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Created January 10, 2022 14:03
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458 Newsletter

String difference

Imagine two strings, A and B. B is generated by shuffling the letters in A and adding a new random letter to it at a random position. Write a function that takes A and B and returns the new letter.


(diff "" "j") ;=> \j
(diff "a" "ab") ;=> \b
(diff "abc" "xcab") ;=> \x
(diff "xxyyzz" "xzyfyxz") ;=> \f
(diff "cccvv" "cvvcvc") ;=> \v

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Java. The problem has been modified.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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(defn diff [a b]
 (ffirst (clojure.set/difference 
           (set (frequencies b))
           (set (frequencies a)))))

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(defn diff [a b] (first (reduce #(clojure.string/replace-first %1 %2 "") b a)))

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(defn diff
  "Returns the character in the second string that isn't in the first."
  [a b]
  (->> (merge-with - (frequencies (seq a)) (frequencies (seq b)))
       (filter #(not (zero? (val %))))

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brunchboy commented Jan 11, 2022

(defn diff
  [s1 s2]
  (let [freq1 (frequencies s1)
        freq2 (frequencies s2)]
    (ffirst (filter (fn [[k v]] (not= (freq1 k) v)) freq2))))

As usual, frequencies is such a useful tool for such problems!

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PEZ commented Jan 11, 2022

(defn mdiff [m1 m2]
  (into {}
        (map (fn [k]
               {k (- (m1 k 0) (m2 k 0))})
             (keys (merge m1 m2)))))

(defn diff [s1 s2]
  (->> (mdiff (frequencies s1) (frequencies s2))
       (keep (fn [[k v]] (when (< v 0) k)))

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miner commented Jan 11, 2022

(defn diff [astr bstr]
  (loop [sa (sort astr) sb (sort bstr)]
    (if (= (first sa) (first sb))
      (recur (rest sa) (rest sb))
      (first sb))))

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miner commented Jan 11, 2022

(defn diff [a b]
  (reduce-kv (fn [_ c cnt] (when (odd? cnt) (reduced c)))
             (frequencies (str a b))))

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@miner I really like that concatenation/odd? trick

(defn diff
  [a b]
  (key (first (filter (comp odd? val) (frequencies (str a b))))))

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miner commented Jan 11, 2022

a transducer version, based on the bit-xor solution by @jonasseglare

(defn diff [before after]
  (transduce (map int)
             (completing bit-xor char)
             (str before after)))

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(defn diff [s1 s2]
    (apply str (sort s2)) 
    (re-pattern (apply str (sort s1))) 

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(defn diff [a b]
  (let [fa (frequencies a) fb (frequencies b)]
    (->> b (some #(when (or (not (contains? fa %))
                            (not= (fa %) (fb %)))

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