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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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import Cocoa
// See
extension Array {
var first : Element? {return self.count > 0 ? self[0] : nil}
var last : Element? {return self.count > 0 ? self[self.count - 1] : nil}
var random : Element? {return self.count > 0 ? self[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count)))] : nil}
mutating func scramble() {
let halfCount : Int = self.count / 2
let count = self.count
for i in 0..halfCount {
var r = i + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i)))
swap(&self[i], &self[r])
// MARK: Return the element that wins the test
func testBy<U : Comparable>(
testClosure : (testValue: U, currentValue: U) -> Bool,
processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> Element?
if self.count == 0 {return nil}
var winningValue : U = processingClosure(self[0])
var winningElement = self[0]
for item : Element in self {
var itemValue : U = processingClosure(item)
if testClosure(testValue:itemValue, currentValue:winningValue){
winningValue = itemValue
winningElement = item
return winningElement
func maxBy<U : Comparable>(processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> Element? {
var test = {(a:U, b:U) -> Bool in return a > b}
return self.testBy(test, processingClosure)
func minBy<U : Comparable>(processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> Element? {
var test = {(a:U, b:U) -> Bool in return a < b}
return self.testBy(test, processingClosure)
// MARK: Return the value that wins the test
func testValue<U : Comparable>(
testClosure : (testValue: U, currentValue: U) -> Bool,
processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> U?
if self.count == 0 {return nil}
var winningValue : U = processingClosure(self[0])
for item : Element in self {
var itemValue : U = processingClosure(item)
if testClosure(testValue:itemValue, currentValue:winningValue){
winningValue = itemValue
return winningValue
func maxValue<U : Comparable>(processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> U? {
var test = {(a:U, b:U) -> Bool in return a > b}
return self.testValue(test, processingClosure)
func minValue<U : Comparable>(processingClosure: (Element) -> U) -> U? {
var test = {(a:U, b:U) -> Bool in return a < b}
return self.testValue(test, processingClosure)
// let b = list.reduce(0) { max($0, $1)}
// MARK: test across
func all(processingClosure: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
if self.count == 0 {return false} // or should this be trivially true?
for item : Element in self {
if (!processingClosure(item)) {return false}
return true
func any(processingClosure: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
if self.count == 0 {return false}
for item : Element in self {
if (processingClosure(item)) {return true}
return false
// I need to understand chunk better
// MARK: Choose, select
func collect(processingClosure: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element[] {
var results = Element[]()
for item : Element in self {
if (processingClosure(item)) {results += item}
return results
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