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Last active December 27, 2019 00:43
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Prime factorization

Every natural number can be expressed as a product of primes. For instance, 10 = 2 x 5 and 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3.

Your task is to write a function that takes a number n as an argument and returns a list of its prime factors.

(defn factor
(factor 2 [] n))
([p ps n]
(= 1 n)
(zero? (rem n p))
(recur p (conj ps p) (quot n p))
(recur (inc p) ps n))))
;; My first cut - this seemed to give correct answers, but
;; when I gave it the 50millionth prime to factor, it took about 40 seconds.
(defn factors [n]
(let [multiple-of? (fn [n div] (zero? (mod n div)))
divisors (lazy-seq (cons 2 (iterate (partial + 2) 3)))]
(loop [res []
n n
divs divisors]
(let [d (first divs)]
(if (> d n)
(if (multiple-of? n d)
(recur (conj res d)
(quot n d)
(recur res
(rest divs))))))))
;; First attempt to speed it up - I figured replacing the lazy sequence of divisors
;; with a "next-div" fn would be faster. It was - now did 50millionth prime in 12 secs.
(defn factors [n]
(let [multiple-of? (fn [n div] (zero? (mod n div)))
next-div (fn [d]
(if (= 2 d) 3 (+ d 2)))]
(loop [res []
n n
d 2]
(if (> d n)
(if (multiple-of? n d)
(recur (conj res d)
(quot n d)
(recur res
(next-div d)))))))
;; Next attempt to speed up further. I figured the 'next-div' logic was simple once
;; we got to odd divisors, so I pulled-out the "odd-ball case" of dividing by 2 and this
;; was an additional win. Factors 50millionth prime in 10 seconds.
(defn remove-twos [n]
(loop [n n
twos []]
(if (odd? n)
[n twos]
(recur (quot n 2)
(conj twos 2)))))
(defn factors [n]
(let [multiple-of? (fn [n div] (zero? (mod n div)))
[odd-n twos] (remove-twos n)]
(loop [res twos
n odd-n
d 3]
(if (> d n)
(if (multiple-of? n d)
(recur (conj res d)
(quot n d)
(recur res
(+ d 2)))))))
(defn primes-up-to
"Given a positive integer N, returns a vector of the prime numbers up to n."
;; Implementation using an Eratosthenes Sieve
(if (< N 2)
(let [N (int N)
sieve (boolean-array (inc N) false)]
(loop [n (int 2)]
(aget sieve n)
;; not a prime, next
(recur (unchecked-inc-int n))
(< N (* n n))
;; we're done, package the result
(into []
(remove #(aget sieve %))
(range 2 (inc N)))
;; n is a prime, marking its multiples
(loop [m (unchecked-add-int n n)]
(when (<= m N)
(aset sieve m true)
(recur (unchecked-add-int m n))))
(recur (unchecked-inc-int n))))))))
(defn divides? [d n]
(-> n (rem d) (= 0)))
(defn reduce-by-prime
"Trims out p in the prime factorization of m, i.e
returns the highest divisor of n not divisible by p."
[p n]
(if (divides? p n)
(recur p (/ n p))
(reduce-by-prime 5 100) => 4
(reduce-by-prime 7 100) => 100)
(defn prime-factors
(if (< n 2)
(into (sorted-set)
(let [s (int (Math/ceil (Math/sqrt n)))
potential-prime-divisors (primes-up-to s)]
(loop [m n
ppds potential-prime-divisors
prime-divisors []]
(if (or (= m 1) (empty? ppds))
(if (empty? prime-divisors)
(let [pd (first ppds)
m1 (reduce-by-prime pd m)]
(rest ppds)
(cond-> prime-divisors
(< m1 m)
(conj pd))))))))))
(prime-factors 31)
(prime-factors 120)
(prime-factors 4)
(prime-factors 2)
(let [ ;; let's try this on a big random number
n (*
(rand-int Integer/MAX_VALUE)
(rand-int 1000000))]
(time ;; takes about 1s on my machine, most of it is spent computing the sieve.
[n (prime-factors n)])))
(ns prime-factors)
(require 'clojure.math.numeric-tower)
; start at 2, then run through every odd number
(defn of-1 [n]
(loop [m n
div 2
acc []]
(zero? (mod m div)) (recur (/ m div)
(conj acc div))
(< m 2) acc
:else (recur m (if (odd? div)
(+ 2 div)
(inc div)) acc))))
; start at 2, then run through the odd numbers that can divide the
; given number evenly
(defn of-2 [n]
(loop [running-n n
divisor 2
factors []]
(zero? (mod running-n divisor)) (recur (/ running-n divisor)
(conj factors divisor))
(< running-n 2) factors
:else (recur running-n
(if (odd? divisor)
(loop [running-divisor divisor]
(zero? (rem running-n running-divisor))
(+ 2 running-divisor)))
(inc divisor))
; run through 2, 3, and every 6n-1, 6n+1 that divides n evenly
(defn of [n]
(loop [running-n n
divisors (conj (filter (fn [x] (or (= 1 (rem x 6))
(= 5 (rem x 6))))
(range 5 (inc n)))
factors []]
(zero? (rem running-n (first divisors)))
(recur (/ running-n (first divisors))
(conj factors (first divisors)))
(< running-n 2)
(recur running-n
(drop-while (fn [x] (pos? (rem running-n x)))
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