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Created November 18, 2014 02:44
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Protractor issue #1511
'use strict';
(function () {
var Global = function () {
// GETTER elements: navbar
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Returns the regisration button located in the navbar]
this.getNavBarRegistrationButton = function () {
return element(by.css('.navbar #sign-up-navbar > #navbar-registration-button'));
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Returns the login button located in the navbar]
this.getNavBarLoginButton = function () {
return element(by.css('.navbar .vertical-middle #navbar-login-button'));
// GETTER elements: navbar:dropdown
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Returns the dropdown menu located in the navbar]
this.getNavBarDropDownMenu = function () {
return element(by.css('.user-menu .dropdown-toggle'));
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Returns the logout button located in the navbar]
this.getNavBarDropDownLogoutButton = function () {
return element(by.css('.user-menu .dropdown-menu #logout-link'));
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Return the text input from the landing page]
this.getLandingAlbumCodeIndex = function () {
return element.all(by.css('input[id="input_album_code"]')).get(0);
* @return {[ElementFinder]} [Return the Enter Album button from the landing page]
this.getLandingAlbumCodeButton = function () {
return element.all(by.css('button[id="album-code"]')).get(0);
// ACTIONS: global
* [open Makes the browser open the @param url]
* @param {[String]} url [Url relative to the 'baseUrl' specified in protractor settings file and make the browser wait until the Angular page has been rendered.]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise]} [Promise that that the Angular page has been rendered and there's no more $http calls outstanding.]
*/ = function (url) { // url is relative not absolute!
return browser.waitForAngular();
* [logout using the UI.]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>]} [Return a promise that is solved when the user is actually logged out.]
this.logout = function () {
var self = this;
// open the dropdown menu
// wait the dropdown opening i.e., the logout button is showed
browser.wait(function () {
return self.getNavBarDropDownLogoutButton().isDisplayed();
// request a logout
// wait until i'm logged out i.e. i see the login button in the navbar
return browser.wait(function () {
return self.getNavBarLoginButton().isDisplayed();
* [checkRedirection Check, within the timout time, if the url matches the targetRegex. This function should work also on non-angular windows since it uses browser.driver instead of browser, if some problem is noticed with angular apps please introduce a flag to specifiy if use broser or broswer.driver.]
* @param {[regex]} targetRegex [Should describe the target url.]
* @param {[Object]} timeout [Timeout for the redirection.]
* @param {[String]} message [Should describe what redirection we're perfoming.]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>]} [Returns a solved promise if the URL match with the regex]
this.checkRedirection = function (targetRegex, timeout, message) {
return browser.driver.wait(function() {
return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return targetRegex.test(url); // look for a match of the regex /profile/ in the 'url'
}, timeout, message);
* [selectWindow Focus the browser to the index window. Implementation by]
* @param {[Object]} index [Is the index of the window. E.g., 0=browser, 1=FBpopup]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>]} [Promise resolved when the index window is focused.]
this.selectWindow = function (index) {
// wait for handels[index] to exists
browser.driver.wait(function() {
return browser.driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
* Assume that handles.length >= 1 and index >=0.
* So when i call selectWindow(index) i return
* true if handles contains that window.
if(handles.length > index) {
return true;
// here i know that the requested window exists
// switch to the window
return browser.driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
return browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[index]);
* [fillLandingAlbumCode Fill the simpel form in the langindpage using a public album code.]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>]} [Promise solved when the button is enabled.]
this.fillLandingAlbumCode = function () {
var self = this;
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
return browser.wait(function () {
return self.getLandingAlbumCodeButton().isEnabled();
* [confirmAlbumCodeInsert Send to the sistem the form by clicking the button and checking for redirection. ]
* @return {[see this.checkRedirection()]} [Promise solved when the redirection to the album url is performed.]
this.confirmAlbumCodeInsert = function() {
return this.checkRedirection(/album/, 7000, 'Redirection to album page after Album Code insert not perfomed.');
module.exports = function() {
return new Global();
'use strict';
(function () {
var Registration = function (global) {
// GETTER elements: modal:registration
this.getRegistrationModal = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal'));
this.getRegistrationUserName = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal form[name="regForm"] #input_last_name'));
this.getRegistrationUserEmail = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal form[name="regForm"] #input_email'));
this.getRegistrationUserPwd = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal form[name="regForm"] #input_password'));
this.getRegistrationUserPwdConfirm = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal form[name="regForm"] #input_confirm_password'));
this.getRegistrationRegisterButton = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal #registrationModal form[name="regForm"] .modal-footer > #modal-register-button'));
this.getRegistrationCloseButton = function () {
return element(by.css('#registrationModalView.modal #registrationModal form[name="regForm"] .modal-footer > #modal-close-button'));
// ACTIONS: registration
* [openRegistrationModal Open the regisration modal using the navbar button]
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>]} [Promise that the regisration modal is displayed]
this.openRegistrationModal = function () {
var self = this;
// open the regisration modal
// wait for the modal to be displayed
return browser.wait(function () {
return self.getRegistrationModal().isDisplayed();
* [fillSignUpForm Fill the signup form with the provided parameters.]
* @param {[String]} name []
* @param {[String]} email []
* @param {[String]} pwd []
* @param {[String]} pwdConfirm []
* @return {[!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>]} [Promise solved when the register button is enablead, i.e., when the form is correctly fulfilled (according angular logic)]
this.fillSignUpForm = function (name, email, pwd, pwdConfirm) {
var self = this;
// fill form
// when the register button is enablead means that form is fulfilled
return browser.wait(function () {
return self.getRegistrationRegisterButton().isEnabled();
* [confirmRegistration Confirm the registration sending the form to the system.]
* @return {[look global.checkRedirection()]} [Promise solved when the registration has been completed]
this.confirmRegistration = function () {
return global.checkRedirection(/profile/, 7000, 'redirection after regisration not performed');
module.exports = function(global) {
return new Registration(global);
'use strict';
var Global = require('./page_object/global.js');
var Registration = require('./page_object/registration.js');
describe('Registration', function(){
// '' domain emails will be deleted by a script
var rndEmail = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 13).concat('');
var global = Global();
var registration = Registration(global);
afterEach(function () {
it('correct form signup', function () {'/view');
registration.fillSignUpForm('soLongQuiteUncommon', rndEmail, 'a', 'a');
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