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Created October 27, 2021 15:06
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Reverse-Polish calculator

Reverse-Polish notation is a way to write mathematical expressions where the operator appears after the operands. For example:

1 2 +      => 1 + 2 = 3

In traditional parenthetical notation, that is equivalent to (1 + 2) and in Lisp (+ 1 2). If we assume there are four binary arithmetic operators (+, -, *, and /), we can write arbitrarily complex expressions with no need for parentheses.


1 2 + 3 +   => (1 + 2) + 3 = 6
4 2 * 2 2 + + 8 / => ((4 * 2) + (2 + 2)) / 8 = 2

Your job is to take a string of numbers and operators (all separated by spaces), parse them, and calculate the answer.


(rpol "1") ;=> 1
(rpol "1 2 +") ;=> 3
(rpol "1 2 + 3 +") ;=> 6
(rpol "4 2 * 2 2 + + 8 /") ;=> 2


  • All operations are binary.
  • There are some cases where there aren't enough arguments. You should throw an exception.
  • There are some cases where there are too many arguments. Return the result of the last operation performed.


  • Use a stack.

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Java. The problem has been modified.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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jonasseglare commented Oct 27, 2021

(defn interpret [dst x]
  (if (symbol? x)
    (let [[b a & r] dst]
      (conj r ((eval x) a b)))
    (conj dst x)))

(defn rpol [input]
  (->> (clojure.string/split input #"\s+")
       (transduce (map read-string) (completing interpret) '())

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led commented Oct 27, 2021

(defn rpol [s]
  (let [ops {"*" * "/" / "+" + "-" -}]
    (last (reduce (fn [a v]
            (if (contains? ops v)
              [(reduce (get ops v) a)]
              (conj a (int v))))
          [] (clojure.string/split s " ")))))

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nbardiuk commented Oct 27, 2021

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])

(defn- stack-eval [stack obj]
    (number? obj)
    (cons obj stack)

    (#{'+ '- '* '/} obj)
    (let [[b a & rst] stack]
      (cons ((eval obj) a b) rst))

    :else stack))

(defn rpol [input]
  (->> (str/split input #"\s+")
       (map edn/read-string)
       (reduce stack-eval nil)

(deftest rpol-test
  (is (= 1 (rpol "1")))
  (is (= 3 (rpol "1 2 +")))
  (is (= 6 (rpol "1 2 + 3 +")))
  (is (= 1 (rpol "2 3 * 1 - 5 /")))
  (is (= 3/2 (rpol "4 2 * 2 2 + + 8 /")))
  (is (= 2 (rpol "1 1 + 10")))
  (is (thrown? Exception (rpol "1 +"))))

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(require '[clojure.string :as str])

(defn rpol [s]
  (->> (str/split s #" ")
       (reduce #(if-let [f ({"*" * "/" / "+" + "-" -} %2)]
                 (conj (pop (pop %))
                       (f (peek (pop %)) (peek %)))
                 (conj % (Long/parseLong %2))) [])

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miner commented Oct 29, 2021

(defn rpol [s]
  (transduce (map clojure.edn/read-string)
             (fn ([stack x]
                  (if (symbol? x)
                    (let [op2 (peek stack)
                          stack (pop stack)
                          op1 (peek stack)
                          stack (pop stack)]
                      (conj stack ((ns-resolve *ns* x) op1 op2)))
                    (conj stack x)))
               ([stack] (peek stack)))
             (clojure.string/split s #" +")))

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KubqoA commented Oct 30, 2021

(require 'clojure.string)

(defn- step [stack x]
 (if-let [op ({"+" + "-" - "*" * "/" /} x)]
         (conj (pop (pop stack)) (op (peek (pop stack)) (peek stack)))
         (conj stack (Long/parseLong x))))

(defn rpol [str]
 (first (reduce step '() (clojure.string/split str #"\s+"))))

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KingCode commented Nov 2, 2021

(defn tokens [s]
  (->> (clojure.string/split s #"\s+")
       (map (fn [tok]
              (or ({"+" + "-" - "*" * "/" /} tok)
                  (Integer/parseInt tok))))))

(defn pop2 [input-stack op]
  (->> [:arg2 :arg1] 
       (reduce (fn [[stack args] _]
                 (if (not (peek stack))
                   (throw (Exception. 
                           (str "Missing argument for binary operator: " op
                                " in argument list: " input-stack)))
                   [(pop stack) (conj args (peek stack))]))
               [input-stack ()])))

(defn rpol [syms-str]
  (->> syms-str tokens
       (reduce (fn [stack arg-or-op]
                 (if (fn? arg-or-op)
                   (let [[stack' args] (pop2 stack arg-or-op)]
                        (conj stack' (apply arg-or-op args)))
                   (conj stack arg-or-op)))
       ((fn [res]
          (if (< 1 (count res))
            (throw (Exception. (str "Incomplete result - missing operator: "
            (peek res))))))

(rpol "1") ;=> 1
(rpol "1 2 +") ;=> 3
(rpol "1 2 + 3 +") ;=> 6
(rpol "4 2 * 2 2 + + 8 /") ;=> 3/2

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]])
(deftest rpol-throws-test
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #".*missing operator.*" (rpol "4 2 + 3")))
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Missing argument.*" (rpol "1 +"))))

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