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Last active May 20, 2021 11:28
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Collatz sequence

A Collatz sequence for a positive integer n is defined by repeatedly applying the following rules:

  • If n is even, divide by 2.
  • If n is odd, multiply by 3 and add 1.

The sequence ends when n = 1.

Write a function that generates a lazy Collatz sequence given a number.


(collatz 1) ;=> (1)
(collatz 2) ;=> (2 1)
(collatz 3) ;=> (3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1)

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Hard in Ruby. The problem has been modified.

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(defn collatz-step [n]
  (if (zero? (bit-and n 1)) (bit-shift-right n 1) (+ n n n 1)))

(defn collatz [n]
   (iterate collatz-step)
   (take-while #(> % 1))
   (#(if (>= n 1) (lazy-cat % [1]) %))))

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KingCode commented May 10, 2021

The core step wise computation (I avoided the base case of n = 1 here because it is handled higher up, perhaps wrongly):

(defn step [n]
  (if (even? n)
    (/ n 2)
    (-> n (* 3) inc)))

Reducing on an infinite sequence, interrupted via reduced. Maintaining the result is offloaded to the reduction machinery:

(defn collatz [n]
  (or (and (= 1 n) '(1))
      (->> (range) 
           (reductions (fn [x _] 
                         (let [x' (step x)]
                           (or (and (= 1 x') (reduced 1)) 

The above is quite noisy, with (or (and...)) logic to save a couple lines (also, the reducing fn logic could be made faster/terser with a case-let expression/macro). Here is another approach picking off each step from an infinite collatz 'index table':

(def sieve 
  (let [f (fn f [i]
             (cons (step i) 
                   (f (inc i)))))]
    (cons nil (cons 0 (f 2)))))

(defn collatz [n]
  (case n
    0 nil
    (cons n (collatz (nth sieve n)))))

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steffan-westcott commented May 10, 2021

(defn collatz [n]
  (take-while some? (iterate #(when (not= % 1)
                                (if (odd? %)
                                  (inc' (*' 3 %))
                                  (quot % 2)))

An example long Collatz sequence:

(count (collatz 931386509544713451))
=> 2284

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miner commented May 10, 2021

(defn collatz [n]
  (cond (<= n 1) (list n)
        (even? n) (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz (quot n 2))))
        :else (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz (inc (* 3 n)))))))

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(defn collatz [n]
  (concat (take-while #(not= 1 %) (iterate #(if (even? %) (/ % 2) (inc (* % 3))) n)) [1]))

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Implementation with iterate.

(defn next-collatz [n]
  (cond (= n 1) 0
        (even? n) (/ n 2)
        :else (inc (* 3 n))))

(defn collatz [n]
  (take-while (complement zero?) (iterate next-collatz n)))

Implementation with recursion and lazy-seq.

(defn collatz2 [n]
  (if (= 1 n)
    (cons 1 nil)
    (lazy-seq (cons n (collatz2 (if (even? n) (/ n 2) (inc (* 3 n))))))))

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(defn collatz-conjecture [n]
  (->> n
       (iterate (fn [n] (if (even? n) (/ n 2) (inc (* n 3)))))
       (take-while (partial not= 1))
       (conj '(1))

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prairie-guy commented May 11, 2021

(defn n+1 [n]                                                                                                                                         
  (if (even? n)                                                                                                                                       
    (/ n 2)                                                                                                                                           
    (inc (* 3 n))))

(defn collatz [n]
   (take-while (partial not= 1) (iterate n+1 n))

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(defn collatz [n]
   (cons n (cond
             (= 1 n) ()
             (even? n) (collatz (/ n 2))
             :else (collatz (inc (* 3 n)))))))

;; (collatz 1) ;; => (1)
;; (collatz 2) ;; => (2 1)
;; (collatz 3) ;; => (3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1)
;; (realized? (collatz 3)) ;; => false

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(defn collatz [n]
  (if (= n 1)
    (list n)
     (let [m (if (even? n)
               (quot n 2)
               (+ 1 (* n 3)))]
         (cons n (collatz m))))))

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xqz-u commented May 11, 2021

(defn collatz
   (concat (list n)
             (= n 1) nil
             (even? n) (collatz (/ n 2))
             :else (collatz (inc (* 3 n)))))))

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alex-gerdom commented May 11, 2021

(defn collatz [x]
   (cond (= 1 x) '(1)
         (even? x) (cons x (collatz (/ x 2)))
         :else (cons x (collatz (+' (*' x 3) 1))))))

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Toni-zgz commented May 12, 2021

(defn collatz [num]
    (loop [num num
              out (list)]
        (cond (<= 1 num) (reverse (cons 1 out))
                  (even? num) (recur (/ num 2) (cons num out))
                  :else (recur (+ (* num 3) 1) (cons num out)))))

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bnii commented May 20, 2021

(defn collatz [x] false
  (if (= x 1)
    (cons x (lazy-seq (collatz (if (even? x)
                                 (/ x 2)
                                 (+ (* x 3) 1)) )))))

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Gaivile commented May 20, 2021

(defn collatz [x]
  (if (vector? x)
    (let [n (last x)]
        (= 1 n) (seq x)
        (even? n) (collatz (conj x (/ n 2)))
        (odd? n) (collatz (conj x (+ 1 (* 3 n))))))
    (collatz (vector x))))

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