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Created September 18, 2015 15:41
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Zsh script to prepend a file with string(s)
# ================================================
# PREPEND ========================================
# ================================================
# Prepends a string to a target file
# ------------------------------------------------
# TRAP->TERM -------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
trap "exit 1" TERM
local TOP_PID=$$
# ------------------------------------------------
# UTILITY ----------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
function _exit_fatal() {
echo "fatal: $1"
kill -s TERM $TOP_PID
# ------------------------------------------------
# MAIN -------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
# Validate target file
# ------------------------------------------------
local _target=$1
if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
_exit_fatal "No target file given."
test -e $_target || _exit_fatal "The target '$_target' does not exist."
test -f $_target || _exit_fatal "The target '$_target' is not a file."
test -w $_target || _exit_fatal "The target '$_target' is not writable."
# Validate string(s) to prepend
# ------------------------------------------------
if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
_exit_fatal "No string(s) given to prepend to target file given."
local _to_prepend="$*"
# Create a temporary file for merger
# ------------------------------------------------
local _temporary_file_path=`mktemp "/tmp/\`basename $0\`.XXXX"`
if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
_exit_fatal "Could not create a temporary file in '/tmp' with mktemp."
# Prepend/merge the temporary file
# ------------------------------------------------
if ! ( echo $_to_prepend >> $_temporary_file_path && cat $_target >> $_temporary_file_path ) ; then
_exit_fatal "Could not prepend the inputs to the temporary file at '$_temporary_file_path'."
# Overwrite the original target
# ------------------------------------------------
if ! mv $_temporary_file_path $_target ; then
_exit_fatal "Could not move/overwrite the original target file at '$_target' with the temporary file at '$_temporary_file_path'."
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