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Last active May 19, 2020 01:41
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Distance to nearest vowel

Write a function that takes a string as argument. Each character in the string will be a letter. The function should return a sequence containing the distances from each corresponding letter in the string to the nearest vowel in the string.

For example:

(nearest-vowels "aeiou") ;=> [0 0 0 0 0]  ;; if the letter is a vowel, the distance is 0
(nearest-vowels "babbb") ;=> [1 0 1 2 3]
(nearest-vowels "babbba") ;=> [1 0 1 2 1 0]


  • All input strings will contain at least one vowel and all letters.
  • Vowels are a, e, i, o, and u.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Expert level in JavaScript.

(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[clojure.string :as str]
[schema.core :as s]
[tupelo.chars :as chars]))
(def vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u})
(s/defn vowel? :- s/Bool
[char :- Character]
(assert (chars/lowercase? char))
(contains-elem? vowels char))
(s/defn dist-to-nearest-vowel :- s/Int
[vowel-idxs idx]
(let [dists (forv [vidx vowel-idxs]
(Math/abs (- idx vidx)))
result (apply min dists)]
(s/defn vowel-dist
[src :- s/Str]
(let [letters (vec (str/lower-case src))
vowel-idxs (filter not-nil?
(forv [[idx letter] (indexed letters)]
(when (vowel? letter)
result (forv [idx (range (count src))]
(dist-to-nearest-vowel vowel-idxs idx))]
(is= (mapv #(dist-to-nearest-vowel [3 5] %) (range 8))
[3 2 1 0 1 0 1 2])
(isnt (chars/lowercase \A))
(is (chars/lowercase? \a))
(throws? (vowel? \A))
(is (vowel? \a))
(isnt (vowel? \b))
(is= (vowel-dist "abcdef") [0 1 2 1 0 1])
(is= (vowel-dist "aeiou") [0 0 0 0 0])
(is= (vowel-dist "babbb") [1 0 1 2 3])
(is= (vowel-dist "babbba") [1 0 1 2 1 0]) )
(ns nearest-vowels
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest are]]))
(def vowels (set (seq "aeiou")))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(when s
(let [chars (->> (clojure.string/lower-case s)
(map-indexed (fn [i v] [i v])))
vowel-indices (mapv first (filter #(contains? vowels (second %)) chars))
index-fn (fn [[i _]] (map #(int (Math/abs (- i %))) vowel-indices))]
(map #(apply min (index-fn %)) chars))))
(deftest nearest-vowels-test
(are [x y] (= x y)
[0 0 0 0 0] (nearest-vowels "aeiou")
[1 0 1 2 3] (nearest-vowels "babbb")
[1 0 1 2 1 0] (nearest-vowels "babbba")
[1 0 1 2 1 0] (nearest-vowels "BAbBbA")
[] (nearest-vowels "")
nil (nearest-vowels nil)))
(def vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u})
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(let [vowel-indexes
(->> s
(map-indexed vector)
(filter #(vowels (second %)))
(map first))]
(map-indexed (fn [i _]
(->> vowel-indexes
(map #(Math/abs (- i %)))
(apply min)))
(def vowels "aeiou")
(defn is-vowel [ch] (not (nil? (some #{ch} vowels))))
(defn abs [n] (max n (- n)))
(defn distance
"Returns the distance from the number x to the closest number in xs"
[xs x]
(apply min (map (fn [y] (abs (- y x))) xs)))
(defn nearest-vowels [string]
(let [vowel-indices (->> string
(map-indexed vector)
(filter #(is-vowel (second %)))
(map first))]
(if (not-empty vowel-indices)
(map-indexed (fn [index ch] (distance vowel-indices index)) string)
(map #{nil} string))))
(nearest-vowels "babbba") ;; (1 0 1 2 1 0)
(nearest-vowels "hjkl") ;; (nil nil nil nil)
(def vowels (set "aeiou"))
(defn next-vowels [s]
(loop [s s, n 0, was? false, dist []]
(if s
(let [vowel? (some? (vowels (first s)))
n (if vowel? 0 (inc n))
found? (some true? [was? vowel?])]
(recur (next s) n found? (conj dist [n found?])))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(let [next-left (next-vowels s)
next-right (next-vowels (clojure.string/reverse s))]
(vec (map (fn [[dist1 was-vowel1?] [dist2 was-vowel2?]]
(and was-vowel1? was-vowel2?) (min dist1 dist2)
was-vowel1? dist1
:else dist2))
next-left (reverse next-right)))))
(nearest-vowels "aeiou") ;=> [0 0 0 0 0]
(nearest-vowels "babbb") ;=> [1 0 1 2 3]
(nearest-vowels "babbba") ;=> [1 0 1 2 1 0]
(ns functional-tv-puzzles.-2020.nearest-376)
(def vowels (set "aeiou"))
(defn paths-> [xs]
(let [forward (fn fw [[x & xs :as all], acc]
(if x
(fw xs (conj acc all))
(forward xs [])))
(defn <-paths [xs]
(reverse (paths-> (reverse xs))))
(defn paths [xs]
(map vector (paths-> xs) (<-paths xs)))
(defn distance [path]
(let [vdist (fn dist [[x & xs] n]
(and x (vowels x)) n
x (dist xs (inc n))
:else Integer/MAX_VALUE ))]
(vdist path 0)))
(defn nearest-vowels [xs]
(->> xs seq paths
(reduce (fn [acc [left right]]
(conj acc (min (distance left)
(distance right))))
(def vowels (into #{} "aeiou"))
(defn border-distances
"Given a string returns a seq containing the distance of
each character to its nearest border.
Example : (border-distances \"xxxxx\") => (1 2 3 2 1)"
(let [l (count s)
mid-range (reverse (range 1 (inc (/ l 2))))]
(if (even? l)
(into mid-range mid-range)
(into mid-range (rest mid-range)))))
(defn nearest-vowels
"Given a string return a sequence containing the distances from each
corresponding letter in the string to the nearest vowel in the string."
(let [parts (partition-by vowels s)]
(->> parts
(map-indexed (fn [i xs]
