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Last active July 31, 2020 22:15
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These are just notes I took reading various Scrum documents. I tried to write down every concrete action that someone can take as part of a Scrum process.


Going in:

  • Company Vision Statement
  • Market Analysis

Create Stakeholder Selection Criteria: customers (acquires the product), users (use it), and sponsors (provides resources to support items)

Identify Scrum Master using Selection Criteria

  • available and can fully commit to the project
  • good problem solving skills
  • servant leadership style

Identify Stakeholders using Selection Criteria

Scrum Guidance Body formalizes organizational practices related to Scrum:

  • government regulations
  • security
  • organization-specific


Review Project Business Case

  • could be formal or informal
  • background
  • business purpose
  • desired outcomes

SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

Gap analysis:

  • gap in market segmentation
  • gap in profit expectations and realization
  • narrow in on key variables affecting gap
  • strategy for closing gap: customer-focused, operations-focused, or product-focused

High level business requirements are organized into Program Backlog Items

Identify Product Owner

Project Vision Statement

  • business outcomes that the project is expected to fulfill
  • its fulfillment helps fulfill the organization's mission statement
  • serves as inspiration
  • provides focus
  • not too specific, allow flexibility
  • reference problem, not solution

Create Scrum Master selection criteria

User Group Meetings may be held to discuss appropriate Epics


Find out what business value is expected by the customer

Product Owner obtains approval of the Project Vision Statement from the key decision-makers in the organization (executives and/or some form of a project or program management board)

business case is presented to the stakeholders and sponsors


Perform a proper business assessment

Review the Project Business Case

What is the project reasoning?

  • inadequate capacity to meet existing and forecasted demand
  • decrease in customer satisfaction
  • low profit
  • legal requirement

measurable improvements in a product, service, or result which could be provided through successful completion of a project

Opportunity cost covers the next best business option or project that was discarded in favor of the current project

Identify risks: uncertain or unplanned events that may affect the viability and potential success of the project.

  • review lessons learned
  • risk checklists from Scrum Guidance Body
  • risk prompt lists from Scrum Guidance Body

Estimate risk:

  • probability (very likely, could happen, probably won't, extremely unlikely)
  • proximity (when it's likely)
  • impact (effect on business/cost)
  • expected monetary value

Add risks to Prioritized Program Backlog

Identify actions teams can take to mitigate risk

  • plan B/fallback may be formulated

Potential events are represented in a tree with a branch extended for each possible outcome of a risk event

length or duration of a project and the time over which its benefits will be realized.

Project costs are investment and other development costs for a project.

ROI = (expected cost - expected revenue) / (expected cost * time until realization)

Customers prioritize stories and requirements: “Must have,” “Should have,” “Could have,” and “Won’t have”.

Prioritize stories: Delighers/Satisifiers/Dissatisfiers/Indifferent

Draw line of Minimum Marketable Features

Project Vision Statement is baselined

Issues are generally well-defined certainties that are currently happening

Check risk attitude:

  • risk averse: don't take risks
  • risk neutral: whatever has the best ROI
  • risk seeking: take all the risks

Create Program Backlog Items


(Design, basically)

  • In the initial stages of writing, most User Stories are high-level functionalities. These User Stories are known as Epic(s). Epic(s) are usually too large for teams to complete in a single Sprint.
  • generates Change Requests

Prioritize requirements based on business value delivered to customers and users


Users provide Scrum Core Team with firsthand information, expectations

  • Leads to change request for Acceptance Criteria
  • Helps develop epics


Scrum Core Team invited, and at times other Stakeholders

Prioritize Requirements

Scrum Code Team has shared perspective on Acceptance Criteria

Epics and User Stories

  • are from users POV
  • are easy to understand
  • can be reliably estimated

Understand user expectations for the deliverables


Delve into product details


Give opinions and ratings

Come up with ideas/suggestions

Solve Problems

User/Customer Interviews

Reach Consensus



Developing strategy to deal with the risks

Customers and users define the prioritized list of requirements and User Stories in the Prioritized Product Backlog

MoSCoW prioritization

Pairwise comparison

100-point method

Waiting for three Development Team members, for optimal interaction and productivity gains

People join Development Team

  • Only team members who will be available and can fully commit to the project should be selected
  • trade off experience versus salary

Train Scrum Team members on Scrum practice Scrum Master helps Product Owner arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value

Scrum Master removes impediments to the Development Team’s progress

Development Team becomes full, nine members joined

Business or project requirements written in the form of a User Story is added to backlog

Product Owner (with possible assistance of Development Team Member) orders the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions

Product Backlog makes itself visible to all:

User stories have

  • story
  • time estimates
  • acceptance criteria
  • status of acceptance/done criteria
  • value
  • risk
  • dependencies
  • approved revisions

Affinity Estimation

Planning Poker

Address risks that can potentially decrease value

Assess the viability and achievability of a project

Demonstrating prototypes to customers and simulating their functionalities to confirm value

