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Created January 17, 2015 03:33
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Laravel Elixir With Bootstrap Sass
"directory": "vendor/bower_components"
"name": "Laravel Application",
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap-sass-official": "~3.3.1"
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
| Have a Drink!
| Elixir provides a clean, fluent API for defining some basic
| Gulp tasks for your Laravel application. Elixir supports
| several common CSS, JavaScript and even testing tools!
var paths = {
'jquery': './vendor/bower_components/jquery/',
'bootstrap': './vendor/bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/assets/'
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.sass("style.scss", 'public/css/', {includePaths: [paths.bootstrap + 'stylesheets/']})
.copy(paths.bootstrap + 'fonts/bootstrap/**', 'public/fonts')
paths.jquery + "dist/jquery.js",
paths.bootstrap + "javascripts/bootstrap.js"
], './', 'public/js/app.js');
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I am getting the following error when i run gulp, any help will be appreciated. I tried running it on my VM as well as my windows command line

$ gulp
[21:34:03] Using gulpfile /var/www/resource_manager/gulpfile.js
[21:34:03] Starting 'default'...
[21:34:03] Starting 'sass'...
[21:34:03] Running Sass: resources/assets/sass/style.sass
[21:34:04] 'sass' errored after 262 ms
[21:34:04] Error: libsass bindings not found in /var/www/resource_manager/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-14/binding.node. Try reinstalling node-sass?
at Object.sass.getBinaryPath (/var/www/resource_manager/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/node-sass/lib/extensions.js:148:11)
at Object. (/var/www/resource_manager/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/node-sass/lib/index.js:16:36)
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at Object. (/var/www/resource_manager/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/index.js:157:21)
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
Error running task sequence: { task: 'sass',
message: 'sass catch',
duration: 0.262067425,
hrDuration: [ 0, 262067425 ],
err: [Error: libsass bindings not found in /var/www/resource_manager/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-14/binding.node. Try reinstalling node-sass?] }
[21:34:04] Finished 'default' after 277 ms

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I published an update on this tutorial that greatly simplifies everything:
Setup Bootstrap Sass with Laravel Elixir

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@ericbarnes Your new article about including bootstrap -sass is great! I just tried it, because my way of including front-end dependencies was... well.... shit :) However, I'm still curious if there is a way to implement font-awsome in a similar fashion (with npm). Or do I need to stick with bower?

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after that installation ,how can i include bootstrap template into my application??

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