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Last active November 13, 2020 02:39
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Gapful numbers

Some numbers are gapful, some aren't. 100 is gapful because it has at least three digits and 100 is divisible by 10 ((str 1 0), the concatenation of the first and last digit). That's the definition of gapful: it has at least three digits and is divisible by the number formed by concatenating the first and last digits.

Create a function that takes a number and finds the closest gapful number. The function should return its argument if the argument itself is gapful. And if there are two gapful numbers equidistant to the argument, return the lower one.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea!

(defn gapful? [n]
(let [divisor (Long/parseLong (str (first (str n)) (last (str n))))]
(and (> n 99) (zero? (mod n divisor)))))
(defn closest-gapful [n]
(if (gapful? n)
(if (< n 100)
(loop [lower (dec n)
upper (inc n)]
(if (or (gapful? lower) (and (gapful? lower) (gapful? upper)))
(if (gapful? upper)
(recur (dec lower) (inc upper))))))))
(defn gapful? [n]
(let [s (str n)]
(and (int? n)
(>= (count s) 3)
(let [d (Long/parseLong (str (first s) (last s)))]
(zero? (rem n d))))))
(defn closest-gapful [n]
(let [lowers (range (dec n) 99 -1)
highers (map #(+ % n) (range))
all (interleave highers lowers)]
(->> all
(filter gapful?)
(defn closest-gapful2 [n]
(loop [high? true low (dec n) high n]
(if high?
(if (gapful? high)
(recur false low (inc high)))
(if (gapful? low)
(recur true (dec low) high)))))
(ns scratches.gapful)
Challenge from
Some numbers are gapful, some aren't. 100 is gapful because it has at least three digits and 100 is divisible by 10 ((str 1 0), the concatenation of the first and last digit). That's the definition of gapful: it has at least three digits and is divisible by the number formed by concatenating the first and last digits.
Create a function that takes a number and finds the closest gapful number. The function should return its argument if the argument itself is gapful. And if there are two gapful numbers equidistant to the argument, return the lower {one.})
(defn concat-fl
"concatates first and last digits of a number"
(let [nstr (seq (.toString n))]
(Integer/parseInt (str (first nstr) (last nstr)))))
(defn gapful?
"predicate to indicate if a number is 100 or more and divisible by it's first and last digits"
(let [fl-concat (concat-fl n)]
(if (and (>= n 100)
(= 0 (mod n fl-concat)))
;lazy sequence of gapful numbers
(def gapful-seq
(filter #(gapful? %) (range)))
(defn find-nearest-gapful
"Finds nearest gapful number. if equal distant, returns lowest number"[n]
(let [sm-gapful (last (take-while #(>= n %) gapful-seq))
lg-gapful (first (filter #(<= n % ) gapful-seq))]
(if sm-gapful (if (< (- lg-gapful n) (- n sm-gapful )) lg-gapful sm-gapful)
(defn gapful [num]
(loop [candidates [num num]]
(let [gapful? (fn [n]
(when (and n (> n 99))
(let [d (as-> n v
(str v)
(str (first v) (last v))
(read-string v))]
(= (mod n d) 0))))
recruit (first (filter gapful? candidates))]
(if recruit
(recur [(dec (first candidates)) (inc (last candidates))])))))
(defn gapful? [n]
(when (> n 99)
(let [hi (loop [i n] (if (< i 10) i (recur (quot i 10))))
lo (rem n 10)
dd (+ lo (* 10 hi))]
(zero? (rem n dd)))))
(defn nearest-gapful
([n] (if (gapful? n) n (nearest-gapful n 1)))
([n dist]
(cond (gapful? (- n dist)) (- n dist)
(gapful? (+ n dist)) (+ n dist)
:else (recur n (inc dist)))))
(defn gapful? [n]
(let [s (str n)
divisor (Integer/parseInt (str (first s) (last s)))]
(zero? (mod n divisor))))
(defn closest [n]
(if (< n 100)
(first (filter gapful? (interleave (iterate inc n) (range (dec n) 99 -1))))))
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zugnush commented Nov 13, 2020

(defn gapful?
  (let [[h _ o] (str n)]
    (zero? (mod n (Integer. (str h o))))))

;; set up an infinte range of offsets -0 +0 -1 +1 -2 +2 ....
;; then find the first that is gapful
;; putting the minus first breaks ties in the right direction
;; the first means that the repeat at 0 is harmless
;; works from anywhere with any integer input

(defn closest-gapful
  (->> (range)
       (map (juxt #(* -1 %) identity))  
       (map #(+ n % ))
       (filter #(< 99 % 1000))
       (filter gapful?)

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