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Last active May 28, 2021 19:11
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Formatted prime factorization

Prime factorization means representing an integer as a product of primes. A function that factorizes a number will return a vector of primes, like so: [2 2 3 5]. Your job is to take such a vector and create a nice string that shows the mathematical notation of the product.


(format-product [2 2 3 5]) ;=> "2^2 x 3 x 5"
(format-product [2 3 3 3 11 11]) ;=> "2 x 3^2 x 11^2"
(format-product [7]) ;=> "7"

Use x to indicate multiplication and ^ to indicate exponentiation.

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Hard in Ruby. The problem has been modified.

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KingCode commented May 24, 2021

Some implementations using both high and low-level. The first three offload the formatting logic to append, but the last one uses destructuring and iterate instead:

;; plumbing
(defn append [acc [p e]]
  (str acc 
       (or (and (seq acc) " x ") "")
       (or (and (< 1 e) (str "^" e)) "")))

(defn format-product [primes]
  (->> primes frequencies sort
       (reduce append "")))

(defn format-product-2 [primes]
  (->> primes (partition-by identity)
       (reduce (fn [expr [p & _ :as repeated]]
                 (append expr [p (count repeated)]))

;; Recursive, low level
(defn format-product-3 [primes]
  (let [fmt (fn [expr [p e :as pe] [p' & ps]]
                (not p')
                (append expr pe)
                (= p p')
                (recur expr [p (inc e)] ps)
                (recur (append expr pe) [p' 1] ps)))]
    (fmt "" [(first primes) 1] (rest primes))))

;; Low level, avoids formatting logic 
(defn format-product-4 [primes]
  (let [[part & parts] (->> primes (partition-by identity))
        ->factor-exp (fn [[x & xs :as repeated]]
                       (->> [x "" nil]
                            (iterate (fn [[base _ e]]
                                       [base "^" (inc (or e 1))]))
                            (#(nth % (dec (count repeated))))
                            (apply str)))]
    (->> parts
         (reduce (fn [expr part]
                   (str expr " x "(->factor-exp part)))
                 (->factor-exp part)))))

(let [feature-1 [2] feature-2 [2 3 3 5] feature-3 [2 3 3 3 11 11]
      sol-1 "2" sol-2 "2 x 3^2 x 5" sol-3 "2 x 3^3 x 11^2"]
  (assert (every? 
           #(every? identity
                    (map (fn [ftr sol] (= sol (% ftr)))
                         [feature-1 feature-2 feature-3]
                         [sol-1 sol-2 sol-3]))

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alex-gerdom commented May 24, 2021

(defn format-product [xs]
  (let [format-factor (fn [xs]
                        (if (= 1 (count xs))
                          (str (first xs))
                          (str (first xs) "^" (count xs))))]
    (->> xs sort
         (partition-by identity)
         (map format-factor)
         (clojure.string/join " x "))))

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miner commented May 24, 2021

Example correction: (format-product [2 3 3 3 11 11]) ;=> "2 x 3^3 x 11^2" -- three threes

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miner commented May 24, 2021

(require '[clojure.string :as str])

(defn format-product [factors]
  (->> factors
       (map (fn [[f n]] (if (= n 1) f (str f "^" n))))
       (str/join " x ")))

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(defn format-product [primes]
  (->> primes
       (map (fn [[n pow]] (apply str n (when (< 1 pow) ["^" pow]))))
       (clojure.string/join " x ")))

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Folcon commented May 24, 2021

(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn format-product [xs]
  (->> xs
    (into (sorted-map))
      (fn [vx k v]
        (conj vx (if (> v 1) (str k "^" v) k)))
    (str/join " x ")))

I'm assuming there was a bug in the question as:
2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 11 x 11 = 6,534
2 x 3^2 x 11^2 = 2,178
2 x 3^3 x 11^2 = 6,534

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(defn format-product [xs]
  (->> xs
       (into (sorted-map))
       (map (fn [[k v]] (if (= 1 v) (str k) (format "%s^%s" k v))))
       (clojure.string/join " x ")))

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(defn format-product [xs]
  (->> (frequencies xs)
       (sort-by first)
       (reduce (fn [res [n cnt]]
                  (if (empty? res) "" " x ")
                  (if (= cnt 1) n (str n "^" cnt))))

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(defn ffact [[fk fv]] (if (= fv 1) (str fk) (str fk "^" fv)))

(defn format-product [pf]
  (apply str (interpose " x " (map ffact (frequencies pf)))))

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(defn format-product [nums]
  (->> (into (sorted-map) (frequencies nums))
       (map (fn [[x n]] (if (= n 1) x (str x \^ n))))
       (clojure.string/join " x ")))

The into call can be skipped if we don't care about order.

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miner commented May 28, 2021

(defn string-builder
  ([] (StringBuilder.))
  ([sb] (str sb))
  ([sb x] (.append ^StringBuilder sb (str x))))

(defn format-product [factors]
  (transduce (comp (map (fn [[f cnt]] (if (= cnt 1) f (str f "^" cnt))))
                   (interpose " x "))
             (sort (frequencies factors))))

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