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Created November 15, 2021 15:30
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451 Newsletter

Ulam sequence

The Ulam sequence is an interesting mathematical sequence of integers. It starts with [1 2]. At each step, the next element is:

  • not already in the sequence
  • a sum of two previous elements
  • the number must be produced by only one sum
  • the smallest in case there are multiple candidates

Let's walk through an example.

As we said before, the first two elements are 1 and 2. Those sum to 3, and there's only one way to get it, so 3 is the next element.

[1 2 3]

Now, there are 3 possible sums: 1+2=3, 1+3=4, and 2+3=5. 3 already exists, so it's out. 4 and 5 both only have one way to produce them, but 4 is smaller, so it's the next element.

[1 2 3 4]

Now: 1+2=3 (done), 1+3=4 (done), 1+4=5, 2+3=5, 2+4=6, 3+4=7. 5 is produced two ways, so it's out. 6<7, so the next element is 6.

[1 2 3 4 6]

Your task is to create a lazy Ulam sequence.


(take 2 (ulam)) ;=> (1 2)
(take 5 (ulam)) ;=> (1 2 3 4 6)
(take 17 (ulam)) ;=> (1 2 3 4 6 8 11 13 16 18 26 28 36 38 47 48 53)

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Expert in Java. The problem has been modified.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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jonasseglare commented Nov 15, 2021

(defn next-ulam-set [current-set]
  (->> (+ a b)
       (for [a current-set
             b current-set :when (< a b)])
       (remove current-set)
       (filter #(= 1 (second %)))
       (map first)
       (apply min)
       (conj current-set)))

(defn ulam []
  (->> (sorted-set 1 2)
       (iterate next-ulam-set)
       (map (comp first rseq))
       (cons 1)))

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(defn- tails [xs]
  (->> xs (iterate rest) (take-while seq)))

(defn- keep-unique [xs]
  (->> (frequencies xs)
       (keep (fn [[x n]] (when (= 1 n) x)))))

(defn ulam-next [seen]
  (->> (for [[a & bs] (tails seen)
             b bs
             :let [c (+ a b)]
             :when (not (seen c))]
       (apply min)
       (conj seen)))

(defn ulam []
  (let [init (sorted-set 1 2)]
    (concat init (->> init (iterate ulam-next) (drop 1) (map last)))))

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest are is]])
(deftest ulam-test
  (are [range expected]
       (is (= expected (->> (ulam) (take (second range)) (drop (first range)))))
    [0 2]     [1 2]
    [0 5]     [1 2 3 4 6]
    [0 17]    [1 2 3 4 6 8 11 13 16 18 26 28 36 38 47 48 53]
    [205 207] [1856 1858]
    [451 453] [5018 5020]))

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@jonasseglare that some interesting trick with threading expression into for loop. Don't know if I love it or hate it 🤣

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jonasseglare commented Nov 15, 2021

@nbardiuk Thanks! That code is meant to troll you 😆

There are some optimized algorithms for this but they seem like a lot of work for this gist.

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Not as pretty as the above solutions, I tried to exploit the ordering for efficient updating of candidates to add to the Ulam sequence:

(defn merge-sorted [xs ys]
    (if-let [fx (first xs)]
      (if-let [fy (first ys)]
        (if (< fx fy)
          (cons fx (merge-sorted (rest xs) ys))
          (cons fy (merge-sorted xs (rest ys))))

(defn trim-leading-dups [xs]
  (if-let [x (first xs)]
    (if (= x (second xs))
      (recur (drop-while #{x} xs))

(defn ulam* [ulam-vec sums]
    (let [ulam-next (first sums)
          new-sums (map + ulam-vec (repeat ulam-next))
          sums' (trim-leading-dups (merge-sorted (rest sums) new-sums))]
      (cons ulam-next (ulam* (conj ulam-vec ulam-next) sums')))))

(defn ulam []
  (cons 1 (ulam* [1] [2])))

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(defn sums-without-duplicates [coll]
  (loop [coll            coll
         first-iteration coll
         sums            []]
      (= (count coll) 2)
      (as-> sums v
        (conj v (+ (first coll) (second coll)))
        (frequencies v)
        (group-by val v)
        (get v 1)
        (keys v)
        (sort v))
      (= (count first-iteration) 2)
      (recur (rest coll) (rest coll) (conj sums (+ (first first-iteration) (second first-iteration))))
      :else (recur coll (butlast first-iteration) (conj sums (+ (first first-iteration) (last first-iteration)))))))

