var gulp = require('gulp'), |
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'), |
sass = require('gulp-sass'), |
concat = require('gulp-concat'), |
del = require('del'), |
rename = require('gulp-rename'), |
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'), |
stylish = require('jshint-stylish'), |
include = require('gulp-include'), |
replace = require('gulp-replace'); |
gulp.task('clean', function(){ |
del([ |
'downloads', |
'src/includes/*.html', |
'src/includes/*.js', |
'src/includes/*.css', |
'!src/includes/twigSetup*' |
]); |
}); |
/* |
We'll have a few js files to keep dev change sane so we're just gonna |
concatenate them by 2 line breaks for the include within cheatsheet.html |
*/ |
gulp.task('js', function(){ |
return gulp.src('src/js/*.js') |
.pipe(plumber()) |
.pipe(jshint()) |
.pipe(jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish')) |
.pipe(concat('scripts.inc.js', { newLine: '\r\n\r\n' })) |
.pipe(gulp.dest('src/includes')) |
.on('end', function(){ |
gulp.start('includes'); |
}); |
}); |
/* |
FieldType sample code is broken down into one fieldtype per file for ease of |
management and contribution Each file starts with a comment block that we don't |
need in the final block of code snippets. We'll concatenate all fieltype |
samples and remove top-most comment blocks that follow a particular pattern. |
*/ |
gulp.task('fieldTypes', function(){ |
return gulp.src('src/fieldTypes/*.html') |
.pipe(plumber()) |
.pipe(concat('fieldTypes.inc.html', { newLine: '\r\n\r\n\t<hr/>\r\n\r\n\r\n' })) |
.pipe(replace(/\{#-?(.|\n)*?-?#\}\s+\{% case/g, '{% case')) |
.pipe(gulp.dest('src/includes')) |
.on('end', function(){ |
gulp.start('includes'); |
}); |
}); |
// Nothin special here. Just good ole Sass compiling |
gulp.task('sass', function(){ |
return gulp.src('src/sass/*.scss') |
.pipe(plumber()) |
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'})) |
.pipe(rename('styles.inc.css')) |
.pipe(gulp.dest('./src/includes/')) |
.on('end', function(){ |
gulp.start('includes'); |
}); |
}); |
/* |
Ahh, the include makes things much prettier and easier to work on. This is |
basically just for convenience and restricting changes to single files while |
working on the template. |
*/ |
gulp.task('includes', function(){ |
gulp.src('src/cheatsheet.html') |
.pipe(plumber()) |
.pipe(include()) |
.pipe(gulp.dest('./downloads/')); |
gulp.src('src/index.html') |
.pipe(plumber()) |
.pipe(include()) |
.pipe(gulp.dest('./')); |
}); |
// The magic of watching files for changes |
gulp.task('watch', function(){ |
gulp.watch('src/js/*.js', ['js']); |
gulp.watch('src/sass/*.scss', ['sass']); |
gulp.watch('src/fieldTypes/*.html', ['fieldTypes']); |
gulp.watch('src/*.html', ['includes']); |
}); |
// Just a simple build-only task |
gulp.task('build', ['clean'], function(){ |
gulp.start('js', 'sass', 'fieldTypes'); |
}); |
/* |
Default is to run our tasks as though they've never been run before, |
then watch for changes as we go. |
*/ |
gulp.task('default', function(){ |
gulp.start('build', 'watch'); |
}); |
My current file path vars
var basePath = {
src : 'assets/',
dest : 'public/assets/'
var srcAssets = {
styles : basePath.src + 'styles/',
scripts : basePath.src + 'scripts/',
images : basePath.src + 'images/'
var destAssets = {
styles : basePath.dest + 'css/dist',
rev_styles : basePath.dest + 'css/rev',
scripts : basePath.dest + 'js/',
images : basePath.dest + 'img/'