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Last active April 10, 2022 09:40
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446 Newsletter

Longest Alternating Substring

Write a function that takes a string of digits and returns the longest substring that contains only alternating odd/even digits. If two substrings have the same length, return the one that appears first.


(longest-alt-subs "") ;=> ""
(longest-alt-subs "1") ;=> "1"
(longest-alt-subs "123") ;=> "123"
(longest-alt-subs "13") ;=> "1"
(longest-alt-subs "122381") ;=> "2381"

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Expert in Python. The problem has been modified.

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KingCode commented Oct 14, 2021

@mchampine, nice use of rest and reductions to generate windows!
I shamelessly copied your idea - interestingly this is the third of recent challenges
in which a windows function is handy:

(defn windows 
  "Constructs a lazy seq of all contiguous subsequences of xs."
  (->> xs (iterate rest)
       (sequence (comp (take-while seq)
                       (mapcat #(reductions conj [] %))
                       (map seq)
                       (filter identity)))
       (cons ()) lazy-seq))

(defn alternating-subs? [xs]
  (= (count xs) 
     (->> xs (sequence (comp (map int) 
                             (partition-by odd?)))

(defn longest-alt-subs [digs]
  (->> digs windows
       (filter alternating-subs?)
       (sort-by (comp - count))
       (apply str)))

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viesti commented Apr 9, 2022

(defn char->long [c]
  (- (long c) 48))

(defn longest-alternating-substring [s]
  (let [{:keys [max-alts alts]} (reduce (fn [{:keys [max-alts alts] :as acc} [prev-char next-char]]
                                          (if (or (and (odd? prev-char)
                                                       (even? next-char))
                                                  (and (even? prev-char)
                                                       (odd? next-char)))
                                            (update acc :alts (fnil conj [prev-char]) next-char)
                                            (-> acc
                                                (update :max-alts #(if (> (count alts) (count %))
                                                (assoc :alts nil))))
                                        (partition 2 1 (map char->long s)))]
    (clojure.string/join "" (if (> (count alts) (count max-alts))

loop version

(defn longest-alternating-substring-loop [s]
  (loop [alts nil
         max-alts nil
         [[prev-char next-char :as item] & rest'] (partition 2 1 (map char->long s))]
    (if-not item
      (clojure.string/join "" (if (> (count alts) (count max-alts))
      (recur (when (or (and (odd? prev-char)
                            (even? next-char))
                       (and (even? prev-char)
                            (odd? next-char)))
               (if (nil? alts)
                 [prev-char next-char]
                 (conj alts next-char)))
             (if (> (count alts) (count max-alts))

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