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Last active April 21, 2023 18:38
unitree a1 from mujoco menagerie modified for brax
<mujoco model="a1">
<compiler angle="radian" meshdir="assets" texturedir="assets" autolimits="true"/>
<!-- brax doesn't support eliptic friction -->
<option impratio="100"/>
<default class="a1">
<geom friction="0.6" margin="0.001"/>
<joint axis="0 1 0" damping="2" armature="0.01" frictionloss="0.2"/>
<position kp="100" forcerange="-33.5 33.5"/>
<default class="abduction">
<joint axis="1 0 0" damping="1" range="-0.802851 0.802851"/>
<position ctrlrange="-0.802851 0.802851"/>
<default class="hip">
<joint range="-1.0472 4.18879"/>
<position ctrlrange="-1.0472 4.18879"/>
<default class="knee">
<joint range="-2.69653 -0.916298"/>
<position ctrlrange="-2.69653 -0.916298"/>
<default class="visual">
<geom type="mesh" contype="0" conaffinity="0" group="2" material="dark"/>
<default class="collision">
<!-- to avoid creating a huge A-matrix, turn off self-collision -->
<geom group="3" type="capsule" contype="1" conaffinity="0" />
<default class="hip_left">
<geom size="0.04 0.04" quat="1 1 0 0" type="cylinder" pos="0 0.055 0"/>
<default class="hip_right">
<geom size="0.04 0.04" quat="1 1 0 0" type="cylinder" pos="0 -0.055 0"/>
<default class="thigh1">
<geom size="0.015" fromto="-0.02 0 0 -0.02 0 -0.16"/>
<default class="thigh2">
<geom size="0.015" fromto="0 0 0 -0.02 0 -0.1"/>
<default class="thigh3">
<geom size="0.015" fromto="-0.02 0 -0.16 0 0 -0.2"/>
<default class="calf1">
<geom size="0.01" fromto="0 0 0 0.02 0 -0.13"/>
<default class="calf2">
<geom size="0.01" fromto="0.02 0 -0.13 0 0 -0.2"/>
<default class="foot">
<!-- BRAX: we don't yet support multiple solparams per geom, but will in the future -->
<geom type="sphere" size="0.02" pos="0 0 -0.2" priority="1"
condim="6" friction="0.8 0.02 0.01"/>
<material name="dark" specular="0" shininess="0.25" rgba="0.2 0.2 0.2 1"/>
<texture type="2d" name="trunk_A1" file="trunk_A1.png"/>
<material name="carbonfibre" texture="trunk_A1" specular="0" shininess="0.25"/>
<mesh class="a1" file="calf.obj"/>
<mesh class="a1" file="hip.obj"/>
<mesh class="a1" file="thigh.obj"/>
<mesh class="a1" file="thigh_mirror.obj"/>
<mesh class="a1" file="trunk.obj"/>
<light name="spotlight" mode="targetbodycom" target="trunk" pos="0 -1 2"/>
<body name="trunk" pos="0 0 0.43" childclass="a1">
<inertial mass="4.713" pos="0 0.0041 -0.0005"
fullinertia="0.0158533 0.0377999 0.0456542 -3.66e-05 -6.11e-05 -2.75e-05"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="trunk" material="carbonfibre"/>
<geom class="collision" size="0.125 0.04 0.057" type="box"/>
<geom class="collision" quat="1 0 1 0" pos="0 -0.04 0" size="0.058 0.125" type="cylinder"/>
<geom class="collision" quat="1 0 1 0" pos="0 +0.04 0" size="0.058 0.125" type="cylinder"/>
<geom class="collision" pos="0.25 0 0" size="0.005 0.06 0.05" type="box"/>
<geom class="collision" pos="0.25 0.06 -0.01" size="0.009 0.035"/>
<geom class="collision" pos="0.25 -0.06 -0.01" size="0.009 0.035"/>
<geom class="collision" pos="0.25 0 -0.05" size="0.005 0.06" quat="1 1 0 0"/>
<geom class="collision" pos="0.255 0 0.0355" size="0.021 0.052" quat="1 1 0 0"/>
<body name="FR_hip" pos="0.183 -0.047 0">
<inertial mass="0.696" pos="-0.003311 -0.000635 3.1e-05"
quat="0.507528 0.506268 0.491507 0.494499"
diaginertia="0.000807752 0.00055293 0.000468983"/>
<joint class="abduction" name="FR_hip_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="hip" quat="0 1 0 0"/>
<geom class="hip_right"/>
<body name="FR_thigh" pos="0 -0.08505 0">
<inertial mass="1.013" pos="-0.003237 0.022327 -0.027326"
quat="0.999125 -0.00256393 -0.0409531 -0.00806091"
diaginertia="0.00555739 0.00513936 0.00133944"/>
<joint class="hip" name="FR_thigh_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="thigh_mirror"/>
<geom class="thigh1"/>
<geom class="thigh2"/>
<geom class="thigh3"/>
<body name="FR_calf" pos="0 0 -0.2">
<inertial mass="0.226" pos="0.00472659 0 -0.131975"
quat="0.706886 0.017653 0.017653 0.706886"
diaginertia="0.00340344 0.00339393 3.54834e-05"/>
<joint class="knee" name="FR_calf_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="calf"/>
<geom class="calf1"/>
