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Last active December 29, 2015 02:05
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internal extension CollectionType where Index: BidirectionalIndexType {
internal func _lastIndexOf(@noescape isElement: Generator.Element -> Bool) -> Index? {
for i in indices.reverse()
where isElement(self[i]) {
return i
return nil
internal extension CollectionType where Index: BidirectionalIndexType, Generator.Element: Equatable {
internal func _lastIndexOf(element: Generator.Element) -> Index? {
return _lastIndexOf { e in e == element }
public extension String {
/// Retake on "lastPathComponent" and "pathExtension"
/// but a little more general in behavior
/// - Authors: aciidb, erica, oisdk, with space-assist from jweinberg
public func suffixFrom(
boundary: Character,
searchingBackwards backwards: Bool = true,
includingBoundary include: Bool = false) -> String {
guard let i = backwards ?
characters._lastIndexOf(boundary) :
else { return self }
return String(characters.suffixFrom(include ? i : i.successor()))
/// Alternative to lastPathComponent, pathExtension
/// but taking prefix instead of suffix
/// - Authors: aciidb, erica, oisdk, with space-assist from jweinberg
public func prefixTo(
boundary: Character,
searchingForwards forwards: Bool = true,
includingBoundary include: Bool = false) -> String {
guard let i = forwards ?
characters.indexOf(boundary) :
else { return self }
return String(include ? characters.prefixThrough(i) : characters.prefixUpTo(i))
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