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Last active May 20, 2016 00:32
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ESP8266 (NodeMCU ESP-12E) Quickstart

This is a rough quickstart for the ESP8266 (NodeMCU ESP-12E) Development board. This is the one I use.

Download the Arduino IDE.

Go to Tools -> Board -> Board Manager

Search and install the esp8266 package.

Under Tools, make your settings look like this:

Go to File -> Examples -> ESP8266 -> Blink

Plug it in. Upload it.

Flashing blue lights == uploading

The onboard LED should blink after it uploads

Mine has been picky about which Micro USB cable I use. Use a nice cable. If it isn't uploading, try adding a 10k resistor between GPIO0 and GND. Also make sure your cable isn't too long and your USB port is giving it enough power.

Next, I recommend playing around with some of the Wi-Fi examples.

Notes and Tips:

  • The board runs on 3.3V which is different than Arduino (5V). Components will generally work, but you may need a voltage converter.
  • There's only one analog in pin (A0)
  • If you've hooked something up and you're pretty certain it should be working, try another GPIO pin.

Here's a pinout of the NodeMCU version:

Here's the Adafruit Huzzah version.

Welcome to the future.ᐧ

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