,i] > p2[i,j]: win[i] = 0
winners=[] # a list containing the winner (or winners if tied)
for i in range(nc):
if win[i] == 1: winners.append ( PairMat['cand',i] )
return winners
def readPairMat ( input=stdin ): # read pairwise matrix
"read pairwise matrix and candidate names"
PairMat = { 'title': None, 'nc': 0, 'fullnames': 0 }
nc = 0 # number of candidates (to be determined)
i = 0 # pairwise matrix row index
k = 0 # candidate name index
while 1:
line = input.readline()
if len(line) == 0: # end of file
if i == 0: exit ("error: data (or .SUM keyword) not found")
if i < nc: exit ("error: more columns than rows")
if line.startswith (".TITLE "):
PairMat['title'] = line
if line.startswith (".CANDIDATE "):
PairMat['fullnames'] = 1
PairMat['candidate',k] = line
line = line.replace ( ".CANDIDATE ", "", 1 ) # strip ".CANDIDATE"
row = line.split(":",1)
if len(row) != 2:
exit ("error: missing colon after candidate name")
cand = row[0].strip()
name = row[1].strip()
PairMat['cand',k] = cand # store candidate name (or code)
PairMat['name',k] = name
PairMat['fullname',cand] = name
PairMat[cand] = k
k += 1
if != "<stdin>":
if not line.startswith (".SUM "): continue
row = line.split() # split line into a list
if row[0] == ".SUM": del row[0] # delete ".SUM" keyword
if row[0][-1:] != ":":
exit ("error: missing colon after candidate name")
cand = row[0][:-1]
PairMat['cand',i] = cand # store candidate name (or code)
if PairMat['fullnames']:
if not PairMat.has_key(cand):
exit ("error: data given for unlisted candidate")
if PairMat[cand] != i:
exit ("error: candidate listed out of order")
else: PairMat['fullname',cand] = cand
del row[0]
if nc == 0:
nc = len(row)
PairMat['nc'] = nc
if len(row) != nc: exit ("error: wrong number of columns")
if i >= nc: exit ("error: more rows than columns")
for j in range(nc): PairMat[i,j] = int(row[j])
if PairMat[i,i] != 0: exit ("error: nonzero diagonal element")
i += 1
return PairMat
def printPairMat ( PairMat, output=stdout, label="Pairwise Matrix:"):
"print pairwise voting matrix"
nc = PairMat['nc'] # number of candidates
print label
for i in range(nc):
print >> output, ""
print >> output, "%12s: " % PairMat['cand',i],
for j in range(nc):
print >> output, "%4i " % PairMat[i,j],
print >> output, "\n"
def printResults ( winners, output=stdout ):
if PairMat['title']: print >> output, PairMat['title']
if PairMat['fullnames']:
for i in range(PairMat['nc']):
print PairMat['candidate',i],
printPairMat ( PairMat )
if len(winners) == 1:
print >> output, ".WINNER", PairMat['fullname',winners[0]]
for winner in winners: print >> output, ".TIE", winner
print >> output
if __name__ == '__main__': # test driver
input = stdin
output = stdout
if len(argv) > 1: input = open ( argv[1] )
if len(argv) > 2: output = open ( argv[2],"w")
PairMat = readPairMat ( input )
printResults ( CondorcetSchulze ( PairMat, output, 1 ), output )
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