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Created May 3, 2021 15:46
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Closest palindrome integer

An integer is a palindrome if it is written with the same decimal digits forward and backward. Your job is to write a function that takes an integer and returns the closes palindrome integer to it. The closest one could be larger or smaller than the given integer.


(closest-palindrome 100) ;=> 99 (return the smaller in case of tie)
(closest-palindrome 887) ;=> 888
(closest-palindrome 888) ;=> 888

Note: If two palindromes are equidistant from the given integer, return the smallest. If the given integer is itself a palindrome, return it.

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Hard in Ruby. The problem has been modified.

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(defn closest-palindrome [n]
  (letfn [(pn? [n] (= (seq (str n)) (reverse (str n))))
          (pnpr? [[a b]] (cond (and (pn? a) (pn? b)) (min a b)
                               (pn? a) a (pn? b) b))]
    (first (keep pnpr? (iterate (fn [[a b]] [(dec a) (inc b)]) [n n])))))

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KingCode commented May 4, 2021

Sorry for the length - but implementing digitization with a transducer was fun:

(defn until [pred]
  (fn [rf]
       ([acc x]
        (if (pred x)
          (reduced acc)
          (rf acc x))))

(defn descending-divisors [limit]
  (->> 1 (iterate (partial * 10))
       (into () (until #(< limit %)))))

(defn digits [n]
  (->> (or (and (pos? n) n) (- n)) 
       (reduce (fn [[digs r] q]
                 [(conj digs (quot r q)) 
                  (rem r q)])
               [[] n])

(defn palindrome? [xs]
  (if (> 2 (count xs))
    (let [fx (first xs) 
          lx (last xs)]
      (and (= fx lx) 
           (palindrome? (-> xs rest butlast))))))

(defn palindrome-int? [n]
  (palindrome? (digits n)))

(defn closest-palindrome [n]
  (->> n (repeat 2) 
       (iterate (juxt #(dec (first %)) 
                      #(inc (second %))))
       (reduce (fn [_ [low hi]]
                   (palindrome-int? low) 
                   (reduced low)
                   (palindrome-int? hi)
                   (reduced hi)
                   :else nil))

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(defn palindrome
  "Accepts a number, returning it back if it's palindromic. Otherwise, returns nil."
  (let [el' (seq (str el))]
    (when (= el' (reverse el')) el)))

(defn closest
  ([sole] (closest sole sole))
  ([a  b] (or (palindrome a)
              (palindrome b)
              (recur (dec a) (inc b)))))

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jlangson commented May 4, 2021

(defn palindrome? [n]
 (= (seq (str n)) (reverse (seq(str n)))))

(defn small-palindrome [n]
  (if (palindrome? n)
    (small-palindrome (dec n))))

(defn large-palindrome [n]
  (if (palindrome? n)
    (large-palindrome (inc n))))

(defn closest-palindrome [n]
  (let [small (small-palindrome n)]
  (let [large (large-palindrome n)]
    ;large is always > n and small is always < n
    ;return small in case of tie
    (if (<= 
          (- n small)
          (- large n))

I felt like there should be an easy way to do this without needing to defn large-palindrome and small-palindrome, but I didn't see it.

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heyarne commented May 4, 2021

That was a fun exercise!

(require '[clojure.string :as str])

(defn palindrome? [a]
   (= (str a) (str/reverse (str a))))

(defn closest-palindrome [x]
  (let [greater (iterate inc x)
        less (rest (iterate dec x))]
    (->> (interleave greater less)
         (filter palindrome?)

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miner commented May 4, 2021

Here's an ugly but pretty fast implementation using Java interop and string manipulation. Try timing with some tests like (closest-palindrome 128180) ==> 127721

(defn closest-palindrome [n]
  (let [abs (fn [x] (if (neg? x) (- x) x))
        guess (fn [n]
                (let [s (str n)
                      sb (StringBuilder. s)
                      hlen (quot (.length sb) 2)]
                  (Long/parseLong (-> sb .reverse
                                      (.replace 0 hlen (subs s 0 hlen)) .toString))))]
      (let [g (guess n)
            diff (- g n)]
        (if (zero? diff)
          (let [g2 (guess (- n diff))
                ad (abs diff)
                ad2 (abs (- g2 n))]
            (if (= ad ad2)
              (min g g2)
              (if (< ad ad2) g g2)))))))

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(defn palindrome? [n]
  (let [n (Math/abs n)
        s (str n)]
    (= (seq s) (reverse s))))

(defn numbers-up [n]
  (iterate inc (inc n)))

(defn numbers-down [n]
  (iterate dec (dec n)))

(defn closest-palindrome [n]
  (if (palindrome? n)
    (let [f1 (future  (first (filter palindrome? (numbers-up   n))))
          f2 (future  (first (filter palindrome? (numbers-down n))))]
      (->> [@f1 @f2]
           (map (fn [v] [(Math/abs (- n v)) v])) ; => [[distance-from-n palindrome]]

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dfuenzalida commented May 5, 2021

Another approach without reversing strings, and trying to be as lazy as possible:

(defn palin? [^Long n]
  (loop [reminder n, reversed 0]
    (if (zero? reminder)
      (= reversed n)
      (recur (quot reminder 10) (+ (* reversed 10) (mod reminder 10))))))

(defn closest-palindrome [^Long n]
  (let [ascending  (drop n (range))
        descending (concat (range (dec n) -1 -1) (repeat nil))]
    (->> (interleave ascending descending)
         (remove nil?)
         (filter palin?)

;; (closest-palindrome 100) ;; => 99
;; (closest-palindrome 887) ;; => 888
;; (closest-palindrome 888) ;; => 888

ascending is a range of numbers starting at n, and descending is the list of n-1, n-2 ... until 0 then nil repeated over and over. I interleave both so check for palindromes on n, n-1, n+1, n-2, n+2 ... and so on. We don't want to check palindromes on negative numbers but we need to try ascending numbers even after the descending sequence reaches 0, so I append nils which are removed after the interleave.

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sztamas commented May 7, 2021

(defn palindrome? [i]
  (let [digits (seq (str i))]
    (= digits (reverse digits))))

(defn closest-palindrome [i]
  (->> (interleave (iterate dec i) (iterate inc i))
       (drop-while (complement palindrome?))

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