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Erko Bridee erkobridee

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code to get the channel id the youtube video page
the output in case of susscess will open on a new
browser tab the youtube channel feed as JSON
initially based on
but I got some edge cases where that doesn't work, so I reworked it
Digital Root | Math is Fun
Digital Root Calculator | Omni Calculator
erkobridee /
Last active November 6, 2023 09:07
refs on XGH - extreme go horse

Why 'Extreme Go Horse' Is the Future of Agile Methodology | The Wibble

31 May 2023, 07:05

Move over Scrum, there's a new agile method in town: Extreme Go Horse! But what makes it so extreme?

Firstly, let's start with sprints. In Scrum, we have these things called "sprints" where we try to do as much work as possible in a set time. But in Extreme Go Horse, we do galloping sprints! That's right, you read that correctly. We gallop like horses to get things done. Not only is it great exercise, but it's also a unique bonding experience. Who needs team-building exercises when you can gallop like a bunch of wild stallions?

But that's not all. In Extreme Go Horse, we have something called "neigh-sayers". These are the people who constantly bring the team down with their negative attitudes. But in Extreme Go Horse, we don't listen to neigh-sayers. Instead, we neigh back at them! It's a great way to shut down negativity and boost team morale.

// it also supports extensions like .tar.gz
export const getFileExtension = (filename: string) =>
(filename.match(/(\.([^.]*?)(\.([^.]*?))?)(?=\?|#|$)/) || [])[1] ?? "";
/* eslint-disable */
NO_LEFT_SPACES: /^\s+/g,
NO_SEQ_DOTS: /\.+/g,
erkobridee /
Created June 28, 2023 07:30
useful information of how to generate ics files or google calendar urls to add events to the calendar