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Last active July 15, 2020 19:48
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roots of a quadratic equation

Quadratic equations can be represented by three numbers, a, b, and c, which are the coefficient of x^2, the coefficient of x, and the constant term. The roots of a quadratic equation are everywhere where it touches the x axis, meaning the equation is equal to zero.

You can use the quadratic formula which calculates the roots. In fact, that's your task: write a function that returns the roots of a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula. Here is more information about it.

Note: you don't have to return complex roots if the curve does not cross the x-axis.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Medium level in Python.

Email submissions to before July 12, 2020. You can discuss the submissions in the comments below.

(defn quadratic-roots [[a b c]]
(let [m (* -1/2 (/ b a))
d (Math/sqrt (- (* m m) (/ c a)))]
[(+ m d) (- m d)]))
(defn roots [[a b c]]
(let [discr (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))]
(if (neg? discr)
(let [sd (/ (Math/sqrt discr) 2 a)
bpart (/ (- b) 2 a)]
(conj #{}
(+ bpart sd)
(- bpart sd))))))
;; per Po-Shen Loh -
;; ax^2 +bx +c
;; divide off a to make polynomial monic
;; then roots are b/2a + u and b/2a - u
;; b/2a^2 - u^2 = c/a
;; therefore u = sqrt(b/2a^2 - c/a)
(defn qsolv [a b c]
(let [hb (/ b a -2)
u (Math/sqrt (- (* hb hb) (/ c a)))]
(distinct [(+ hb u) (- hb u)])))
;; some tests
[(= [-1.5857864376269049 -4.414213562373095]
(qsolv 1 6 7))
(= [-0.19999999999999996 -1.0]
(qsolv 5 6 1))
(= [1.0 -3.0]
(qsolv 1 2 -3))
(= [3.0 0.5]
(qsolv 2 -7 3))
(= [13.348469228349535 -1.3484692283495345]
(qsolv 1 -12 -18))
(= [2.0]
(qsolv 1 -4 4))
(= [0.0]
(qsolv 1 0 0))
(= [4.0 3.0]
(qsolv 1 -7 12))]
(defn quadratic-equation [a b c]
(let [discriminant (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))]
(when-not (neg? discriminant)
(distinct (map #(/ (% (- b) (Math/sqrt discriminant))
2 a)
[+ -])))))
(defn quad [a b c]
(let [disc (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))]
(when (and (>= disc 0) (not= a 0))
(let [w (Math/sqrt disc)]
(set (map #(/ (- % b) (* 2 a)) [w (- w)]))))))
(ns th.scratch.quadratic-formula)
(defn real-solutions [a b c]
(let [discriminant (- (* b b)
(* 4 a c))]
(pos? discriminant) [(/ (+ (- b) discriminant)
(* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) discriminant)
(* 2 a))]
(zero? discriminant) [(/ (- b)
(* 2 a))]
(neg? discriminant) [])))
(for [[a b c] [[1 -4 3] [4 -8 3] [1 4 4] [1 2 4]]]
(real-solutions a b c))
;; => ([4 0] [3 -1] [-2] [])
(defn ^:dynamic *make-complex* [re im]
{:re re
:im im})
(defn real->complex [r]
(*make-complex* r 0))
(defn complex-solutions [a b c]
(let [discriminant (- (* b b)
(* 4 a c))]
(pos? discriminant)
(map real->complex
[(/ (+ (- b) discriminant)
(* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) discriminant)
(* 2 a))])
(zero? discriminant)
(map real->complex
[(/ (- b)
(* 2 a))
(/ (- b)
(* 2 a))])
(neg? discriminant)
[(*make-complex* (/ (- b)
(* 2 a))
(/ (Math/sqrt (- discriminant))
(* 2 a)))
(*make-complex* (/ (- b)
(* 2 a))
(- (/ (Math/sqrt (- discriminant))
(* 2 a))))])))
(for [[a b c] [[1 -4 3] [4 -8 3] [1 4 4] [1 2 4]]]
(complex-solutions a b c))
;; => (({:re 4, :im 0} {:re 0, :im 0})
;; ({:re 3, :im 0} {:re -1, :im 0})
;; ({:re -2, :im 0} {:re -2, :im 0})
;; [{:re -1, :im 1.7320508075688772} {:re -1, :im -1.7320508075688772}])
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bobbicodes commented Jul 10, 2020

Thanks for the feedback! Yes the blog post reads more like some half-baked notes, which is why I was delighted when I saw Eric was doing this because I'd gotten a bit stuck and this is the perfect chance to revisit this and document it better.

Elegant... not so sure, but my struggles in parsing math expressions led me to doing something with instaparse and core.match:

Libraries to look at:

Also in this thread some kind folks helped me out:

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mchampine commented Jul 11, 2020

Thanks for the pointers! I assumed a complete regex or instaparse would be the way to go, but would take more time investment than my one-off ad-hoc solution, so was wondering if either of those approaches already existed for polynomial expressions.
I was able to use your algae grammar with some small changes to extract coefficients. These two lines changed in parse-expr:

   <factor> = ('-'? number) | var | ratio | parens | ('-'? var)
   var = number? #'[A-Za-z^2]+'

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Much appreciate the Po-Shen Loh solution! I learned it from Grant Sanderson who explains it very well in this 3blue1brown video:

Regarding the different approaches to the classic formula that Eric wrote about in the follow-up, I think that each refactoring is important and should be used to expand our understanding because it illuminates the problem space from another angle. I want to try to find even more ways to do it!

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Inspired by this (as well as Eric's markdown editor), I built a little reagent app for rendering LaTeX formulas from vector representations of polynomial coefficients (eg. [2 7 6) -> "2x^2 + 7x + 6"):

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