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Created March 8, 2021 20:54
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Character swap

Write a function that swaps every occurrence of one string with another, and vice versa. It is like clojure.string.replace but works both ways.


(swap "abc" "a" "b") ;=> "bac"
(swap "book" "k" "t") ;=> "boot"
(swap "Closure" "j" "s") ;=> "Clojure"
(swap "bee" "b" "e") ;=> "ebb"
(swap "abc" "1" "2") ;=> "abc"

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard in JavaScript. The problem has been modified from the original.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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vmpj commented Mar 11, 2021

(defn swap [s r1 r2]
  (apply str (map #(get {r1 r2 r2 r1} (str %) %) s)))

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filippocostalli commented Mar 12, 2021

;; much better than my previous one and even faster
(defn swap [s ch1 ch2]
   (->> s
      (map #(cond
              (= (str %) ch1) ch2
              (= (str %) ch2) ch1
              :else %))
      (apply str)))

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tylerw commented Mar 13, 2021

; provided `a` and `b` are strings of length 1
(defn swap [s a b]
  (clojure.string/escape s {(first a) b (first b) a}))

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burnall commented Mar 14, 2021

(defn swap [s a b]
  (clojure.string/replace s 
                          (re-pattern (str a "|" b))
                          {a b, b a}))

Seems like most (if not all= previous solutions suggest length 1 for a and b, which is not in the original problem statement.

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prairie-guy commented Apr 5, 2021

(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(defn swap [s c1 c2]                                                                                                                                  
  (string/replace s (re-pattern (str c1 "|" c2)) {c1 c2, c2 c1}))

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sim-f commented Apr 11, 2021

Only works on replacements strings with length 1:

(defn swap [string rstr1 rstr2]
  (->> string
        (fn [acc c]
          (cond (= rstr1 (str c)) (conj acc rstr2)
                (= rstr2 (str c)) (conj acc rstr1)
                :else (conj acc c)))
       (apply str)))

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