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Created December 6, 2016 13:22
class EntryStatus
include Comparable
class NotValidEntryStatus < StandardError; end
weather: %w(Sunny Rainy Windy Dry),
landform: %w(Beach Cliff Desert Flat)
attr_reader :weather, :landform
def initialize(weather, landform)
@weather, @landform = weather, landform
def <=>(other)
weather == && landform == other.landform
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shouldn't the <=> method return a -1, 0, or 1 instead of true or false?

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btw, thank you for the great article!

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jfnixon commented Dec 22, 2016

Yeah, you must implement <=> for Comparable, but there is no obvious sort order for EntryStatus instances to determine whether to return 1 or -1. If you try to sort EntryStatus instances, there might be problems.

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