Communicate risks to stakeholders

  • impact
  • plans for response/mitigation

Grooming is done WELL IN ADVANCE of Spring Planning Meeting #scrum-master-eval

Risk-based spike: two to three day exercise, experiment to understand risk through research or prototype (before Epics created)

  • good for new technologies/tools
  • good for long user stories
  • can help for estimating time

Trial project/Proof of concept

  • illuminate technical viability
  • hone in financial viability
  • predict time and cost
  • reduce or quantify risks
  • predict possible effects of the actual project
  • demonstrates and verifies ideas behind project
  • may be a prototype
  • help understand requirements
  • assist in critical design decisions
  • needn't represent deliverables


Scrum Master oversees

Scrum Core Team reviews the User Stories in the Prioritized Product Backlog to develop a Release Planning Schedule

Sprint is timeboxed under a month

  • Arbitrary Time-boxing can lead to de-motivation of the team
  • If project requirements are generally stable and major changes are not expected in the near future, the Length of a Sprint may be set to be longer, 4 to 6 weeks.
  • if project requirements are not very well defined or if significant changes are expected in the immediate future, the Length of Sprint may be relatively shorter, 1 to 3 weeks
  • take into account planned release dates
  • time to get work done
  • length of sprint should be consistent (causes reset on project-level tracking, velocities become useless)

Product Owner manages stakeholders' expectations

Product owner helps sponsor understand financial bottom line related to a product

Product Owner decides minimum marketable release content

Sprint gets a goal of what is to be built

Sprint gets a design


Product Backlog shows what the Scrum Team will work on next

Product Owner responsible for everyone's understanding of

  • items in the Product Backlog
  • business justification and the value the project is supposed to deliver

Scrum Master asks Team Member for more clear and concise Product Backlog items

Product Owner writes user stories which

  • depict customer’s requirements
  • include User Story Acceptance Criteria

Product Owner calls Story Writing Exercise

  • Scrum Team Members create User Stories

Backlog gets Change Requests


Scrum Master and Scrum Team estimate the effort required to develop the functionality described in User Story

Estimate User Stories

Identify Tasks

  • risks in backlog get mitigated

Estimate Tasks

Product Owner works with the stakeholders to understand which business requirements provide maximum business value

Evaluate stories based on...

  1. Value
  2. Risk or uncertainty
  3. Dependencies

Create Sprint Backlog

Scrum Guidance Body interacts with Scrum Team members during the Create User Stories, Estimate Tasks, Create Deliverables, and Groom Prioritized Product Backlog processes to offer guidance and also provide expertise as required.


Sprint Planning is timeboxed under 8 hours

Product Owner discusses the objective that the Sprint should achieve / explains the highest priority User Stories or requirements

Product Owner (with possible assistance of Development Team Member) clearly expresses Product Backlog items that, if completed in the Sprint, would achieve the Sprint Goal

high priority User Stories are considered for inclusion in the Sprint

Scrum Team self-organizes and aims to create the Sprint Deliverables (Product Increment) from the User Stories in the Sprint Backlog

Scrum Team unanimously commits to User Stories ( == Sprint Goal)

Scrum Team brakes down committed User Stories into a Task List

Scrum Team estimates the effort required to accomplish each task in the Task List

Scrum Team organizes tasks into Sprint Backlog


Sprint is locked and Product Owner cannot change Acceptance Criteria for a User Story

all requirements related to an ongoing Sprint are frozen during the Sprint


Each Scrum Team Member shares:

  1. What have I done since the last meeting?
  2. What do I plan to do before the next meeting?
  3. What impediments or obstacles (if any) am I currently facing?

Scrum Team may discuss risks related to their Tasks

Scrum Master manages risks, changes, and impediments


Scrum Team identifies risks which have appeared

Scrum Team identifies risks which have become issues

Product Owner keeps the business justification in the Project Vision Statement updated with relevant project information to enable the key decision makers to continue making informed decisions

Scrumboard tracks the work and activities being carried out

Development Team member adds a problem being faced to the Impediment Log

Development Team Member does development work

Development Team Member delivers a potentially releasable Increment of “Done” product

Stakeholders views deliverables as they are ready

Product Owner shares risk burndown chart with Stakeholders

Stakeholders change requirements

Scrum Teams asks the Scrum Guidance Body for advice

End-to-end quality assurance is conducted

Requirements change is deemed to be significant enough to stop the Sprint -> SPRINT IS TERMINATED

Scrum Core Team members to suggest changes or improvements to the product, service, or some other part of the projec

  • the team may decide on a new feature to be added or modified to improve product performance
  • market conditions could change
  • organizational direction changes
  • regulatory changes

Scrum Guidance Body may submit Change Requests:

  • regulatory changes (privacy, security, etc)
  • corporate directives for, security, etc
  • benchmarks, best practices
  • lesosns learned

Change requests become Epic or User Story

New requirements and changes added to the Prioritized Product Backlog may lower the priority of other existing User Stories in the Backlog

Scrum Team determines it has overestimated the effort during the Sprint, team can ask the Product Owner to add User Stories to Sprint

Someone addresses Product Owner to change a Product Backlog item’s priority (or move it out of sprint scope?)

