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Last active October 25, 2021 15:57
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Balanced Paren Clusters

Given a string of balanced parentheses, split it up into top-level "clusters".


(clusters "") ;=> []
(clusters "()") ;=> ["()"]
(clusters "(())") ;=> ["(())"]
(clusters "()()()") ;=> ["()" "()" "()"]
(clusters "(()())()(())") ;=> ["(()())" "()" "(())"]

You can assume the strings will only contain \( and \) and will be fully balanced.


  1. Handle unbalanced parens with a nice error message showing the relevant positions.
  2. Handle other braces, such as {} and [].

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Python. The problem has been modified.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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(defn clusters [s']
  (loop [[x & xs] s'
         acc []
         acc-cluster []
         polarity 0]
      (nil? x) acc
      (= x \() (recur xs
                      (conj acc-cluster x)
                      (inc polarity))
      (= x \)) (if (= 1 polarity)
                 (recur xs
                        (conj acc (apply str (conj acc-cluster x)))
                 (recur xs
                        (conj acc-cluster x)
                        (dec polarity))))))

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(defn count-par [x]
  (cond (= x \()  1
        (= x \)) -1))

(defn to-string [xs]
  (mapv (partial apply str) xs))

(defn clusters
  ([xs] (to-string (clusters xs [] 0 0)))
  ([[x & xs :as xall] acc index balance]
   (cond (< balance 0) (throw (ex-info "Unbalanced par" {:index index}))
         (and (empty? xall) (empty? acc)) acc
         (and (empty? xall) (> balance 0)) (throw (ex-info "Unbalanced par" {:index index}))
         (empty? xall) (vector acc)
         (and (> index 0) (zero? balance))
         (lazy-seq (cons acc (clusters xs [x] (inc index) (+ balance (count-par x)))))
         :else (clusters xs (conj acc x) (inc index) (+ balance (count-par x))))))

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KingCode commented Oct 19, 2021

EDIT: Added an arity to clusters to allow plugin-style arbitrary balancing characters (see bottom examples).

Phew... This one is an exercise in understanding that all/most of the work is already done in the input!

Strategy is to maintain a stack of the most recently unmatched opening chars:

  • when reading an opening character, append it to the current cluster, push it on the stack and continue
  • otherwise:
    -- if the new char matches the stack's, append it to the cluster being built, pop the stack and continue.
    -- otherwise output an explanation and location of the error and return nil.
  • when the stack is empty the new cluster is complete: append it to the result and continue

Since a valid (including empty or null) input string never results in a nil return, nil can be returned unambiguously
upon error without having to fill the screen with a stack trace:

(defn ->config [config-str]
  (let [c->o (->> config-str seq (partition 2) (mapcat reverse)
                  (apply hash-map))
        os (set (vals c->o))
        cs (set (keys c->o))]
    {:opener c->o, :opener? os, :closer? cs}))

(defn push [stack, c, idx] (conj stack [c idx]))
(defn peek-char [stack] (first (peek stack)))
(declare message-and-nil)

(defn clusters 
   (clusters s "()[]{}"))
  ([s config-str]
   (let [{:keys [opener opener? closer?]} (->config config-str)]
     (loop [unread (seq s), stack [], current [],
            clusters [], idx 0, error nil]
       (let [c (first unread)
             peeked (peek-char stack)]
           error ;; failed
           (message-and-nil error s)

           (and (empty? stack) (seq current)) ;; new cluster
           (recur unread, stack, [], 
                  (conj clusters current)
                  idx, nil)

           (and (not c) (seq stack)) ;; done, prematurely
           (recur nil nil nil nil nil {:error :incomplete 
                                       :idx idx :unmatched (peek stack)})

           (not c)  ;; done successfully
           (map (partial apply str) clusters)
           (opener? c) ;; adding opener to budding cluster
           (recur (rest unread)
                  (push stack c idx)
                  (conj current c), clusters, (inc idx), nil)

           (and (closer? c) (not= (opener c) peeked)) ;; can't complete cluster 
           (recur nil nil nil nil nil {:error :bad-match :opener (peek stack)
                                       :char c :idx idx})

           (closer? c)  ;; adding closer to budding cluster 
           (recur (rest unread), (pop stack)
                  (conj current c), clusters, (inc idx), nil)

           :else ;; illegal character error 
           (recur nil nil nil nil nil {:error :bad-char :char c :idx idx})))))))

(defn mark [at-idxs s]
  (let [s (.concat s " "), at-idxs (set at-idxs) 
        marks (->> (for [i (range (count s))
                         :let [c (if (at-idxs i) \^ \space)]]
                     c) (apply str))]
    (str s "\n" marks)))

(defn msg [& txt] (->> txt (interpose "\n") (apply str) println)) 

(defn message-and-nil [{:keys [error idx opener unmatched] c :char} s] 
  (let [[o o-idx] (cond opener opener unmatched unmatched :else [nil nil])]
    (case error
      (if (nil? opener)
        (msg (str "Too much input: character '" c "' (index " idx ")") 
             (mark [idx] s))
        (msg (str "Bad match: character '" c " (index " idx ")"
                  " doesn't match character '" o "' (index " o-idx ")")
             (mark [idx o-idx] s)))

      (msg (str "Incomplete: unmatched character '" o "' (index " o-idx ")")
           (mark [idx o-idx] s))

      (msg (str "Bad character '" c "' at index " idx)
           (mark [idx] s))))

(clusters "((())())()") ;=> ["((())()) ()"]
(clusters "([{}[()]]){()}") ;=> ("([{}[()]])" "{()}")
(clusters "([{}[()]ooops){()}") 
;;=> Bad character 'o' at index 8
;;=> ([{}[()]ooops){()} 
;;=>         ^
;;=> nil
(clusters "(()]")
;; => Bad match: character '] (index 3) doesn't match character '(' (index 0)
;; => (()] 
;; => ^  ^ 
;; nil
(clusters "(")
;; => Incomplete: unmatched character '(' (index 0)
;; => ( 
;; => ^^
;; => nil
(clusters "())")
;; => Too much input: character ')' (index2)
;; => ()) 
;; =>   ^ 
;; => nil
(clusters "abcdef" "afbecd") ;;=> ("abcdef")
(clusters "abcdef" "abcdef") ;;=> ("ab" "cd" "ef")
(clusters "abcd(ef" "afbecd")
;; => Bad character '(' at index 4
;; => abcd(ef 
;; =>     ^   
;; => nil

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