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Last active December 11, 2020 17:45
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Powers in range

Let's say you have an inclusive range of integers [a, b]. You also have an exponent n. What numbers k^n (integer k raised to the nth power) occur in that range? Write a function that takes a, b, and n and returns the numbers k^n.


;; n = 2, [a, b] = [49, 65]
(powers-in-range 2 49 65) ;=> [49 64] ;; that is, 7^2 and 8^2
;; n = 3, [a, b] = [1, 27]
(powers-in-range 3 1 27) ;=> [1 8 27] ;; 1^3, 2^3, and 3^3
;; n = 10, [a, b] = [1, 5]
(powers-in-range 10 1 5) ;=> [1] ;; 1^10

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard level in Python.

Email submissions to before August 15, 2020. You can discuss the submissions in the comments below.

(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn powers-in-range
[exponent low high]
(let [exp-inv (/ 1.0 exponent)
root-low (Math/round (Math/pow (double low) exp-inv))
root-high (Math/round (Math/pow (double high) exp-inv))
in-interval? (fn [val] (<= low val high))
results (keep-if in-interval?
(mapv #(int (Math/pow % exponent)) (thru root-low root-high)))]
(is= (powers-in-range 2 49 65) [49 64])
(is= (powers-in-range 3 1 27) [1 8 27])
(is= (powers-in-range 10 1 5) [1]))
(defn powers-in-range [n a b]
(->> (range)
(map #(int(Math/pow % n)))
(drop-while #(< % a))
(take-while #(<= % b))))
(defn powers-in-range [n a b]
(->> (range (Math/ceil (Math/pow a (/ n)))
(inc (Math/floor (Math/pow b (/ n)))))
(map #(long (Math/pow % n)))))
(defn powers-in-range [n a b]
(second (partition-by #(<= a % b) (map #(apply * (repeat n %)) (range)))))
(ns clojure-challenge.issue-391)
(defn exp [x n]
(reduce * (repeat n x)))
(defn powers-in-range [n min max]
(->> (range)
(map #(exp % n))
(drop-while #(> min %))
(take-while #(>= max %))))
(defn powers-in-range-rec
([n min max]
(powers-in-range-rec n min max [] 1))
([n min max col x]
(let [power (exp x n)]
(> power max) col
(>= power min) (recur n min max (conj col power) (inc x))
:else (recur n min max col (inc x))))))
(defn powers-in-range [exp lo hi]
(let [root (fn [exp n] (Math/pow n (/ 1 exp)))
pow (fn [exp n] (reduce * (repeat exp n)))
n0 (int (Math/floor (root exp lo)))]
(->> (iterate inc n0)
(map (partial pow exp))
(drop-while #(< % lo))
(take-while #(<= % hi)))))
(defn powers-in-range [n a b]
(when (or (not (pos? n))
(not= n (int n)))
(throw (ex-info "Only positive, integer n's allowed" {:n n})))
(let [nth-root (fn [n x]
(Math/pow x (/ 1.0 n))))]
(->> (range (nth-root n a)
(inc (nth-root n b)))
(map (comp int #(Math/pow % n)))
(filter (partial <= a))
(filter (partial >= b)))))
(defn powers-in-range [n a b]
(let [k-guess (->> n (/ 1) (Math/pow a) Math/floor long)
powers (map #(long (Math/pow % n)) (iterate inc k-guess))]
(->> powers (drop-while #(< % a)) (take-while #(<= % b)))))
(defn- pow [i p]
(int (Math/pow i p)))
(defn- log [i base]
(int (quot (Math/log i) (Math/log base))))
(defn powers-in-range [power minimum maximum]
(let [start (log minimum power)
->pow #(pow % power)]
(into [] (->>
(iterate inc start)
(map ->pow)
(drop-while #(< % minimum))
(take-while #(<= % maximum))))))
(defn powers-in-range
[n a b]
(let [k-min (int (Math/floor (Math/pow (max a 0) (/ 1. n))))
k-max (int (Math/ceil (Math/pow b (/ 1. n))))
k-range (range k-min (inc k-max))
kn-range (map #(int (Math/pow % n)) k-range) ; k^n
kn-filtered (vec (filter #(<= a % b) kn-range))]
(powers-in-range 2 49 65) ; => [49 64]
(powers-in-range 3 1 27) ; => [1 8 27]
(powers-in-range 10 1 5) ; => [1]
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(defn powers-in-range [n lo hi]
  (let  [pow (fn [base] (->> (iterate #(* base %) 1) (drop n) first))]
    (->> (range) 
         (drop-while #(> lo (pow %)))
         (take-while #(>= hi (pow %)))
         (mapv #(pow %)))))

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