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Created December 8, 2018 19:47
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Implementação do A* em python
import random, signal,sys, time, heapq
from PIL import Image
size = int(sys.argv[1])
maze = [[0 for x in range (size)] for y in range(size)] #maze é glob
def createmaze():
image ="RGB", (size,size))
pixels = image.load()
#direcoes de movimento
dx=[0,1,0,-1] #movimentacao no eixo x
# =[S,E,N,W]
dy=[-1,0,1,0] #movimentacao no eixo y
color=[(0,0,0), (255,255,255), (0,255,0)]
#primeira celula:
cx = 0; cy = 0
maze[0][0] = 1 #marca a primeira celula
maze[size-1][size-1] = 2 #tagando a ultima celula
stack = [(cx,cy,0)] #pos x, pos y, dir
while len(stack)>0:
dirRange = range(4)
(cx,cy,cd) = stack[-1]
vizinhos_livres=[] #lista de vizinhos disponiveis
for i in dirRange: #procurando nas 4 direcoes
nx = cx+dx[i] ; ny = cy+dy[i] #nx e ny sao as coord do no candidato
#print("Looking at ("+str(nx)+","+str(ny)+")")
if nx >=0 and nx<size and ny>=0 and ny<size:
if maze[ny][nx]==0: #se a celula estiver livre
vizinhos_ocupados = 0 #numero de vizinhos ocupados deve ser 1
for j in range(4):#procurando vizinhos nas 4 direcoes
vizinho_x = nx+dx[j]; vizinho_y = ny+dy[j] #ex sao os vizinhos do no candidato
# print("Looking at ("+str(vizinho_x)+","+str(vizinho_y)+")")
if vizinho_x>=0 and vizinho_x<size and vizinho_y>=0 and vizinho_y<size:
if maze[vizinho_y][vizinho_x] ==1: vizinhos_ocupados+=1
if vizinhos_ocupados == 1: nlst.append(i)
#se tiver um ou mais vizinhos livres, escolhe um aleatorio
if len(nlst)>0:
ir = nlst[random.randint(0,len(nlst)-1)]
cx += dx[ir]; cy+=dy[ir]; maze[cy][cx]=1
#print("Walking to ("+str(cx)+","+str(cy)+")")
for ky in range(size):
for kx in range(size):
pixels[kx, ky] = color[maze[size * ky / size][size * kx / size]]"Maze.png", "PNG")
class Cell(object):
def __init__ (self,x,y,reachable):
self.reachable = reachable
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.g = 0
self.h = 0
self.f = 0
self.parent = None
# G -> custo de ir da celula inicial a destino
# H -> custo de ir a uma celula qualquer ao destino
# F = G + H
class Aestrela(Cell):
def __init__(self):
self.aberto = []
self.fechado = set()
self.cells = []
## buscar as celulas parede
def calculo_h (self,cell):
return 10 * abs(cell.x-self.end.x) + abs(cell.y - self.end.y)
def get_path(self, maze):
cell = self.end
path = [(cell.x, cell.y)]
while cell.parent is not self.start:
cell = cell.parent
path.append((cell.x, cell.y))
path.append((self.start.x, self.start.y))
for x in range(len(path)):
return path
def atualiza_g_h(self, adjacente, cell):
adjacente.g = cell.g + 10
adjacente.h = self.calculo_h(adjacente)
adjacente.parent = cell
adjacente.f = adjacente.h + adjacente.g
def paint():
image ="Maze.png") #manipula a imagem da solucao
pixels = image.load()
color = [(0,0,0),(255,255,255),(0,255,0),(0,0,255), (255,0,0)]#parede, caminho, inico, percorrido, fim
for ky in range(size):
for kx in range(size):
pixels[kx, ky] = color[run[size * ky / size][size * kx / size]]"Solution_" + str(size) + "x" + str(size) + ".png", "PNG")
def solvemaze(astar,start,end):
#Coloca a celula inicial no heap:
current_cell = start
astar.aberto = [start]
while len(astar.aberto):
current_cell = astar.aberto.pop(0)
print("evaluating ("+str(current_cell.x)+","+str(current_cell.y)+")")
if Cell is end:
#captura adjacentes
adj_cells = [astar.cells[(current_cell.x+1)* size + current_cell.y],
astar.cells[(current_cell.x)* size + current_cell.y - 1],
astar.cells[(current_cell.x-1)* size + current_cell.y],
astar.cells[current_cell.x * size + current_cell.y + 1]]
for adj_cell in adj_cells:
print("considering cell ("+str(adj_cell.x)+"),("+str(adj_cell.y)+")")
if adj_cell.reachable and adj_cell not in astar.fechado: # se nao estiver nos fechados
if (adj_cell.f, adj_cell) in astar.aberto: # confere se eh melhor do que antes
astar.atualiza_g_h(adj_cell, current_cell)
print (str(current_cel)l)
astar.aberto.sort(reverse = False, key= int(current_cell.f))
def main():
print("Lets RUN!")
start = Cell(0,0,True) #comeca na celula 0,0
end = Cell(size-1,size-1, True)
cells = [start]
abertas = [start]
for xx in range(size):
for yy in range(size):
if maze[yy][xx] == 0:
reachable = False
else: reachable = True
cells.append(Cell(xx,yy,reachable)) #instancia a classe
labirinto = Aestrela()
labirinto.cells = cells
labirinto.aberto = abertas
cells[len(cells)-1] = end
for i in range(len(cells)):
print("("+str(cells[i].x)+","+str(cells[i].y)+"), "+str(cells[i].reachable))
#todas as celulas que sao cell.reachable == true
# entram na lista de celulas abertas. self.aberto()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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