  • generates Change Request

New business requirements are added and existing requirements are properly documented and prioritized


(Scrum does not Time-box grooming exercises)

Product Owner develops a Product Backlog Review agenda

Product Owner invites limited stakholders + ALL Scrum Team members

Changes or updates to the backlog are discussed and incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog

Product components that have defects are incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog

Small change requests that do not have significant impact on the project be directly approved by the Product Owner.

Large change requests go to Stakeholders

verify the business justification for continuance. Still viable?

Team agrees on any changes


Sprint Retrospective is timeboxed

Invite Product Owner and relevant stakeholders

Demonstrate Deliverables

Product Owner accepts the Deliverables if they meet Acceptance Criteria and Done Criteria, User Stories as DONE or NOT DONE:

Done Criteria could include

  • Reviewed by other team members
  • Completed unit testing of the User Story
  • Completion of quality assurance tests
  • Completion of all documentation related to the User Story
  • All issues are fixed
  • Successful demonstration to stakeholders and/or business representatives

User Stories corresponding to rejected deliverables are added back to the Updated Prioritized Product Backlog

Stakeholders to reprioritize stories

Scrum Team submits Change Requests

Product Owner confirms the achievement of organizational benefits

A comparison of the number of issues encountered versus the number of User Stories completed can be done

discuss the lessons learned throughout the Sprint

document lessons learned to be applied to future Sprints

Discuss ways to improve processes and performance

Agree on Actionable Improvements

Scrum Guidance Body captures best practices to be used across all Scrum teams

Sprint is closed & New Sprint immediately starts

Product Owner assesses business impact


respective business unit and stakeholders participate

product increment is demonstrated to the Product Owner, sponsor, customer, and users

feedback from all the stakeholders is gathered

Quality assurance is demonstrated

stakeholders may submit Change Requests

Scrum Master ensures that the requirements and Acceptance Criteria are not altered, so that User Stories are accepted/rejected based on original requirements, not changed requirements


Ship Deliverables

Product Owner assesses the viability

Customers and Users review Deliverables

Product Owner ensures the delivery of the product

Working Deliverables Agreement documents the successful completion of the Sprint


Invite organizational stakeholders and Scrum Core Team members

retrospect the project

identify, document, and internalize the lessons learned

document of Agreed Actionable Improvements

Evaluate Product Owner:

  • did they increase ROI?
  • Or did they maximize business value for the project?

Evaluate Scrum Team:

  • project deliverables are created?
  • work is being performed according to plan

Evaluate Scrum Master:

  • were Scrum processes correctly followed?
  • Did development progress smoothly?

Scrum Guidance Body establishes metrics for developing role descriptions for Scrum Team members

Scrum Guidance Body recommends business justification techniques

Scrum Guidance Body updates risk checklists and prompt lists

Scrum Guidance body recommends confirming benefits realization

Product Owner confirms the achievement of organizational benefits

Scrum Guidance Body defines QA norms and processes

Stakeholders may submit Change Requests (go to Prioritized Product Backlog)


If Sprint Goal has become obsolete

Product Owner cancels the sprint

  • Completed and Done Product Backlog items are reviewed

  • If items are releasable, Product Owner accepts

  • Incomplete Product Backlog Items are re-estimated and put back on the Product Backlog


expensive rework that may result from a lack of clarity regarding expectations and requirements (from not doing enough user meetings)

Technical Debt:

  • Quick-fix and building deliverables that do not comply with standards for quality, security, long-term architecture goals, etc.
  • Inadequate or incomplete testing
  • Improper or incomplete documentation
  • Lack of coordination among different team members, or if different Scrum Teams start working in isolation, with less focus on final integration of components required to make a project or program successful
  • Poor sharing of business knowledge and process knowledge among the stakeholders and project teams
  • Too much focus on short-term project goals instead of the long-term objectives of the company. This oversight can result in poor-quality Working Deliverables that incur significant maintenance and upgrade costs.

Sustainable pace: accurate estimation, avoid intense periods of work

Conflicts: schedules, priorities, resources, reporting hierarchy, technical issues, procedures, personality, and costs

Different leadership styles in AI project owners

Project Stages: Forming — team has not yet encountered any difficulties Storming — power struggles, chaos, confusion Norming — Team begins to sort out their internal differences, find solutions to work together Performing — Team is cohesive, high performance. Members are efficient, peers, professional, consistent

There could be a Program Product Owner for a program or a Portfolio Product Owner for a portfolio.

Chief Product Owner

  • prepares and maintains the overall Prioritized Product Backlog for the large project
  • prioritizing competing requests raised by the Product Owners
  • ensure various components are properly integrated and at appropriate times



Scrum of Scrums

Customers do Monopoly Money exercise

Earned Value Analysis

Project Charter may provide official authorization to start work

Project Budget includes cost of people, materials and other expenses

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