<geom class="calf2"/>
<geom class="foot"/>
<body name="FL_hip" pos="0.183 0.047 0">
<inertial mass="0.696" pos="-0.003311 0.000635 3.1e-05"
quat="0.494499 0.491507 0.506268 0.507528"
diaginertia="0.000807752 0.00055293 0.000468983"/>
<joint class="abduction" name="FL_hip_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="hip"/>
<geom class="hip_left"/>
<geom class="collision" size="0.04 0.04" pos="0 0.055 0" quat="1 1 0 0" type="cylinder"/>
<body name="FL_thigh" pos="0 0.08505 0">
<inertial mass="1.013" pos="-0.003237 -0.022327 -0.027326"
quat="0.999125 0.00256393 -0.0409531 0.00806091"
diaginertia="0.00555739 0.00513936 0.00133944"/>
<joint class="hip" name="FL_thigh_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="thigh"/>
<geom class="thigh1"/>
<geom class="thigh2"/>
<geom class="thigh3"/>
<body name="FL_calf" pos="0 0 -0.2">
<inertial mass="0.226" pos="0.00472659 0 -0.131975"
quat="0.706886 0.017653 0.017653 0.706886"
diaginertia="0.00340344 0.00339393 3.54834e-05"/>
<joint class="knee" name="FL_calf_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="calf"/>
<geom class="calf1"/>
<geom class="calf2"/>
<geom class="foot"/>
<body name="RR_hip" pos="-0.183 -0.047 0">
<inertial mass="0.696" pos="0.003311 -0.000635 3.1e-05"
quat="0.491507 0.494499 0.507528 0.506268"
diaginertia="0.000807752 0.00055293 0.000468983"/>
<joint class="abduction" name="RR_hip_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" quat="0 0 0 -1" mesh="hip"/>
<geom class="hip_right"/>
<body name="RR_thigh" pos="0 -0.08505 0">
<inertial mass="1.013" pos="-0.003237 0.022327 -0.027326"
quat="0.999125 -0.00256393 -0.0409531 -0.00806091"
diaginertia="0.00555739 0.00513936 0.00133944"/>
<joint class="hip" name="RR_thigh_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="thigh_mirror"/>
<geom class="thigh1"/>
<geom class="thigh2"/>
<geom class="thigh3"/>
<body name="RR_calf" pos="0 0 -0.2">
<inertial mass="0.226" pos="0.00472659 0 -0.131975"
quat="0.706886 0.017653 0.017653 0.706886"
diaginertia="0.00340344 0.00339393 3.54834e-05"/>
<joint class="knee" name="RR_calf_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="calf"/>
<geom class="calf1"/>
<geom class="calf2"/>
<geom class="foot"/>
<body name="RL_hip" pos="-0.183 0.047 0">
<inertial mass="0.696" pos="0.003311 0.000635 3.1e-05"
quat="0.506268 0.507528 0.494499 0.491507"
diaginertia="0.000807752 0.00055293 0.000468983"/>
<joint class="abduction" name="RL_hip_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" quat="0 0 1 0" mesh="hip"/>
<geom class="hip_left"/>
<body name="RL_thigh" pos="0 0.08505 0">
<inertial mass="1.013" pos="-0.003237 -0.022327 -0.027326"
quat="0.999125 0.00256393 -0.0409531 0.00806091"
diaginertia="0.00555739 0.00513936 0.00133944"/>
<joint class="hip" name="RL_thigh_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="thigh"/>
<geom class="thigh1"/>
<geom class="thigh2"/>
<geom class="thigh3"/>
<body name="RL_calf" pos="0 0 -0.2">
<inertial mass="0.226" pos="0.00472659 0 -0.131975"
quat="0.706886 0.017653 0.017653 0.706886"
diaginertia="0.00340344 0.00339393 3.54834e-05"/>
<joint class="knee" name="RL_calf_joint"/>
<geom class="visual" mesh="calf"/>
<geom class="calf1"/>
<geom class="calf2"/>
<geom class="foot"/>
<position class="abduction" name="FR_hip" joint="FR_hip_joint"/>
<position class="hip" name="FR_thigh" joint="FR_thigh_joint"/>
<position class="knee" name="FR_calf" joint="FR_calf_joint"/>
<position class="abduction" name="FL_hip" joint="FL_hip_joint"/>
<position class="hip" name="FL_thigh" joint="FL_thigh_joint"/>
<position class="knee" name="FL_calf" joint="FL_calf_joint"/>
<position class="abduction" name="RR_hip" joint="RR_hip_joint"/>
<position class="hip" name="RR_thigh" joint="RR_thigh_joint"/>
<position class="knee" name="RR_calf" joint="RR_calf_joint"/>
<position class="abduction" name="RL_hip" joint="RL_hip_joint"/>
<position class="hip" name="RL_thigh" joint="RL_thigh_joint"/>
<position class="knee" name="RL_calf" joint="RL_calf_joint"/>
<key name="home" qpos="0 0 0.27 1 0 0 0 0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8"
ctrl="0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8 0 0.9 -1.8"/>
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