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Created March 15, 2021 13:47
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Index map

A vector can be seen as a mapping of index to value. However, we want a mapping from value to indexes. Write a function that takes a sequence and returns a map where the elements of the sequence are the keys and the values are sets of the indexes where the value is found.


(index-map []) ;=> {}
(index-map [1 2 3]) ;=> {1 #{0} 2 #{1} 3 #{2}}
(index-map [1 1 1]) ;=> {1 #{0 1 2}}
(index-map [1 2 1 2 1]) ;=> {1 #{0 2 4} 2 #{1 3}}

Bonus: Write the inverse function that takes one of the returned maps and turns it into a sequence.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard in Ruby. The problem has been modified from the original.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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sim-f commented Apr 7, 2021

(defn index-map [v]
  (let [m (zipmap (distinct v) (repeat #{}))
        c (count v)]
     (fn [m index]
       (update m (get v index) #(conj % index)))
     (range 0 c))))

(defn index-map->vec [imap]
  (->> imap
        (fn [smap index-map]
          (->> index-map
               (apply (fn [n is] (map (fn [i] [i n]) is)))
               (into smap)))

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s3dse commented Apr 11, 2021

(defn index-map [xs]
    (fn [m k v]
      (merge-with into m {v (into (sorted-set) [k])}))

(defn index-map->vec [m]
  (mapv first
          (fn [r k v]
            (->> (map #(vector k %) v)
                 (apply conj r)
                 (sort-by second)))
          [] m)))

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