(let [count-range (range 1 (inc (count xs)))]
;; its a vowel
(vowels (first xs)) [0]
;; its the partition next to the left border
(= i 0) (reverse count-range)
;; its the partition next to the right border
(and (= i (dec (count parts)))) count-range
;; it is a partition in the middle
:else (border-distances xs)))))
(apply concat))))
;; shorter version
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(let [vows-pos (keep-indexed (fn [i c] (when (vowels c) i)) s)] ;; collect all vowels positions
(->> (range (count s))
(map (fn [i] ;; grab then min distance from this pos to a vowel position
(apply min (map (fn [v] (Math/abs (- i v))) vows-pos)))))))
(defn nearest-vowels [letters]
(let [vowels (set "aeiou")
lc #(clojure.string/lower-case %)
vowel-indices (keep-indexed #(if (vowels %2) %1) (lc letters))]
(fn [ind item]
(if (vowels item) 0
(reduce min (map #(Math/abs (- ind %)) vowel-indices)))) (lc letters))))
(defn nearest-vowels
"Return distances from letters in s to their nearest vowels in s"
(let [mivs (map-indexed vector s) ;; sequence of [index letter]
vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u}]
(letfn [(abs [n] (if (neg? n) (- n) n))
(distance [[l1pos _] [l2pos]] (abs (- l2pos l1pos)))
(vwls [mivstr] (filter #(vowels (second %)) mivstr))
(nearest-to [letter]
(apply min ;; smallest distance
(map (partial distance letter) (vwls mivs))))]
(map nearest-to mivs))))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(let [vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u}
vowels-idx (mapcat (fn [i ch] (when (vowels ch) [i]))
handle-range (fn [from to]
(nil? from) (range to 0 -1)
(nil? to) (range 0 (- (count s) from))
:else (map #(Math/min (- % from) (- to %))
(range from to))))
(mapcat handle-range
(cons nil vowels-idx)
(concat vowels-idx [nil]))))
(defn distance_to_nearest_vowel
(fn [[result consonant-count] c]
(= \- c) ;; last char?
(conj result (range 1 consonant-count))
;; if c is a vowel then add two entries to `result`
;; 1. a '(0) for the vowel just encounted
;; 2. a list for the `run` of consonants just traversed. Might be a `()`
(#{\a \e \i \u \o} c)
(let [r (range 1 consonant-count)
rev-r (reverse r)
r' (if (empty? result) rev-r (map min r rev-r))]
[(conj result r' '(0)) 1]) ;; also reset the count
[result (inc consonant-count)])) ;; continue counting constanants
[[] 1]
(str s \-))))
(defn shiftinc
(let [upped (map #(when % (inc %)) before)
right (concat '(nil ) (butlast upped))
left (concat (rest upped) '(nil))]
(->> (map vector before right left)
(map #(when (not-every? nil? %)
(apply min (remove nil? %)))))))
(defn nearest-vowels
(let [vowels (map #{\a \e \i \o \u} string)]
(loop [distance (map #(when (some? %) 0) vowels)]
(if (not-any? nil? distance)
(recur (shiftinc distance))))))
(defn distances [i len]
(concat (range i -1 -1)
(range 1 (- len i))))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(apply map min
(keep-indexed (fn [i c]
(when (#{\a \i \e \o \u} c)
(distances i (count s))))
(defn get-chunks [s]
(let [vowels (set "aeiou")
is-vowel? (fn [c] (contains? vowels c))
chunks (partition-by is-vowel? s)
indexer (fn [idx chk]
{:first? (= idx 0)
:last? (= idx (dec (count chunks)))
:chars chk})
describe (fn [m]
(let [dists (range 1 (inc (count (:chars m))))]
(merge m
{:vowel? (is-vowel? (first (:chars m)))
:l-dists dists
:r-dists (reverse dists)})))]
(->> chunks
(map-indexed indexer)
(map describe))))
(defn distances [chk]
(:vowel? chk) (repeat (count (:chars chk)) 0)
(:first? chk) (:r-dists chk)
(:last? chk) (:l-dists chk)
:else (for [pr (partition 2 (interleave (:l-dists chk) (:r-dists chk)))]
(apply min pr))))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(mapcat distances
(get-chunks s)))
(def vowel? #{\a \e \i \o \u})
(defn distance-to-vowel-left [s]
(reduce (fn [dists ch]
(conj dists (if (vowel? ch)
(when-let [dist (peek dists)]
(inc dist)))))
(defn distance-to-vowel-right [s]
(-> s reverse distance-to-vowel-left reverse))
(defn min-dist [& ds]
(apply min (filter some? ds)))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
(mapv min-dist (distance-to-vowel-left s) (distance-to-vowel-right s)))
(ns purelyfunctional-newsletters.issue-376
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
(def all-vowels (set "aeiou"))
(defn vowel? [c]
(all-vowels c))
(defn min-distance-between [x xs]
(->> xs
(map #(-> (- x %) Math/abs))
(apply min)))
(defn nearest-vowels [s]
{:pre [(some all-vowels s)]}
(let [letters-indexed (map-indexed vector s)
vowel-indexes (->> letters-indexed
(filter #(vowel? (second %)))
(map first))]
(->> letters-indexed
(map (fn [[letter-idx letter]]
(if (vowel? letter)
(min-distance-between letter-idx vowel-indexes)))))))
(deftest nearest-vowels-testing
(is (= [0 0 0 0 0]
(nearest-vowels "aeiou")))
(is (= [1 0 1 2 3]
(nearest-vowels "babbb")))
(is (= [1 0 1 2 1 0]
(nearest-vowels "babbba"))))
(def pos-integers (iterate inc 1))
(def vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u})
(defn distance
(concat (reverse (take index pos-integers))
(defn nearest-vowels
(apply map min (for [i (range (count s))
:when (vowels (get s i))]
(take (count s) (distance i)))))
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miner commented May 5, 2020

