(ns functional-tv-puzzles.2020.remove-last-vowels-367) |
(def vowels (set "aeiouAEIOU")) |
;; NOTE that when a single letter (vowel) word is removed, one of the surrounding |
;; spaces is removed as well, e.g. |
;; "This is a test" => "Ths s tst" rather than |
;; => "Ths s tst" |
;; Plugin impl that splits the word at last vowel and joins surroundings |
(defn no-last-vowel-1 [word] |
(let [split-pos (->> word |
(map-indexed (fn [i x] |
(if (vowels x) i -1))) |
(filter (complement neg?)) |
last) |
[pfx sfx] (split-at split-pos word)] |
(->> [pfx (rest sfx)] |
flatten |
(apply str)))) |
;; Plugin impl whih uses partitioning, prunes last vowel |
;; of applicable partition and rebuilds. |
(defn no-last-vowel-2 [word] |
(let [[last, before-last & begin] (reverse |
(partition-by vowels word)) |
[last', before-last'] (if (some vowels last) |
[(butlast last), before-last] |
[last, (butlast before-last)]) ] |
(-> begin reverse flatten vec |
(into (vec before-last')) |
(into (vec last')) |
(#(apply str %))))) |
(defn remove-last-vowels-shell [s word-fn] |
(->> (clojure.string/split s #" ") |
(map word-fn) |
(filter seq) |
(clojure.string/join " "))) |
(defn remove-last-vowels |
([s] ;; monolith impl |
(->> |
(clojure.string/split s #" ") |
(sequence (comp |
(map #(apply str (reverse %))) |
(map #(reduce (fn [[done? acc] x] |
(cond |
done? [done? (conj acc x)] |
(vowels x) [true acc] |
:else [done? (conj acc x)])) |
[nil []] %)) |
(map last) |
(map reverse) |
(map #(apply str %)) |
(filter seq))) |
(interpose " ") |
(apply str))) |
([s word-fn] ;; with plugin |
(remove-last-vowels-shell s word-fn))) |
(def test-phrases |
[["Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly." |
"Thos wh dar t fal miserbly cn achiev gretly."] |
["Love is a serious mental disease." |
"Lov s serios mentl diseas."] |
["Get busy living or get busy dying." |
"Gt bsy livng r gt bsy dyng."] |
["Please Take A Number" |
"Pleas Tak Numbr"] |
["Hi, there!", |
"H, ther!"] |
["This is not a test.", |
"Ths s nt tst."] |
["Hippopotamus", |
"Hippopotams"] |
["Mary didn't have a big huge lamb", |
"Mry ddn't hav bg hug lmb"]] ) |
(defn test-all [] |
(let [pass? (fn [f] |
(->> test-phrases |
(map (fn [[input expected]] |
(= expected (f input)))) |
(every? identity)))] |
(->> [remove-last-vowels, |
#(remove-last-vowels % no-last-vowel-1) |
#(remove-last-vowels % no-last-vowel-2)] |
(every? pass?)))) |
Kenny Shen, Viktor P
You can use a set as a function:
(#{\a} \a) ; => \a (truthy)
(#{\a} \b) ; => nil (falsey)
If you know your set does not contain false or nil (
(#{false} false) ; => false
, whereas(contains? #{false} false) ; => true
), you do not needcontains?
.Viktor P
Check out complement. You could refactor to
(def not-vowel? (complement vowel?))