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Last active June 29, 2020 16:23
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iterated square root

If you iteratively apply the square root, you will eventually get a number strictly less than two. Write a function that figures out how many times you have to apply the square root it results in a number less than two.


(iter-sqrt 1) ;=> 0 (since 1 is already less than 2)
(iter-sqrt 2) ;=> 1 (since the square root of 2 is less than 2)
(iter-sqrt 256) ;=> 4

Bonus: Write it in a way that uses stack frames and in a way that doesn't.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Medium level in Python.

Email submissions to before June 28, 2020. You can discuss the submissions in the comments below.

(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(if (< n 2)
(let [l2 (Math/log 2)]
(long (inc (Math/floor (/ (Math/log (/ (Math/log n) l2)) l2)))))))
(defn iter-sqrt-no-stack1 [n]
(if (< n 2)
(->> (iterate #(Math/sqrt %) n)
(take-while (partial < 2))
(defn iter-sqrt-no-stack2 [n]
(if (< n 2)
(loop [n' n count 1]
(let [result (Math/sqrt n')]
(if (< result 2)
(recur result (inc count)))))))
(defn iter-sqrt-with-stack [n]
(if (< n 2)
(+ 1 (iter-sqrt-with-stack (Math/sqrt n)))))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(->> n
(iterate #(Math/sqrt %))
(take-while #(<= 2.0 %))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(if (< n 2.0)
(inc (iter-sqrt (Math/sqrt n)))))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(loop [n n count 0]
(if (< n 2.0)
(recur (Math/sqrt n) (inc count)))))
(defn iter-sqrt
(iter-sqrt n 0))
([n acc]
(if (< n 2)
(recur (Math/pow n 1/2) (inc acc)))))
(ns functional-tv-puzzles.-2020.iterated-sqroot-383)
(defn iter-sqrt- [n]
(->> n (iterate #(Math/sqrt %))
(take-while #(<= 2 %))
(defn iter-sqrt+ [n]
(if (< n 2)
(inc (iter-sqrt+ (Math/sqrt n)))))
;; shell
(defn iter-sqrt [n & [use-stack?]]
(if (neg? n)
(let [impl (if use-stack? iter-sqrt+ iter-sqrt-)]
(impl n))))
;; loop/recur
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(loop [v n ct 0] (if (< v 2.0) ct (recur (Math/sqrt v) (inc ct)))))
;; recursion
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(if (< n 2.0) 0 (inc (iter-sqrt (Math/sqrt n)))))
;; recursion w/ multi-arity
(defn iter-sqrt
([n] (iter-sqrt n 0))
([n x] (if (< n 2.0) x (iter-sqrt (Math/sqrt n) (inc x)))))
;; iterate
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(count (take-while #(>= % 2.0) (iterate #(Math/sqrt %) n))))
(defn iter-sqrt
"so this is the number of bits used in the radix 2 expression of the base 2 log"
(-> n
(/ (Math/log10 2))
(defn iter-sqrt
(loop [c 0
n n]
(if (< n 2)
(recur (inc c) (Math/sqrt n)))))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(let [nth-pow (iterate #(* % %) 2N)]
(count (take-while #(>= n %) nth-pow))))
;; Here's my first take on how to compute the
;; number of square-roots needed to get below 2:
(defn log2 [n]
(/ (Math/log10 n) (Math/log10 2)))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(if (< n 2)
(inc (int (log2 (log2 n))))))
;; However, since you specified an "iterative" approach,
;; here's one that's iterative.
(defn iter-sqrt
([n] (iter-sqrt 0 n))
([cnt n]
(if (< n 2)
(recur (inc cnt) (Math/sqrt n)))))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(->> n (iterate #(Math/sqrt %)) (take-while #(<= 2.0 %)) count))
(defn iter-sqrt [n]
(if (< n 2)
(inc (iter-sqrt (Math/sqrt n)))))
(defn iter-sqrt'
(letfn [(f [n acc]
(if (< n 2)
(recur (Math/sqrt n) (inc acc))))]
(f n 0)))
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KingCode commented Jun 24, 2020

Since iter-sqrt must use some logic to test for a threshold, and several solutions here (including mine) use a smaller type threshold value to check the floating point value resulting from Math/sqrt, there is a risk of logic-spoling numeric type friction, e.g.:

(< 2 2.0)
;; => false
(> 2 2.0)
;; => false
(= 2 2.0)
;; => false
(>= 2 2.0)
;; => true ;; ?? Neither of > or =, but yes to both!!

Of course, since 2 and 2.0 are in different numeric types, they can't be compared reliably. I was using as a logic gate (if (< n 2)... in my own solution, but should have been (if (< n 2.0) ...).(In functions that accept any numeric type where the input is compared to a reference value, probably the best approach is to up cast (non-lossy cast) the input to that of the largest accepted type.)

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bfortz commented Jun 26, 2020

The math underlying my solution (Bernard Fortz.clj): the square root of n is so taking k times the square root gives . We want to find k such that . Taking the log in base n, this leads to , or . Taking the log again, we get . The rest of the code follows easily from appropriate rounding and dealing with the degenerate case n < 2. This leads a constant time solution.

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