(defn ulam
  ([] (ulam [1]))
     (let [number (count coll)]
       (if (< number 2)
         (cons (last coll) (ulam (conj coll (inc number))))
         (cons (last coll) (ulam (conj coll (some #(when-not (.contains coll %) %) (sums-without-duplicates coll))))))))))

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mchampine commented Nov 16, 2021

Edit: refactored from clojure.math.combinatorics/combinations to for loop ala @jonasseglare. The code is shorter than the name, lol. Btw, I know mine is strikingly similar - but the for loop is the only thing I borrowed. The rest was just the end point of several code golf refactorings.

(defn nexul [us]
  (->> (for [a us b us :when (< a b)] (+ a b))
       (filter #(= 1 (val %)))
       (map first)
       (remove (set us))
       (apply min)
       (conj us)))

(defn ulam []
  (->> (iterate nexul [1 2])
       (map last)
       (cons 1)))

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KingCode commented Nov 17, 2021

This was a fun exercise - I made many edits, ending with two side-by-side variations of the basic algorithm,
which looks at those existing Ulam numbers below half of the current candidate value, mentioned in this paper.

One variation is a hand-rolled lazy-sequence using a recursive function taking the state, consing the computed value from it,
and feeding it to the next call). The other one uses iterate and a transducing (map first).

In both cases the approach is to pick a candidate c (c0 = U(n) + 1) , then go through each number U(k) in the
Ulam sequence search space in descending order, and test that diff(c,k) = c - U(k) is also in the sequence:

  • if it is and no other test with a U(j), j < k yields a member diff(c,j) then c is a comfirmed Ulam number;
  • else, continue with c + 1 and repeat.

To quickly extract the bottom portion of the existing sequence as the search space argument to next-ulam
I tried two implementatons of a fast binary-search function (big-O(logN)): one hand-rolled and the other using
java.util.Collections.binarySearch (bin-search, bin-search2 resp.).

Surprisingly, the bench tests show that the hand-rolled versions (ulam and bin-search) perform slightly better,
especially bin-search which I expected the java version to be much faster.

(defn next-ulam 
  "Yields the next-ulam number given a search space (a sorted 
   sub/vector of exising ulam numbers), a set of all previously
   known ulam numbers, a binary predicate validating distinct sum 
   operands, and the minimal starting candidate."
  [ulies uly? start]

   ;; Starting with minimal candidate kand = U-n + 1,
   ;; pluck each sum partner p in the search space of (some) 
   ;; previous Ulam numbers starting with the highest.
   ;; If kand - p = p', keep [p,p'] if p' is a member.
   ;; If no other pair is found, kand is the next Ulam;
   ;; otherwise incrment kand and repeat. 
   ;; Traversal order enables O(N) decision for the call,
   ;; and also helps detect a previously seen pair
   ;; with its operands reversed (depending on new-sum? pred.

  (loop [kand start 
         sums-count 0 
         search ulies]
    (let [[sum-pal diff] (when-let [top (peek search)]
                           [top, (- kand top)])]
        (< 1 sums-count)
        (recur (inc kand) 0 ulies)

        (empty? search) 
        (if (pos? sums-count)
          (recur (inc kand) 0 ulies))

        (and (uly? diff) (< sum-pal diff))
        (recur kand (inc sums-count) (pop search))

        (recur kand sums-count (pop search))))))

(defn bin-search
  "Store is a sorted sequential. Yields the index of the value v 
   closest to n s.t. v < n.

   If no element is found satisfying the constraint (when
   n <= first element) nil is returned."
  [store n]
  (let [k (count store)]
      (<= n (nth store 0)) nil, ;; boundary cases
      (< (peek store) n) (dec k),
      (< k 3) 1
      :else ;; main
      (loop [lo 0 hi k]
        (let [mid (-> hi (+ lo) (quot 2))
              v (nth store mid)
              v' (nth store (inc mid))]
            (and (< v n) (<= n v'))
            mid ;;found

            (< v n) ;; too low
            (recur mid hi)

            :else ;; too high
            (recur lo mid)))))))

(defn bin-search2 [store n]
  (when (< 1 n)
    (let [k (java.util.Collections/binarySearch store n)]
      (if (pos? k)
        (dec k)
        (- k)))))

