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Last active September 2, 2019 11:07
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permutations of a sequence

The permutations of a sequence are all of the sequences with the same elements but in different orders. Here are some examples.

The permutations of [1, 2] are [1, 2] and [2, 1].

The permutations of [1, 2, 3] are [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], and [3, 2, 1].

The number of permutations grows really fast with the size of the list.

Your challenge is to write a function that generates all permutations of a list. Your function should return a lazy sequence.

Note: there already is a great, fast implementation of this function in clojure.math.combinatorics

(defn permutations [coll]
(case (count coll)
0 []
1 [coll]
(->> (range (count coll))
(map #(split-at % coll))
(mapcat (fn [[fore [target & aft]]]
(let [ps (permutations (concat fore aft))]
(map (partial cons target) ps)))))))
(defn permutations [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(list ())
(->> coll
(map-indexed (fn [t _] (split-at t coll)))
(map (fn [[bf af]] [(first af) (concat bf (rest af))]))
(mapcat (fn [[f rst]] (map #(cons f %) (permutations rst))))
;; with transducers
(defn vsplit [t v]
[(get v t) (concat (subvec v 0 t) (subvec v (inc t)))])
(defn permutationst [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(list [])
(let [v (vec coll)
tr (comp (map-indexed (fn [t _] (vsplit t v)))
(mapcat (fn [[f rst]] (map #(cons f %) (permutationst rst))))
(sequence tr v))))
(ns clojure-experiments.purely-functional.puzzles.0341-permutations
Write a function that returns all possible permutations of given sequence.
Your function should return lazy sequence.
See also `clojure.math.combinatorics/permutations`."
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]))
(defn permutations [aseq]
#_(println "Computating permutation for " aseq)
(empty? aseq)
(= 1 (count aseq))
(for [x aseq
xs (permutations (disj (set aseq)
(cons x xs))))
(take 2 (permutations [1 2 3]))
;; => ((1 3 2) (1 2 3) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
(deftest permutations-test
(testing "empty sequence"
(is (= []
(permutations []))))
(testing "sequence of one"
(is (= [[1]]
(permutations [1]))))
(testing "3-elements sequence have all 6 permutations"
(let [permutations (permutations [2 1 3])]
(is (= #{[1 2 3] [1 3 2]
[2 1 3] [2 3 1]
[3 1 2] [3 2 1]}
(set permutations)))))
(testing "many elements sequence have n! permutations"
(let [permutations (permutations [1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6])]
(is (= 3628800
(count permutations))))))
(defn swap
[coll i1 i2]
(->> coll
(map-indexed (fn [i x]
(condp = i
i1 (nth coll i2)
i2 (nth coll i1)
(defn permutations
"Based on"
(permutations coll 0))
([coll fixed]
(let [unfixed (- (count coll) fixed)]
(if (zero? unfixed)
((if (= 1 unfixed) map mapcat) ; Flatten the tree into a single list
(fn [i]
(permutations (swap coll fixed i) (inc fixed)))
(range fixed (count coll)))))))
(defn permutations [s]
(if (seq (rest s))
(apply concat (for [x s]
(map #(cons x %) (permutations (remove #{x} s)))))
;; tests
(= (permutations [1 2]) [[1 2] [2 1]])
(= (permutations [1 2 3]) [[1 2 3] [1 3 2] [2 1 3] [2 3 1] [3 1 2] [3 2 1]])
(= (nth (permutations [1 2 3 4 5]) 22) [1 5 4 2 3])
(defn ! [n] (apply * (range 2 (inc n))))
(= (! 6) (count (permutations [1 2 3 4 5 6])))
(= (! 7) (count (permutations [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(= (! 8) (count (permutations [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])))
(ns permutations.core
(:require [clojure.set])
;; Attempt at
;; Clojure implementation of permutation algorithms as found in this
;; TC article
(defn swap
"Return v with elements at i1 and i2 swapped"
[v i1 i2]
(assoc v i2 (v i1) i1 (v i2)))
(defn- permutation01
"Basic Algorithm 1: Remove"
[array n]
(if (= 1 n)
(apply concat
(mapcat #(vector
(permutation01 (swap array % (dec n)) (dec n))
(swap array % (dec n)))
(range 0 (count array))))))
(defn permutation01-toplevel [array]
(into ()
(partition (count array)
(permutation01 array (count array))))))
(defn permutation-heaps
"Heap's Algorithm -- the listing says the loop is for i from 0 to i
> (n-1). Could be a typo. Or not. Wikipedia (linked in both the
TC article as well as the G4G article) pseudo-code seems different
from what is on"
;; incomplete/incorrect heap's algorithm, until getting my hands on
;; the algorithms book by Robert Sedgewick to gain a full
;; understanding of the algorithm
[array n]
(if (= 1 n)
(apply concat
(permutation-heaps array (dec n))
(mapcat #(vector (permutation-heaps (swap array (if (even? n) % 0) (dec n))
(dec n)))
(range 0 n)))))
;; below is an algorithm from
;; with Clojure implementation a simple translation from the F#
;; illustration in the same repo
;; Algorithm A
;; for each permutation p of (tl x) do
;; insert (hd x) at each possible position in p
(defn algorithm-a [x]
(defn put [a p q]
(if (= p q)
(cons a q)
(cons (first p) (put a (rest p) q))))
(defn insert [a p q ps]
(if-not (seq q)
(cons (put a p []) ps)
(cons (put a p q) (insert a p (rest q) ps))))
(defn map-insert [a ps]
(if-not (seq ps)
(insert a (first ps) (first ps) (map-insert a (rest ps)))))
(if-not (seq x)
(map-insert (first x) (algorithm-a (rest x)))))
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