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Last active May 29, 2020 12:25
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We need to classify patterns into four different categories:

  1. horizontally symmetrical
  2. vertically symmetrical
  3. perfect (both vertically and horizontally symmetrical)
  4. imperfect (neither vertically nor horizontally symmetrical)

Patterns are two-dimmensional. We will represent them with vectors of vectors. Each inner vector is a row.

Write a function classify that takes a pattern and returns one of :vertical, :horizontal, :perfect, or :imperfect.


(classify [["a" "b" "a"]
           ["x" "y" "x"]]) ;=> :horizontal
(classify [["a" "b" "c"]]) ;=> :vertical ;; trivially so
(classify [["a" "b" "a"]
           ["y" "X" "y"]
           ["a" "b" "a"]]) ;=> :perfect

UPDATE: I have horizontal and vertical switched accidentally, but I won't change it since people have already submitted.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Expert level in JavaScript.

(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[schema.core :as s]
[tupelo.array :as tar]))
(def ArrayClass (s/constrained s/Keyword #{:horizontal :vertical :perfect :imperfect}))
(s/defn classify :- ArrayClass
[edn-data :- [[s/Any]]]
(let [array (tar/rows->array edn-data) ; verifies rectangular (non-ragged)
sym-horiz? (= array (tar/flip-lr array))
sym-vert? (= array (tar/flip-ud array))
result (cond
(and sym-horiz? sym-vert?) :perfect
sym-vert? :vertical
sym-horiz? :horizontal
:else :imperfect)]
(is= (classify [["a" "b" "a"]
["x" "y" "x"]]) :horizontal)
(is= (classify [["a" "b" "c"]]) :vertical)
(is= (classify [["a" "b" "a"]
["y" "X" "y"]
["a" "b" "a"]]) :perfect)
(is= (classify [["a" "b" "a"]
["y" "X" "y"]
["666" "b" "a"]]) :imperfect))
(defn sym-h? [xs]
(every? #(= % (reverse %)) xs))
(defn sym-v? [xs]
(if (empty? xs)
(-> (apply mapv vector xs)
(defn classify [xs]
(let [sym-h (sym-h? xs)
sym-v (sym-v? xs)]
(and sym-h sym-v) :perfect
sym-h :horizontal
sym-v :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
(defn symmetrical?
"Checks whether a sequence is equal to its reverse."
(= s (reverse s)))
(defn classify
(let [horizontal? (every? symmetrical? ss)]
(if (symmetrical? ss)
(if horizontal? :perfect :vertical)
(if horizontal? :horizontal :imperfect))))
(ns functional-tv-puzzles.-2020.patterns-378)
;; Solution 1
(defn symmetric? [vovs]
(let [siz (count vovs)
mid (quot siz 2)]
(->> vovs
(split-at mid)
((fn [[front back]]
[(reverse front), (drop (if (odd? siz) 1 0) back)]))
(apply map vector)
(every? #(apply = %)))))
(defn classify [vovs]
(let [rows vovs
horiz? (symmetric? rows)
cols (when (seq vovs) (apply mapv vector vovs))
vert? (symmetric? cols)]
(not cols) :perfect
(and horiz? vert?) :perfect
horiz? :horizontal
vert? :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
;; Solution 2
(defn ->1d [row col rowsiz]
(-> row (* rowsiz) (+ col)))
(defn mirrors [i rowsiz numrows]
(let [r (quot i rowsiz)
c (rem i rowsiz)
r' (- numrows r 1)
c' (- rowsiz c 1)]
[(->1d r' c rowsiz) (->1d r c' rowsiz)]))
(defn classify-2 [vovs]
(let [ {:keys [horiz? vert?] :as result}
(transduce (comp cat (map-indexed vector))
(fn [{:keys [horiz? vert? peers rowsiz numrows] :as acc}
[i v :as iv]]
(let [[row-pidx col-pidx] (mirrors i rowsiz numrows)
row-peer (get peers row-pidx)
col-peer (get peers col-pidx)
horiz?' (when horiz? (if row-peer (= v row-peer) true))
vert?' (when vert? (if col-peer (= v col-peer) true))]
(= [false false] [horiz?' vert?']) (reduced :imperfect)
(-> acc
(assoc-in [:peers i] v)
(assoc :horiz? horiz?')
(assoc :vert? vert?'))))))
{:horiz? true :vert? true
:rowsiz (count (first vovs))
:numrows (count vovs)}
(and horiz? vert?) :perfect
horiz? :horizontal
vert? :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
(defn horizontal-symmetry? [row]
(= row
(reverse row)))
(defn fully-horizontal? [matrix]
(as-> matrix $
(map horizontal-symmetry? $)
(set $)
(contains? $ false)
(not $)))
(defn vertical-symmetry? [matrix]
(= matrix
(reverse matrix)))
(defn classify [matrix]
(let [vertical? (vertical-symmetry? matrix)
horizontal? (fully-horizontal? matrix)]
(and vertical? horizontal?) :perfect
vertical? :vertical
horizontal? :horizontal
:else :imperfect)))
(defn classify [mat]
(let [symetric-seq? #(= % (reverse %))
transpose #(apply map vector %)
h-symetric? (every? symetric-seq? mat)
v-symetric? (every? symetric-seq? (transpose mat))]
(and h-symetric? v-symetric?) :perfect
h-symetric? :horizontal
v-symetric? :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
(defn classify [mx]
(let [sym1? #(= (seq %) (reverse %))
allsym? #(every? true? (map sym1? %))
hsym? (allsym? mx)
vsym? (allsym? (apply map vector mx))
perf? (and hsym? vsym?)]
perf? :perfect
hsym? :horizontal
vsym? :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
(defn classify [rows]
(let [symmetrical? (fn [rows] (every? #(= % (reverse %)) rows))
columns (apply map vector rows)]
(case [(symmetrical? rows) (symmetrical? columns)]
[true true] :perfect
[true false] :horizontal
[false true ] :vertical
(defn rows [grid]
(defn cols [grid]
(loop [res []
rows grid]
(if (empty? (first rows))
(recur (conj res (map first rows))
(map rest rows)))))
(defn classify [grid]
(let [symmetric? (fn [vals] (= vals (reverse vals)))
h-sym? (every? symmetric? (rows grid))
v-sym? (every? symmetric? (cols grid))]
(and h-sym? v-sym?) :perfect
h-sym? :horizontal
v-sym? :vertical
:else :imperfect)))
(defn symmetrical? [xs]
(= xs (reverse xs)))
(defn classify [rows]
(let [vertical? (symmetrical? rows)
horizontal? (every? symmetrical? rows)]
(and vertical? horizontal?) :perfect
vertical? :vertical
horizontal? :horizontal
:else :imperfect)))
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g7s commented May 18, 2020

