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Last active November 15, 2021 12:59
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const ROOT_ID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
* Miniature implementation of a subset of Automerge. Supports the following:
* - only map, list, and primitive datatypes (no table, text, counter, or date objects)
* - no undo/redo
* - no conflicts on concurrent updates to the same field (uses last-writer-wins instead)
* - no API for creating new changes (you need to create change objects yourself)
* - no buffering of changes that are missing their causal dependencies
* - no saving or loading in serialised form
* - relies on object mutation (no immutability)
class Micromerge {
constructor() {
this.byActor = {} // map from actorId to array of changes
this.byObjId = {[ROOT_ID]: {}} // objects, keyed by the ID of the operation that created the object
this.metadata = {[ROOT_ID]: {}} // map from objID to object with CRDT metadata for each object field
get root() {
return this.byObjId[ROOT_ID]
* Updates the document state by applying the change object `change`, in the format documented here:
applyChange(change) {
// Check that the change's dependencies are met
const lastSeq = this.byActor[] ? this.byActor[].length : 0
if (change.seq !== lastSeq + 1) {
throw new RangeError(`Expected sequence number ${lastSeq + 1}, got ${change.seq}`)
for (let [actor, dep] of Object.entries(change.deps || {})) {
if (!this.byActor[actor] || this.byActor[actor].length < dep) {
throw new RangeError(`Missing dependency: change ${dep} by actor ${actor}`)
if (!this.byActor[]) this.byActor[] = []
change.ops.forEach((op, index) => {
this.applyOp(Object.assign({opId: `${change.startOp + index}@${}`}, op))
* Updates the document state with one of the operations from a change.
applyOp(op) {
if (!this.metadata[op.obj]) throw new RangeError(`Object does not exist: ${op.obj}`)
if (op.action === 'makeMap') {
this.byObjId[op.opId] = {}
this.metadata[op.opId] = {}
} else if (op.action === 'makeList') {
this.byObjId[op.opId] = []
this.metadata[op.opId] = []
} else if (op.action !== 'set' && op.action !== 'del') {
throw new RangeError(`Unsupported operation type: ${op.action}`)
if (Array.isArray(this.metadata[op.obj])) {
if (op.insert) this.applyListInsert(op); else this.applyListUpdate(op)
} else if (!this.metadata[op.obj][op.key] || this.compareOpIds(this.metadata[op.obj][op.key], op.opId)) {
this.metadata[op.obj][op.key] = op.opId
if (op.action === 'del') {
delete this.byObjId[op.obj][op.key]
} else if (op.action.startsWith('make')) {
this.byObjId[op.obj][op.key] = this.byObjId[op.opId]
} else {
this.byObjId[op.obj][op.key] = op.value
* Applies a list insertion operation.
applyListInsert(op) {
const meta = this.metadata[op.obj]
const value = op.action.startsWith('make') ? this.byObjId[op.opId] : op.value
let {index, visible} =
(op.key === '_head') ? {index: -1, visible: 0} : this.findListElement(op.obj, op.key)
if (index >= 0 && !meta[index].deleted) visible++
while (index < meta.length && this.compareOpIds(op.opId, meta[index].elemId)) {
if (!meta[index].deleted) visible++
meta.splice(index, 0, {elemId: op.opId, valueId: op.opId, deleted: false})
this.byObjId[op.obj].splice(visible, 0, value)
* Applies a list element update (setting the value of a list element, or deleting a list element).
applyListUpdate(op) {
const {index, visible} = this.findListElement(op.obj, op.key)
const meta = this.metadata[op.obj][index]
if (op.action === 'del') {
if (!meta.deleted) this.byObjId[op.obj].splice(visible, 1)
meta.deleted = true
} else if (this.compareOpIds(meta.valueId, op.opId)) {
if (!meta.deleted) {
this.byObjId[op.obj][visible] = op.action.startsWith('make') ? this.byObjId[op.opId] : op.value
meta.valueId = op.opId
* Searches for the list element with ID `elemId` in the object with ID `objId`. Returns an object
* `{index, visible}` where `index` is the index of the element in the metadata array, and
* `visible` is the number of non-deleted elements that precede the specified element.
findListElement(objectId, elemId) {
let index = 0, visible = 0, meta = this.metadata[objectId]
while (index < meta.length && meta[index].elemId !== elemId) {
if (!meta[index].deleted) visible++
if (index === meta.length) throw new RangeError(`List element not found: ${op.key}`)
return {index, visible}
* Compares two operation IDs in the form `counter@actor`. Returns true if `id1` has a lower counter
* than `id2`, or if the counter values are the same and `id1` has an actorId that sorts
* lexicographically before the actorId of `id2`.
compareOpIds(id1, id2) {
const regex = /^([0-9.]+)@(.*)$/
const match1 = regex.exec(id1), match2 = regex.exec(id2)
const counter1 = parseFloat(match1[1]), counter2 = parseFloat(match2[1])
return (counter1 < counter2) || (counter1 === counter2 && match1[2] < match2[2])
/********** TESTS *************/
const assert = require('assert')
const change1 = {actor: '1234', seq: 1, deps: {}, startOp: 1, ops: [
{action: 'set', obj: ROOT_ID, key: 'title', insert: false, value: 'Hello'},
{action: 'makeList', obj: ROOT_ID, key: 'tags', insert: false},
{action: 'set', obj: '2@1234', key: '_head', insert: true, value: 'foo'}
const change2 = {actor: '1234', seq: 2, deps: {}, startOp: 4, ops: [
{action: 'set', obj: ROOT_ID, key: 'title', insert: false, value: 'Hello 1'},
{action: 'set', obj: '2@1234', key: '3@1234', insert: true, value: 'bar'},
{action: 'del', obj: '2@1234', key: '3@1234', insert: false}
const change3 = {actor: 'abcd', seq: 1, deps: {'1234': 1}, startOp: 4, ops: [
{action: 'set', obj: ROOT_ID, key: 'title', insert: false, value: 'Hello 2'},
{action: 'set', obj: '2@1234', key: '3@1234', insert: true, value: 'baz'}
let doc1 = new Micromerge(), doc2 = new Micromerge()
for (let c of [change1, change2, change3]) doc1.applyChange(c)
for (let c of [change1, change3, change2]) doc2.applyChange(c)
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1.root, {title: 'Hello 2', tags: ['baz', 'bar']})
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2.root, {title: 'Hello 2', tags: ['baz', 'bar']})
const change4 = {actor: '2345', seq: 1, deps: {}, startOp: 1, ops: [
{action: 'makeList', obj: ROOT_ID, key: 'todos', insert: false},
{action: 'set', obj: '1@2345', key: '_head', insert: true, value: 'Task 1'},
{action: 'set', obj: '1@2345', key: '2@2345', insert: true, value: 'Task 2'}
let doc3 = new Micromerge()
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3.root, {todos: ['Task 1', 'Task 2']})
const change5 = {actor: '2345', seq: 2, deps: {}, startOp: 4, ops: [
{action: 'del', obj: '1@2345', key: '2@2345', insert: false},
{action: 'set', obj: '1@2345', key: '3@2345', insert: true, value: 'Task 3'}
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3.root, {todos: ['Task 2', 'Task 3']})
const change6 = {actor: '2345', seq: 3, deps: {}, startOp: 6, ops: [
{action: 'del', obj: '1@2345', key: '3@2345', insert: false},
{action: 'set', obj: '1@2345', key: '5@2345', insert: false, value: 'Task 3b'},
{action: 'set', obj: '1@2345', key: '5@2345', insert: true, value: 'Task 4'}
assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3.root, {todos: ['Task 3b', 'Task 4']})
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