LLO.LU - Learn Luxembourgish for free with the LLO.LU platform and app!
data.public.lu - The luxembourgish data platform
Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (2022/12/05)
Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (raw data) (2021/08/30)
[YouTube] Luxembourgish - The National Language of Luxembourg | Langfocus - 2022/04/09
Luxembourgish - Journal of the International Phonetic Association | Cambridge Core - 2013/04/02
Where to learn Luxembourgish | Luxembourg Times - 2022/03/21
Luxembourgish language and culture courses | Ville de Luxembourg
[YouTube Channel] Learning Phrases with Chris & Friends
[YouTube] 200 phrases - Luxembourgeois - Français | Learning Phrases with Chris & Friends - 2020/01/22
[YouTube] 200 phrases - Luxembourgish - English | Learning Phrases with Chris & Friends - 2020/01/21
[YouTube] 200 frases - Luxemburguês - Português | Learning Phrases with Chris & Friends - 2020/01/09
Aurelux | Language Courses – Application pour apprendre le luxembourgeois
appli-lu - Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire / op Lëtzebuergesch,auf Deutsch,en français,in English,em português
[GitHub] robertoentringer / appli - About A pretty simple Vue PWA for playing with the data of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD).
[GitHub] robertoentringer / lod-opendata - A NPM package for get data of Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD) from data.public.lu.
[GitHub] robertoentringer / lod-extract - Npm package to extract data of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD).
[GitHub] robertoentringer / lod-audio - A NPM package for extract audio data of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD).
[GitHub] robertoentringer / lod-mp3-mirror - Mirror of the audio data of the "Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire" (LOD)
[GitHub] AlainVagner / LOD4Mac - The Luxembourgish Online Dictionary made available to Dictionary.app on MacOS
- [YouTube] Demo LOD4Mac | Alain Vagner (2022/05/30)
Saz.Lu - Äre Schreifassistent fir d'Lëtzebuergescht
LD POCKET - Luxembourgish Dictionary Pocket
Luxemburguish | LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks
[GitHub] laurabernardy/Multilingual-Wordle - Multilingual WANNABE WORDLE is a simple word guessing game in different languages
[Duolingo Forum ARCHIVED] The Official Luxembourgish Directory