[Edit: Edge cases with [] and [[]] per @miner suggestion]

(defn symmetric
  (let [len (count v)
        mid (quot len 2)]
    (case len
      (0 1) true
      (= (subvec v 0 mid)
         (rseq (subvec v (- len mid) len))))))

(defn classify
  (case [(symmetric rug) (every? symmetric rug)]
    [true true]   :perfect
    [true false]  :horizontal
    [false true]  :vertical
    [false false] :imperfect))

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ninjure commented May 18, 2020

(defn classify [rows]
  (let [symmetrical? (fn [rows] (every? #(= % (reverse %)) rows))
        columns (apply map vector rows)]
    (case [(symmetrical? rows) (symmetrical? columns)]
      [true  true]  :perfect
      [true  false] :horizontal
      [false true ] :vertical

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miner commented May 18, 2020

[fixed bug on empty vector]

(defn classify [v2]
  (let [horz? (every? (fn [row] (= (seq row) (rseq row))) v2)
        vert? (= (seq v2) (rseq v2))]
    (cond (and horz? vert?) :perfect
          horz? :horizontal
          vert? :vertical
          :else :imperfect)))

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miner commented May 18, 2020

I had some bugs with empty vectors. By my interpretation, [] and [[]] should be :perfect. Fixed now.

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(defn vertically-symmetrical? [coll2d]
  (let [n            (quot (count coll2d) 2)
        step         (+ n (rem (count coll2d) 2))
        [top bottom] (partition-all n step coll2d)]
    (= (seq top) (seq bottom)))) 

(defn horizontally-symmetrical? [coll2d]
  (vertically-symmetrical? (apply map vector coll2d)))

(defn classify [coll2d]
  (case [(horizontally-symmetrical? coll2d) (vertically-symmetrical? coll2d)]
    [true true]  :perfect
    [true false] :horizontal
    [false true] :vertical

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KingCode commented May 19, 2020

Hi everyone,
I was confused about the challenge spec examples which seem wrong for both horizontal and vertical labels (it seems they should be vertical and horizontal resp., so tested everyone's solution so far against the below samples (and added @miner's [], [[]] contribution)
which confirms that these test features are accurate. Thanks!
EDIT: I did find some issues with several solutions - see later post.

(def imperfects
   [[:a :b :c :d]
    [:e :f :g :h]]

   [[:a, :a, :b],
    [:a, :a, :a],
    [:b, :a, :a]],

   [[:a, :a, :a, :a],
    [:a, :a, :a, :a],
    [:a, :a, :b, :b]]])

(def perfects

   [[:a, :a],
    [:a, :a]],

   [[:a :b :a]
    [:y :x :y]
    [:a :b :a]],

   [[:a, :b, :b, :a],
    [:b, :b, :b, :b],
    [:a, :b, :b, :a]]])

(def verticals


   [[:c, :a, :a, :c],
    [:d, :b, :b, :d]] ,

   [[:a :b :a]
    [:x :y :x]],

   [[:a, :b, :a],
    [:b, :b, :b],
    [:a, :b, :a],
    [:a, :b, :a]],])

(def horizontals
   [[:a :b :c :d]],
   [[:a :b]]

