(ns game-of-life.core |
(:require [quil.core :as q])) |
(defn get-neighbour-pos |
"Cells have eight neighbours that surround it. |
This function delivers their position." |
[pos] |
(map #(mapv + pos %) [[-1 0] [-1 1] [0 1] [1 1] [1 0] [1 -1] [0 -1] [-1 -1]])) |
(defn get-alive-neighbours |
"Delivers the alive neighbour positions on the board around pos." |
[board pos] |
(->> |
(map #(get board %) (get-neighbour-pos pos)) |
(filter #(= ::alive %)))) |
(defn come-to-life-or-die |
"Determines if the cell at position pos comes to life, dies |
or remains." |
[board pos] |
(let [cell (get board pos ::dead) |
alive-neighbours (count (get-alive-neighbours board pos))] |
(cond |
;; A dead cell comes to life if it has exactly three live neighbours |
(and (= ::dead cell) (= 3 alive-neighbours)) ::alive |
;; A live cell dies if it has four or more neighbours |
(and (= ::alive cell) (>= alive-neighbours 4)) ::dead |
;; A live cell dies if it has one or zero neighbours |
(and (= ::alive cell) (<= alive-neighbours 1)) ::dead |
;; All other cells continue as they are |
:else cell))) |
(defn get-all-relevant-positions |
"Get all positions that may be affected by alive cells. |
This includes the neighbour cells of alive cells." |
[board] |
(let [alive-positions (keys (filter #(= ::alive (second %)) board)) |
alive-positions-and-neighbour-positions (set (mapcat get-neighbour-pos alive-positions))] |
alive-positions-and-neighbour-positions)) |
(defn game-of-life |
"Cells are arranged using a map with the position as key |
A cell is either alive or dead - if a position on the board is set to ::alive it is alive |
dead otherwise" |
[start-board iterations] |
(let [board start-board] |
(loop [board board i iterations boards []] |
(if (<= i 0) |
boards |
(recur |
(reduce (fn [new-board pos] |
(assoc new-board pos (come-to-life-or-die board pos))) |
{} |
(get-all-relevant-positions board)) |
(dec i) |
(conj boards board)))))) |
(defn parse-board |
"Parses a board in string representation into a map |
with the position as key. |
Example-Board in String representation: |
*** |
* * |
* * |
* * |
***" |
[s] |
(when (seq s) |
(let [lines (clojure.string/split s #"\n") |
alive-or-dead-rows (map |
(fn [line] |
(map (fn [p] (if (= \* p) |
::alive |
::dead)) |
(seq line))) |
lines)] |
(loop [y 0 rows alive-or-dead-rows board {}] |
(if (seq rows) |
(recur |
(inc y) |
(rest rows) |
(reduce (fn [m [x state]] |
(if (= ::alive state) |
(assoc m (vector x y) state) |
m)) |
board |
(map (fn [x state] (vector x state)) (range) (first rows)))) |
board))))) |
(comment |
;; This board dies after 54 iterations |
(def p1 " |
*** |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
***") |
(def glider " |
* |
* * |
**") |
(def small-exploder " |
* |
*** |
* * |
*") |
(def exploder " |
* * * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * *") |
(get-neighbour-pos [0 0]) |
(get-neighbour-pos [1 1]) |
(come-to-life-or-die {[-1 0] ::alive [-1 1] ::alive [0 1] ::alive} [0 0]) |
(come-to-life-or-die {[0 0] ::alive [-1 0] ::alive [-1 1] ::alive [0 1] ::alive} [0 0]) |
(come-to-life-or-die {[0 0] ::alive [-1 0] ::alive} [0 0]) |
(come-to-life-or-die {[0 0] ::alive [-1 0] ::alive [-1 1] ::alive [0 1] ::alive [1 1] ::alive} [0 0]) |
(parse-board p1) |
(get-all-relevant-positions (parse-board p1)) |
(game-of-life {} 10) |
(game-of-life (parse-board p1) 54) |
) |
;; Visualize it with Quil |
(def exploder " |
* * * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * *") |
(def boards (cycle (game-of-life (parse-board exploder) 54))) |
(def block 10) |
(def colors {::background [255 255 255] |
::dead [255 255 255] |
::alive [0 0 0]}) |
(defn draw [] |
(q/with-translation [(/ (q/width) 2.5) (/ (q/height) 2.5)] |
; note that we don't use draw-plot here as we need |
; to draw only small part of a plot on each iteration |
(let [t (q/frame-count)] |
(q/background 255) |
(doseq [[[x y] high] (->> boards (drop t) first)] |
(when (= high ::alive) |
(apply q/fill (colors high)) |
(apply q/stroke (colors ::dead)) |
(q/rect (* block x) (* block y) block block)))))) |
(defn setup [] |
(q/frame-rate 5)) |
(q/defsketch game-of-life-board |
:size [600 600] |
:setup setup |
:draw draw) |