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Created November 7, 2016 20:00
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/// Exponentiation operator
infix operator **
extension IntegerArithmetic {
/// Returns base ^^ exp
/// - parameter base: the base value
/// - parameter exp: the exponentiation value
static func **(base: Self, exp: Int) -> Self {
return repeatElement(base, count: exp).reduce(1 as! Self, *)
public struct LaundryOptions: OptionSet, CustomStringConvertible {
public var rawValue: Int { return _rawValue }
public init(rawValue: Int) { self._rawValue = rawValue }
private let _rawValue: Int // not assignable publicly
/// Backing string-based flag enumeration
private enum LaundryFlags: String {
case lowWater, lowHeat, gentleCycle, tumbleDry
// Returns [hash: rawValue] dictionary
static var memberDict: Dictionary<Int, String> = [lowWater, lowHeat, gentleCycle, tumbleDry].reduce([:]) {
var dict = $0; dict[$1.hashValue] = "\($1)"; return dict
// Simple flags are built from built-shifted enumeration hash values
public static let lowWater = LaundryOptions(rawValue: 1 << LaundryFlags.lowWater.hashValue)
public static let lowHeat = LaundryOptions(rawValue: 1 << LaundryFlags.lowHeat.hashValue)
public static let gentleCycle = LaundryOptions(rawValue: 1 << LaundryFlags.gentleCycle.hashValue)
public static let tumbleDry = LaundryOptions(rawValue: 1 << LaundryFlags.tumbleDry.hashValue)
// Compound sets cannot be initialized with strings
// as their math cannot be established from positions
public static let energyStar: LaundryOptions = [.lowWater, .lowHeat]
public static let gentleStar: LaundryOptions = energyStar.union(gentleCycle)
// String based initialization
public init(strings: [String]) {
let set: LaundryOptions = strings
.flatMap({ LaundryFlags(rawValue: $0) }) // to enumeration
.map({ 1 << $0.hashValue }) // to Int, to flag
.flatMap({ LaundryOptions(rawValue: $0) }) // to option set
.reduce([]) { $0.union($1) } // joined
_rawValue = set.rawValue
/// returns set members as strings
public var description: String {
let members = LaundryFlags.memberDict.reduce([]) {
return (rawValue & 1 << $1.key) != 0
? $0 + [$1.value] : $0
return members.joined(separator: ", ")
let array = ["gentleCycle", "tumbleDry"]
let optionSet = LaundryOptions(strings: array) // gentleCycle, tumbleDry
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