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Last active December 19, 2015 14:34
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Erica Sadun,
Basic Errors
import Foundation
/// A basic utility error type that stores the reason for
/// a failed operation and the context under which the error
/// has occurred
public struct CoreError: ErrorType {
let (reason, context) : (String, String)
public init(
_ reason: String,
_ context: String = __FILE__)
(self.reason, self.context) = (reason, context)
/// By adopting Contextualizable, constructs can build errors
/// specific to their calling conditions
public protocol Contextualizable {}
/// Adding default implementation for error building
public extension Contextualizable {
/// Creates a context error at the point of failure, picking
/// up the file, function, and line of the error event
public func BuildContextError(
items: Any...,
file: String = (__FILE__ as NSString).lastPathComponent,
function: String = __FUNCTION__,
line: Int = __LINE__
) -> CoreError
let reasons ={"\($0)"}).joinWithSeparator(", ")
let context = "\(function):\(self.dynamicType):\(file):\(line) "
return CoreError(reasons, context)
/// A lighter weight alternative to Contextualizable that still
/// picks up file and line context for error handling
/// - param items: Caller can supply zero or more instances as "reasons", which
/// need not be strings. Their default representation will be added
/// to the 'reasons' list.
public func ContextError(
items: Any...,
file: String = (__FILE__ as NSString).lastPathComponent,
line: Int = __LINE__
) -> CoreError
let reasons ={"\($0)"}).joinWithSeparator(", ")
let context = "\(file):\(line) "
return CoreError(reasons, context)
/// Replacement for `try?` that introduces printing for
/// error conditions instead of discarding those errors
/// - Parameter shouldCrash: defaults to false. When set to true
/// will raise a fatal error, emulating try! instead of try?
/// ```swift
/// attempt {
/// let mgr = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
/// try mgr.createDirectoryAtPath(
/// "/Users/notarealuser",
/// withIntermediateDirectories: true,
/// attributes: nil)
/// }
public func attempt<T>(
line line: Int = __LINE__,
shouldCrash: Bool = false,
closure: () throws -> T
) -> T?
do {
/// Return executes only if closure succeeds
return try closure()
} catch {
/// Emulate try! by crashing
if shouldCrash {
print("Fatal error on line \(line): \(error)")
/// Force print and return nil like try?
print("Error \(line): \(error)")
return nil
/// Alternative to attempt that ignores any results and returns
/// a Boolean value indicating success
public func testAttempt<T>(
line line: Int = __LINE__,
shouldCrash: Bool = false,
closure: () throws -> T
) -> Bool
/// Throw away result but check for non-nil. Thanks nuclearace
return attempt(
line: line,
shouldCrash: shouldCrash,
closure: closure) == nil ? false : true
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digimkr commented Dec 11, 2015

<My goals are:

Greatest readability and clarity of intent
Easiest modification
Space for commenting where needed>

You have achieved your goals!

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ghost commented Dec 12, 2015

On Linux we need 'import Glibc' for 'abort()'.

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Some off the top of my head:

Greatest readability and clarity of intent

Why are reason and context not named in the init?
Why let (reason, context) : (String, String) instead of over two lines?
Why is reason a String and not an enum case?

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