Building a Second Brain: The Book - The step-by-step guide to building a Second Brain. Based on 10+ years of research & experiments with organizing our digital lives & improving our productivity.
Building a Second Brain: The Definitive Introductory Guide | Forte Labs - (2023/05/01) This is an introduction to Building a Second Brain, the proven method to organize your digital life and unlock your creative potential.
Arthur C. Clarke was a scientist, science writer and author of science fiction stories and novels. This quote of his reflects on the early beginnings of technology and offers us a way of linking up the two exhibitions that have been held this year at the CCCB: Black Light and Stanley Kubrick.
this quote it's also refered on [YouTube] Why Magic Systems don't feel Magical | Tale Foundry - 2023/05/31
export const removeQueryParam = (key: string) => { | |
const existingValue = getFromQuery(key) | |
if (existingValue === null) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const url = new URL(window.location as any); | |
url.searchParams.delete(key); | |
history.pushState({}, '', url); |
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i PATH/TO/KEY/FILE -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' git clone git@github.com:OWNER/REPOSITORY
in the past I used to use the Balsamiq to do visual thinking and UI/UX planning
InfoQ BR
Fuja da escravidão antes que ela te alcance - Nesta palestra, Vinícius Teles nos fala a respeito da realidade de muitos trabalhadores que possuem vidas estáveis, porém repletas de frustrações advindas de suas rotinas e carreiras aparentemente seguras. Vinícius trata do empreendedorismo, com dicas para profissionais de tecnologia que buscam atingir não apenas a estabilidade financeira, mas também a plena satisfação profissional e pessoal.
Agile Brazil 2012
LLO.LU - Learn Luxembourgish for free with the LLO.LU platform and app!