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Created January 4, 2021 14:02
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409 Newsletter

First before second

Write a function that takes a string and two letters. The function should return true if every instance of the first letter comes before every instance of the second letter.


(first-before? "A rabbit jumps joyfully" \a \j) ;=> true
(first-before? "A jolly rabbit jumps joyfully" \a \j) ;=> false
(first-before? "Don't tread on me" \t \m) ;=> true
(first-before? "Every React podcast" \t \d) ;=> false


  • Letters will be mixed case. You should treat \A the same as \a.
  • You can assume the strings will contain instances of both letters.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard in Python.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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Toni-zgz commented Jan 5, 2021

(ns first-before)

(require '[clojure.test :as test])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])

(defn first-before? [cadena caracter-1 caracter-2]
(let [cadena-minusculas (str/lower-case cadena)
ultimo-indice-caracter-1 (str/last-index-of cadena-minusculas caracter-1)
primer-indice-caracter-2 (str/index-of cadena-minusculas caracter-2)]
(if (< ultimo-indice-caracter-1 primer-indice-caracter-2)

(test/deftest first-before-test
(test/is (= true (first-before? "A rabbit jumps joyfully" \a \j)))
(test/is (= false (first-before? "A jolly rabbit jumps joyfully" \a \j)))
(test/is (= true (first-before? "Don't tread on me" \t \m)))
(test/is (= false (first-before? "Every React podcast" \t \d))))

(test/run-tests 'first-before)

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Looks like mine is logically identical to ndonolli's solution, with a few different choices in implementation:

(defn first-before? [s c1 c2]
  (let [fs (filter (hash-set c1 c2) (clojure.string/lower-case s))
        [fc sc :as mfp] (map first (partition-by identity fs))]
    (and (= fc c1) (= sc c2) (= 2 (count mfp)))))

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mchampine commented Jan 5, 2021

@steffan-westcott - I'm not great w/ regexes, but doesn't this simplified pattern also work?

(str "(?i)" ch1 ".*" ch0)

Clever solution btw! I didn't think to match on patterns that violate the constraint. Nice.
Kudos also to @diavoletto76 for a concise solution.

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@mchampine I found quoting (using \Q and \E) was needed to avoid issues where either character is significant to patterns, such as ] and {. For example, without quoting you can have errors like this:

=> (first-before? "[{" \[ \{)
PatternSyntaxException Illegal repetition near index 3
   ^  java.util.regex.Pattern.error (

For those unfamiliar, (?i) turns off case sensitivity for the remainder of the pattern.

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miner commented Jan 7, 2021

(require '[clojure.string :as str])

;; if c1 or c2 is not in s, return true (better than NPE)
(defn first-before? [s c1 c2]
  (let [s (str/lower-case s)
        ind2 (str/index-of s (str/lower-case c2))]
    (or (not ind2)
        (not (str/index-of s (str/lower-case c1) ind2)))))

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chopmo commented Jan 16, 2021

(defn first-before? [s c1 c2]
  (let [regex           (re-pattern (str c1 \| c2))
        matches         (re-seq regex (str/lower-case s))
        [group1 group2] (partition-by identity matches)]
    (and (= (str c1) (first group1))
         (= (str c2) (first group2)))))

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chopmo commented Jan 16, 2021

@diavoletto76 Your solution is my favorite by far! I didn't even consider leaning on those clojure.string functions. Only nitpick is that you seem to have forgotten to make it case insensitive :)

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@chopmo You are right. Thank you for pointing the case sensitivity issue out.

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(defn first-before?
  [s a b]
  (let [ lc clojure.string/lower-case
        a-pos (filter (complement nil?) (map-indexed #(if (= (lc a) (lc %2)) %1 nil) s))
        b-pos (filter (complement nil?) (map-indexed #(if (= (lc b) (lc %2)) %1 nil) s))
        all (concat a-pos b-pos)]
    (= all (sort all))))

@diavoletto76 your solution is great.

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