   [[:a :b :c]],

   [[:b, :a],
    [:b, :a]],

    [[1 2 3 4]
     [5 6 7 8]
     [5 6 7 8]
     [1 2 3 4]]

   [[:c, :a, :a, :a],
    [:b, :b, :b, :b],
    [:c, :a, :a, :a]]])

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One-pass using a transducer:

(defn classify [vovs]
  (let [numrows (count vovs)
        numcols (count (first vovs))
        [rmid,cmid] (map #(-> (quot % 2) (+ (if (odd? % ) 1 0))) [numrows, numcols])
        ->rc (fn [i] [(quot i numcols), (rem i numcols)])]
    (->> vovs
         (transduce (comp cat (map-indexed vector)),
                     (fn [{:keys [horiz? vert? peer] :as acc}, [i v :as iv]]
                       (let [[r c] (->rc i)
                             horiz?' (and horiz? 
                                          (or (> rmid r) 
                                            (= v (peer [(- numrows r 1), c]))))
                             vert?' (and vert? 
                                         (or (> cmid c)
                                           (= v (peer [r, (- numcols c 1)]))))]
                         (if (and (not horiz?') (not vert?')) 
                           (reduced nil)
                           (-> (assoc-in acc [:peer [r c]] v) 
                               (assoc :horiz? horiz?')
                               (assoc :vert?  vert?')))))),
                    {:vert? true :horiz? true :peer {}})
         ((fn [{:keys [horiz? vert?] :as res}]
              (and horiz? vert?) :perfect
              horiz? :horizontal
              vert? :vertical
              :else :imperfect))))))

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miner commented May 21, 2020

looping like a C programmer

(defn classify [v2]
  (let [sym? (fn [v]
               (loop [eq true  start 0  end (dec (count v))]
                 (if (and (> end start) eq)
                   (recur (= (v start) (v end)) (inc start) (dec end) )
        horz? (every? sym? v2)
        vert? (sym? v2)]
    (cond (and horz? vert?) :perfect
          horz? :horizontal
          vert? :vertical
          :else :imperfect)))

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KingCode commented May 24, 2020

Nice job everyone!

It seems almost everyone went with the examples of the problem description in this gist, rather than the site which inspired it - essentially the meanings of :horizontal and :vertical are reversed, (reflecting across a dividing axis orthogonal to the dimension as in the original, vs the dimension of the line linking reflected values as in this gist). I chose the original as it seems more intuitive.

Here are my findings for most solutions against my own tests (see previous post above) - including a few odd errors on empty lists.
If you followed this gist's examples, then it makes sense that they appear reversed. If your name doesn't appear, all my tests passed but would fail against this gist's examples.

|    :coder-name |                         :input |   :expected |                        :actual |    :solution |
|          miner |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical | Comment area |
|                |                                |             |                                |     (1 of 2) |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|    ReilySiegel |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                     :imperfect |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                     :imperfect |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                             [] |    :perfect | java.lang.UnsupportedOperation |              |
|                |                                |             | Exception: count not supported |              |
|                |                                |             |  on this type: core$map$fn__58 |              |
|                |                                |             |                             62 |              |
|                | [[:a :b :b :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ |    :perfect |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :a :b :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|        ninjure |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical | Comment area |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                             [] |    :perfect | java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcep |              |
|                |                                |             | tion: Don't know how to create |              |
|                |                                |             |  ISeq from: clojure.core$map$f |              |
|                |                                |             |                        n__5862 |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|          miner |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical | Comment area |
|                |                                |             |                                |     (2 of 2) |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|   AlanThompson |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|   MarkChampine |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                             [] |    :perfect | java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcep |              |
|                |                                |             | tion: Don't know how to create |              |
|                |                                |             |  ISeq from: clojure.core$map$f |              |
|                |                                |             |                        n__5862 |              |
|                |                           [[]] |    :perfect |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|  DanielGaspani |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|    JuanMonetta |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                             [] |    :perfect | java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcep |              |
|                |                                |             | tion: Don't know how to create |              |
|                |                                |             |  ISeq from: clojure.core$map$f |              |
|                |                                |             |                        n__5862 |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
| StefanWestcott |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|   JonathanChen |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|   JamesElliott |                [[:a :b :c :d]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                      [[:a :b]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                   [[:a :b :c]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |              [[:b :a] [:b :a]] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                | [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] [5 6 7 8] | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                     [1 2 3 4]] |             |                                |              |
|                | [[:c :a :a :a] [:b :b :b :b] [ | :horizontal |                      :vertical |              |
|                |                  :c :a :a :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                    [[:a] [:b]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |               [[:a] [:b] [:c]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |  [[:c :a :a :c] [:d :b :b :d]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |        [[:a :b :a] [:x :y :x]] |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                | [[:a :b :a] [:b :b :b] [:a :b  |   :vertical |                    :horizontal |              |
|                |                :a] [:a :b :a]] |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |
|                |                                |             |                                |              |

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