(ns miner.mergesort) |
;; https://purelyfunctional.tv/issues/purelyfunctional-tv-newsletter-334-tip-can-you-fill-in-the-blanks/ |
;; mergesort |
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort |
;; |
;; Bonus: |
;; Have it use compare to work on more than numbers. |
;; Have it take a key to sort by. |
;; Use clojure.reducers to implement a parallel version. |
(defn mergesort |
([coll] (mergesort identity coll)) |
([fkey coll] |
(if (empty? coll) |
coll |
(let [merge2 (fn [as bs] |
(loop [as as bs bs res []] |
(cond (empty? as) (into res bs) |
(empty? bs) (into res as) |
:else (let [a (first as) |
b (first bs)] |
(if (pos? (compare (fkey a) (fkey b))) |
(recur as (rest bs) (conj res b)) |
(recur (rest as) bs (conj res a)))))))] |
(loop [runs (mapv list coll)] |
(if (= (count runs) 1) |
(peek runs) |
(recur (loop [[a b & cs] runs res []] |
(cond (nil? a) res |
(nil? b) (conj res a) |
:else (recur cs (conj res (merge2 a b)))))))))))) |
(defn partition-while |
"Returns a lazy sequence of partitions with each partition containing a run of elements for |
which `pred2` returns true when applied to the previous element and the current input. The |
first input goes into the first partition without calling `pred2`. Returns a stateful |
transducer when no collection is provided." |
([pred2] |
(fn [rf] |
(let [a (java.util.ArrayList.)] |
(fn |
([] (rf)) |
([result] |
(let [result (if (.isEmpty a) |
result |
(let [v (vec (.toArray a))] |
;;clear first! |
(.clear a) |
(unreduced (rf result v))))] |
(rf result))) |
([result input] |
(if (or (.isEmpty a) (pred2 (.get a (dec (.size a))) input)) |
(do |
(.add a input) |
result) |
(let [v (vec (.toArray a))] |
(.clear a) |
(let [ret (rf result v)] |
(when-not (reduced? ret) |
(.add a input)) |
ret)))))))) |
([pred2 coll] |
(sequence (partition-while pred2) coll))) |
;; slightly faster with some transducers |
(defn xmergesort |
([coll] (xmergesort identity coll)) |
([fkey coll] |
(if (empty? coll) |
coll |
(let [merge2 (fn |
([as] as) |
([as bs] |
(loop [as as bs bs res []] |
(cond (empty? as) (into res bs) |
(empty? bs) (into res as) |
:else (let [a (first as) |
b (first bs)] |
(if (pos? (compare (fkey a) (fkey b))) |
(recur as (rest bs) (conj res b)) |
(recur (rest as) bs (conj res a)))))))) |
lte (fn [a b] (not (pos? (compare (fkey a) (fkey b)))))] |
(loop [runs (into [] (partition-while lte) coll)] |
(if (= (count runs) 1) |
(peek runs) |
(recur (into [] (comp (partition-all 2) (map #(apply merge2 %))) runs)))))))) |
;; My reducers version wasn't faster so I didn't include it. |
(defn smoke-sort [] |
(let [xs (repeatedly (long 1e6) #(rand-int 10000))] |
(assert (= (sort xs) (mergesort xs) (xmergesort xs)))) |
(let [amaps (shuffle (map #(hash-map :a % :b (- %)) (range 1000)))] |
(assert (= (sort-by :a amaps) (mergesort :a amaps) (xmergesort :a amaps))) |
(assert (= (sort-by :b amaps) (mergesort :b amaps) (xmergesort :b amaps)))) |
true) |