(def ^:dynamic *bin-search* bin-search)

(defn bottom-ulies [ulies limit-twice+]
  (let [cutoff (-> ulies 
                   (*bin-search* (inc (quot limit-twice+ 2)))
                   (or (-> ulies count dec)))]
    (subvec ulies 0 (inc cutoff))))

(defn ulam1 
  ([] (ulam1 1 2))
  ([u0 u1]
   (let [ufn
         (fn u1 [xs xset]
           (let [min-kand (inc (peek xs)) 
                 ret (next-ulam (bottom-ulies xs min-kand),
                                xset, min-kand)]
             (cons ret (lazy-seq (u1 (conj xs ret)
                                     (conj xset ret))))))]
     (cons u0 (cons u1 (ufn [u0 u1] #{u0 u1}))))))

(defn ulam2 
  ([] (ulam2 1 2))
  ([u0 u1]
   (let [kont
         (->> [u1 [u0 u1] #{u0 u1}] 
               (fn [[prev useq uset]]
                 (let [min-kand (inc prev) 
                       ret (-> useq (bottom-ulies min-kand)
                               (next-ulam uset, min-kand))]
                   [ret (conj useq ret) (conj uset ret)])))
              (sequence (map first)))]
     (cons u0 (cons u1 kont)))))

(defn ->useq [ufn-or-useq seeds]
         (if (fn? ufn-or-useq)
           (apply ufn-or-useq (take 2 seeds))

(defn useq-samples 
  ([ending-with-nth ufn-or-useq & seeds]
   (->> (range 1 (inc ending-with-nth))
        (map #(take % (->useq ufn-or-useq seeds))))))

(defn urange-samples
  ([start-nth n ufn-or-useq & seeds]
   (->> (->useq ufn-or-useq seeds)
        (drop (dec start-nth))
        (take n))))

(useq-samples 20 ulam1)
;;=> ((1)
 ;;   (1 2)
 ;;   (1 2 3)
 ;;   ...
 ;;   (1 2 3 4 6 8 11 13 16 18 26 28 36 38 47 48 53 57 62 69))

(= (useq-samples 100 ulam1)
   (useq-samples 100 ulam2))
;;=> true

;; Test further against
;; 5 entries starting with n1670 = 21083 
;; in Jud McCranie's table referenced at, see:
(urange-samples 1670 5 ulam1)
;;=> (21083 21105 21108 21110 21130)

(->> [ulam1 ulam2] (map #(urange-samples 1670 5 %)) =)
;;=> true

;; Performance?
(require '[criterium.core :refer [bench quick-bench]])

(quick-bench (->> (ulam1) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))
;;=> Evaluation count : 6 in 6 samples of 1 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 397.219837 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 3.857484 ms

;; (bench (->> (ulam1) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))
;;=> Evaluation count : 180 in 60 samples of 3 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 393.787551 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 2.792384 ms

(binding [*bin-search* bin-search2] 
  (quick-bench (->> (ulam1) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall)))
;;=> Evaluation count : 6 in 6 samples of 1 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 403.468283 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 2.252653 ms

(quick-bench (->> (ulam2) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))
;;=> Execution time mean : 406.314845 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 6.954487 ms
   ;; Execution time lower quantile : 401.708926 ms ( 2.5%)

;; (bench (->> (ulam2) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))

;;=> Evaluation count : 180 in 60 samples of 3 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 410.378755 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 11.957382 ms

(binding [*bin-search* bin-search2] 
  (quick-bench (->> (ulam2) (drop 1000) (take 10) doall)))
;;=> Evaluation count : 6 in 6 samples of 1 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 411.399288 ms
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 2.756681 ms

(def ulams-1 (ulam1))
(def ulams-2 (ulam2))
;;Force realized access
(->> ulams-1 (drop 1000) (take 10) doall)
(->> ulams-2 (drop 1000) (take 10) doall)

(quick-bench (->> ulams-1 (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))
;;=> Evaluation count : 16086 in 6 samples of 2681 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 37.383059 µs
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 273.345596 ns

(quick-bench (->> ulams-2 (drop 1000) (take 10) doall))
;;=> Evaluation count : 15576 in 6 samples of 2596 calls.
             ;; Execution time mean : 39.063882 µs
    ;; Execution time std-deviation : 342.094132 ns

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