@g7s You could rework the (int ... (/ head 2)) by using quot (integer quotient) instead of '/' which might return a ratio.

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g7s commented May 5, 2020

@miner good catch!

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miner commented May 5, 2020

Here's a variation on the @g7s solution:

(defn g7s-nvs
   (fn [acc c]
     (let [head (peek acc)]
       (if (case c (\a \i \e \o \u \A \I \E \O \U) true false)
         (if head
           (let [back (quot head 2)]
             (into (subvec acc 0 (- (count acc) back))
                   (range back -1 -1)))
           (vec (range (count acc) -1 -1)))
        (conj acc (and head (inc head))))))

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(defn vowel? [x] 
  (some (partial = x) [\a \e \i \o \u]))

(defn split-apart [xs n]
  (vector (take n xs) (take 1 (drop n xs)) (drop (inc n) xs)))

(defn get-cases [xs]
  (map (partial split-apart xs) (range 0 (count xs))))

(defn distance-left-right [left right]
  (loop [[l1 & ls] (rseq (into [] left)) 
         [r1 & rs] (into [] right) 
         n 1]
    (if (and (nil? l1) (nil? r1))
      (if (or (vowel? l1) (vowel? r1))
        (recur ls rs (inc n))))))

(defn case-distance [[left middle right]]
  (if (vowel? (first middle))
    (distance-left-right left right)))

(defn nearest-vowels [xs]
  (->> (get-cases xs)
       (map case-distance)))

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JonathanHarford commented May 5, 2020

@caioaao your solution and mine are so similar it's eerie. I think maybe I like max-distance more than my nil-safe min.

(def vowel? (set "aeiou"))

(defn since-last-vowels [s]
  (reduce (fn [acc x]
            (if (vowel? x)
              (conj acc 0)
              (conj acc (some-> acc last inc))))

(defn nearest-vowels [s]
  (map (fn [a b] (or (min a b) a b)) ; EDIT: Works in CLJS, throws NPE in CLJ.
       (since-last-vowels s)
       (-> s reverse since-last-vowels reverse)))

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KingCode commented May 5, 2020

@mike-thompson-8day Nice solution - but you can make it even shorter as you don't need at-start? and can use 'pyramid everytime to add to the result, as backwards and forwards are always present even when the first vowel is encountered? I removed the extra code and all tests still pass.

