Pulumi - Universal Infrastructure as Code
AWS TypeScript CDK and Step Functions | by Damien Gallagher | AWS in Plain English
SST - is an open-source serverless application platform that deploys to your AWS account, helping you go from idea to IPO.
[GitHub] serverless-stack/sst - SST is a framework that makes it easy to build serverless apps. It's an extension of AWS CDK
[GitHub] serverless-stack/ideal-stack-preview - It is a modern starter that contains everything you need to ship full-stack serverless applications. It's built on top of SST and has tools like GraphQL already setup.
Serverless Microservice with DDD, Onion Architecture in Nx/Monorepo (NestJS, AWS Lambda and AWS CDK) | atWare - 2022/04/07
[GitHub] aws/aws-prototyping-sdk - Contains useful CDK and Projen constructs vended in multiple languages
[YouTube] Building for Lambda with Nx - Matt Blum - Nx Conf 2021 - 2021/11/03
JAMStack CI/CD with Lerna, NextJS, CDK, and Github Actions | Kevin Wang's Blog - 2021/03/06
How to Build APIs with the AWS CDK + Lerna + Webpack: Part 1 | FullStory - 2020/09/16
How to Build APIs with the AWS CDK + Lerna + Webpack: Part 2 | FullStory - 2020/10/06
[YouTube] AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Crash Course | freeCodeCamp - 2022/01/20
[YouTube] SIMPLEST SERVERLESS APP WITH AWS CDK (API Gateway, AWS Lambda and DynamoDB) | FooBar Serverless - 2020/07/23
[YouTube] How to Create an AWS Lambda Function with CDK (in Javascript) | Be a Better Dev - 2021/08/09
🇧🇷 [YouTube] React/Next.js - Deploy de Apps na AWS (Sem Vercel) - Code/drops #70 | Rocketseat - 2021/05/24
[YouTube] Top 5 AWS Lambda Anti Patterns | Be a Better Dev - 2022/08/25
How to use Lambda Layers in AWS CDK - Complete Guide | bobbyhadz - 2022/04/12
Create and deploy a Lambda Function in Node.js with AWS CDK | Teco Tutorials - 2021/12/04
Using Typescript and Esbuild to deploy a Lambda Function with AWS CDK | Teco Tutorials - 2021/12/04