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Created August 8, 2022 03:00
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473 Eric Normand Newsletter

Simplifying fractions

A harder one for this week.

Fractions are often represented in simplified form, where the numerator and denominator share only the factor 1. Write a function simplify that takes two integers (representing the numerator and denominator) and simplifies the fraction they represent, returning the two numbers.


;; the fraction 10/10
(simplify 10 10) ;=> [1 1]
;; the fraction 1/3
(simplify 1 3) ;=> [1 3]
(simplify 2 4) ;=> [1 2]
(simplify 100 40) ;=> [5 2]

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Swift. The problem has been modified.

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(defn simplify
  ([num den] (simplify 2 num den))
  ([cand num den]
   (cond (or (> cand num)
             (> cand den))            [num den]
         (and (zero? (mod num cand))
              (zero? (mod den cand))) (simplify cand (/ num cand) (/ den cand))
         :else                        (simplify (inc cand) num den))))

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