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caioaao commented May 5, 2020

@JonathanHarford oh damn, that's true! I actually like yours better hahah. having nil instead of a fake distance kinda makes more sense (and may be easier to debug / less error prone maybe?). maybe because it looks more like an 'infinite' distance than the arguably arbitrary max-distance I used

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mike-thompson-day8 commented May 6, 2020


you can make it even shorter as you don't need at-start? and can use 'pyramid everytime

I don't think that test can be removed. It ensures the "leading" sequence is correct.

Try your modification with (nearest-vowels "bbbba") and I don't think you'll get (4 3 2 1 0) (I think you'll mistakenly get (1 2 2 1 0)

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KingCode commented May 6, 2020

@mike-thompson-day8 - sorry, my bad. Indeed backwards must be used prior to the first vowel. Interesting strategy.

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DrSplinter commented May 6, 2020

(defn positions [pred coll]
  (->> coll
       (map-indexed vector)
       (filter (comp pred second))
       (map first)))

(defn distance [x y]
  (Math/abs (- x y)))

(defn distances-from [count position]
  (map (partial distance position) (range count)))

(defn nearest-vowels [string]
  (->> string
       (positions #{\a \e \i \o \u})
       (map (partial distances-from (count string)))
       (reduce (partial mapv min))))

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illia-danko commented May 6, 2020

(def vowels (set "aeiou"))

(defn next-vowels [s]
  (loop [s s, n 0, was? false, dist []]
    (if s
      (let [vowel? (some? (vowels (first s)))
            n (if vowel? 0 (inc n))
            found? (some true? [was? vowel?])]
        (recur (next s) n found? (conj dist [n found?])))

(defn nearest-vowels [s]
  (let [next-left (next-vowels s)
        next-right (next-vowels (clojure.string/reverse s))]
    (vec (map (fn [[dist1 was-vowel1?] [dist2 was-vowel2?]]
              (and was-vowel1? was-vowel2?) (min dist1 dist2)
              was-vowel1? dist1
              :else dist2))
          next-left (reverse next-right)))))

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justone commented May 8, 2020

(def vowels #{\a \e \i \o \u \A \E \I \O \U})

(defn vowel-indices
  (filter some? (map-indexed #(when (vowels %2) %1) input)))

(defn shortest-distance
  [indices idx]
  (->> (map #(- idx %) indices)
       (map #(Math/abs %))
       (apply min)))

(defn nearest-vowels
  (let [indices (vowel-indices input)]
    (map (partial shortest-distance indices) (range (count input)))))

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julioberina commented May 9, 2020

(defn nearest-vowels [letters]
  (let [vowels (set "aeiou")
         lc #(clojure.string/lower-case %)
         vowel-indices (keep-indexed #(if (vowels %2) %1) (lc letters))]
      (fn [ind item]
        (if (vowels item) 0
          (reduce min (map #(Math/abs (- ind %)) vowel-indices)))) (lc letters))))

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wibisono commented May 18, 2020

Slow (nAll * nVowels) but readable version

(defn isVowel? [c] ((set "aiueo") c))

(defn vowel_positions [letters]
  (keep-indexed #(when (isVowel? %2) %1) letters))

(defn findvowel [idx pos]
  (reduce min (map #(Math/abs (- idx %)) pos)))

(defn nearest-vowels [letters]
  (let [vpos (vowel_positions letters)]
    (map #(findvowel % vpos) (range (count letters)))))

This one is less readable, but I think it is linearish.

(defn updown [[start stop]]
  (let [up (range (+ 1 (- stop start)))]
    (map min up (reverse up))))

(defn nearest-vowelz [letters]
  (let [vpos    (vowel_positions letters)
        fstp    (first vpos)
        lstp    (last vpos)
        left    (map #(- fstp %) (range fstp))
        middle  (map updown (partition 2 1 vpos)) 
        right   (map #(- % lstp) (range lstp (count letters)))
        fix_mid (concat (first middle) (mapcat rest (rest middle)))]
    (concat left fix_mid (rest right))))

The idea is to break the problem into the following steps:

(nearest-vowelz "cdefghijkabc")

- Find the vowel positions: (2 6 9)
- Solve for the left part, on the left side of 2: (2 1)
- Solve for the pairs of vowels in the middle: ((2 6) (6 9))
      * Fill the range between these pair of vowels with symmetrical up and down sequence. 
      * For example for those two pairs ((0 1 2 1 0) (0 1 1 0))
      * Concatenating middle, skip duplicates (0 1 2 1 0 (1 1 0))
- Solve for the right, after 9 : (0 1 2)
- Concatenate them all 

(2 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2)

Handling random generated letters up to million under a sec

(def timed (let [n 1000000
                   s (gen/generate (gen/vector gen/char-alpha) n)]
           (time (doall (nearest-vowelz s)))))
"Elapsed time: 515.240426 msecs"

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