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Created August 1, 2022 22:00
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472 Eric Normand Newsletter


A futuristic robot is programmed to take in a sequence of numbers. Each number is the distance to travel in a cardinal direction (north, south, east, west). It starts facing north at (0, 0), travels straight ahead by the distance given in the first number, then turns 90 degrees clockwise, now facing east. Then it repeats with the next number. Your job is to calculate where it ends up at the end of the sequence.


(move []) ;=> [0 0] ;; No motion
(move [10]) ;=> [0 10] ;; move 10 straight north
(move [10 2]) ;=> [2 10]
(move [10 2 3]) ;=> [2 7]

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Ruby. The problem has been modified.

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nbardiuk commented Aug 2, 2022

(defn move [distances]
  (let [start [0 0]
        directions [[0 1] [1 0] [0 -1] [-1 0]]
        scale (fn [[x y] n] [(* x n) (* y n)])
        add (fn [[ax ay] [bx by]] [(+ ax bx) (+ ay by)])]
    (->> (map scale (cycle directions) distances)
         (reduce add start))))

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wevre commented Aug 2, 2022

I like @michaelteter's solution because the names and logic align directly to the real world movements. But it doesn't seem to handle an input sequence longer than 4 items. Here is an adapted approach that does:

(defn move [xs]
  (loop [[x y] [0 0] [n e s w & r] (concat xs (repeat 4 0))]
    (if (seq r)
      (recur [(+ x (- e w)) (+ y (- n s))] r)
      [x y])))

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nwjsmith commented Aug 2, 2022

(defn move
  (let [directions (map vector (cycle [0 1 0 -1]) (cycle [1 0 -1 0]))
        movements (map (fn [direction magnitude] (map #(* % magnitude) direction))
    (reduce (fn [location movement] (map + location movement))
            [0 0]

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michaelteter commented Aug 2, 2022

As @wevre noted, my original solution was not valid for inputs beyond 4 items... I thought the problem seemed weird! :P

Here's a cave-man solution. It's somewhat lengthy, but I think it could be comprehended by someone with little or no Clojure experience.

(defn move [steps]
  (loop [[step & remaining-steps] steps 
             [x y] [0 0] 
             step-count 0]
    (if (nil? step)
         [x y]
         (recur remaining-steps
             (case (mod step-count 4)
               0 [x (+ y step)]
               1 [(+ x step) y]
               2 [x (- y step)]
               3 [(- x step) y])
             (inc step-count)))))

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(defn move [path]
  (reduce (fn [[x y] [n e s w]]
            [(+ x (or e 0) (- (or w 0)))
             (+ y (or n 0) (- (or s 0)))])
          [0 0]
          (partition-all 4 path)))

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gdw2 commented Aug 2, 2022

(defn move
   (apply concat (repeat ['(0 1) '(1 0) '(0 -1) '(-1 0)]))
   (interleave (conj moves 0))
   (partition 2)
   (map (fn [[m d]] (map (partial * m) d)))
   (apply mapv +)))

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miner commented Aug 3, 2022

(defn move [moves]
  (pop (reduce (fn [[east north dir] m]
                 (case dir
                   :north [east (+ north m) :east]
                   :east [(+ east m) north  :south]
                   :south [east (- north m) :west]
                   :west [(- east m) north  :north]))
               [0 0 :north]

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miner commented Aug 3, 2022

(defn move [moves]
  (let [sum4th (fn [d] (transduce (comp (drop d) (take-nth 4)) + 0 moves))]
    [(- (sum4th 1) (sum4th 3))
     (- (sum4th 0) (sum4th 2))]))

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Archenoth commented Aug 3, 2022

It's fun how so many programming challenges can boil down to "use loop, but..."

(defn move [moves]
  (loop [[dist & moves] moves
         [[xdir ydir] & dirs] (cycle [[0 1] [1 0] [0 -1] [-1 0]])
         [x y] [0 0]]
    (if-not dist
      [x y]
      (recur moves dirs [(+ x (* xdir dist)), (+ y (* ydir dist))]))))

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(defn do-move [[x y] direction len]
 (case direction 
  :north [x (+ y len)]
  :east  [(+ x len) y]
  :south [x (- y len)]
  :west  [(- x len) y]))

(defn move [moves] 
 (let [moves' (zipmap moves (cycle [:north :east :south :west]))]
  (reduce (fn [s [len dir]] (do-move s dir len))
          [0 0]

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cmaus00 commented Aug 7, 2022

(defn move [steps]
  (let [weights (map (fn [i] (if (< 1 (mod i 4)) -1 1)) (range))]
    (->> steps
         (map vector weights)
         (map #(apply * %1))
         (map-indexed #(if (= (mod %1 2) 0) [0 %2] [%2 0]) )
         (reduce #(map + %1 %2) [0 0]))))

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cmaus00 commented Aug 7, 2022

(defn move [steps]
  (let [directions (cycle [[0 1] [1 0] [0 -1] [-1 0]])
        vecmult (fn [v s] (map #(* s %) v))
        vecadd (fn [& vs] (apply map + vs))]
    (->> steps
         (map vector directions)
         (map #(apply vecmult %))
         (reduce vecadd [0 0]))))

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map-reduce has been on my mind.

(def directions
  [[0 1]  ;; north
   [1 0]  ;; east
   [0 -1] ;; south
   [-1 0] ;; west

(defn vec+ [a b]
  (mapv + a b))

(defn vec-scalar* [v s]
  (mapv #(* s %) v))

(defn move [xs]
  (reduce vec+
          [0 0]
          (map vec-scalar* (cycle directions) xs)))

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Bit late to this party but here is mine:

(defn move [xs]
  (if-not (seq xs)
    [0 0]
    (->> xs
         (partition 4 4 [0 0 0 0])
         (apply #(map + %))
         ((fn [[a b c d]] [(- b d) (- a c)])))))

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