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Last active May 31, 2022 14:24
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Sample Gulp.js file


We're building a singular .html file that contains all css and javascript within it. No external dependencies. But we want to work on our css as sass and write our js in separate files. Additionally, this single .html file serves as a large documentation document with lots of code samples. As a result we've broken each code sampel out into a src/fieldTypes/ directory. So our task process is:

  1. Compile .sass files into single .css file with minification
  2. Error check .js files while ignoreing some Twig tags
  3. Concatenate multiple js files into a single file
  4. Concatenate all src/fieldTypes/*.html files into a single file
  5. Strip comment blocks from the resulting fieldTypes include file
  6. Include files in the core .html files (one for dev previews and one for distribution/download)

With that, we watch specific files and run specific tasks based on those files (no surprise). Most of them require a new run of the includes task.

This project doesn't really have a dev mode or distribution mode. So Gulp is working quite nicely without any problems.

Note: This is literally my first gulpfile.js attempt. If you have suggestions or see things that are strange/redundant please let me know. :)

var gulp = require('gulp'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
del = require('del'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
stylish = require('jshint-stylish'),
include = require('gulp-include'),
replace = require('gulp-replace');
gulp.task('clean', function(){
We'll have a few js files to keep dev change sane so we're just gonna
concatenate them by 2 line breaks for the include within cheatsheet.html
gulp.task('js', function(){
return gulp.src('src/js/*.js')
.pipe(concat('', { newLine: '\r\n\r\n' }))
.on('end', function(){
FieldType sample code is broken down into one fieldtype per file for ease of
management and contribution Each file starts with a comment block that we don't
need in the final block of code snippets. We'll concatenate all fieltype
samples and remove top-most comment blocks that follow a particular pattern.
gulp.task('fieldTypes', function(){
return gulp.src('src/fieldTypes/*.html')
.pipe(concat('', { newLine: '\r\n\r\n\t<hr/>\r\n\r\n\r\n' }))
.pipe(replace(/\{#-?(.|\n)*?-?#\}\s+\{% case/g, '{% case'))
.on('end', function(){
// Nothin special here. Just good ole Sass compiling
gulp.task('sass', function(){
return gulp.src('src/sass/*.scss')
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
.on('end', function(){
Ahh, the include makes things much prettier and easier to work on. This is
basically just for convenience and restricting changes to single files while
working on the template.
gulp.task('includes', function(){
// The magic of watching files for changes
gulp.task('watch', function(){'src/js/*.js', ['js']);'src/sass/*.scss', ['sass']);'src/fieldTypes/*.html', ['fieldTypes']);'src/*.html', ['includes']);
// Just a simple build-only task
gulp.task('build', ['clean'], function(){
gulp.start('js', 'sass', 'fieldTypes');
Default is to run our tasks as though they've never been run before,
then watch for changes as we go.
gulp.task('default', function(){
gulp.start('build', 'watch');
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ajgaunt commented Apr 13, 2015

My current file path vars

var basePath = {
src : 'assets/',
dest : 'public/assets/'

var srcAssets = {
styles : basePath.src + 'styles/',
scripts : basePath.src + 'scripts/',
images : basePath.src + 'images/'

var destAssets = {
styles : basePath.dest + 'css/dist',
rev_styles : basePath.dest + 'css/rev',
scripts : basePath.dest + 'js/',
images : basePath.dest + 'img/'

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@ajgaunt, just realized I never replied with a thanks. So—Thanks! :)

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