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Last active September 9, 2019 02:44
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ajax state problem

AJAX calls in ClojureScript go through a lifecycle. They are placed, they're in flight, then they either succeed or fail. We often want to show this state to the user. For instance, when the ajax request is in flight, we want to show a loading spinner.

Create a representation of the state of a value that can be fetched via ajax. I suggest using the variant entity or the variant tuple. It may help to draw out the sequence diagram of an ajax request to capture all the states it may be in. Be sure to define the operations on this representation which transition it from one state to the next.

If you want some inspiration, Kris Jenkins has a neat post about modeling remote data. I've also written up two ways of approaching ajax state here.

;; Here are two examples of the three states it can be in
;; before the value is loaded
;; once the value has been loaded
{:status :stable
:value true}
;; while the value is loading. We have to remember the old value in case it fails.
{:status :loading
:value false
:old-value true}
(defn begin-load [state next-value]
(nil? state)
{:status :loading
:value next-value
:old-value nil}
(= :stable (:status state))
{:status :loading
:value next-value
:old-value (:value state)}
(= :loading (:status state))
(assoc state :value next-value)))
(defn succeed-load [state]
(nil? state)
(= :stable (:status state))
(= :loading (:status state))
{:status :stable
:value (:value state)}))
(defn fail-load [state]
(nil? state)
(= :stable (:status state))
(= :loading (:status state))
{:status :stable
:value (:old-value state)}))
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