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Created December 23, 2017 04:30
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Require Import List Arith Ascii String.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
Inductive prim := PtrIncr | PtrDecr | Incr | Decr | Get.
Inductive stmt :=
| SNil : stmt
| Prim : prim -> stmt -> stmt
| Put : stmt -> stmt
| Loop : stmt -> stmt -> stmt.
Fixpoint parse' (str : string) :=
match str with
| "" => (SNil, nil)
| String x xs =>
let (body, rest) := parse' xs in
match x with
| ">"%char => (Prim PtrIncr body, rest)
| "<"%char => (Prim PtrDecr body, rest)
| "+"%char => (Prim Incr body, rest)
| "-"%char => (Prim Decr body, rest)
| ","%char => (Prim Get body, rest)
| "."%char => (Put body, rest)
| "["%char =>
match rest with
| nil => (Loop body SNil, nil)
| cons s rest' => (Loop body s, rest')
| "]"%char => (SNil, cons body rest)
| _ => (SNil, nil)
Definition parse str := fst (parse' str).
Definition run_prim (env : (nat -> nat) * nat * list nat) p :=
let '(data, ptr, input) := env in
match p with
| PtrIncr => (data, S ptr, input)
| PtrDecr => (data, pred ptr, input)
| Incr => (fun i => if Nat.eq_dec i ptr then S (data ptr) else data i,
ptr, input)
| Decr => (fun i => if Nat.eq_dec i ptr then pred (data ptr) else data i,
ptr, input)
| Get =>
match input with
| [] => env
| x::rest => (fun i => if Nat.eq_dec i ptr then x else data i,
ptr, rest)
Fixpoint append (s1 s2 : stmt) :=
match s1 with
| SNil => s2
| Prim p s => Prim p (append s s2)
| Put s => Put (append s s2)
| Loop b s => Loop b (append s s2)
Ltac run env c' :=
let c := eval compute in c' in
match env with
| (?data, ?ptr, ?input) =>
match c with
| SNil => idtac
| Prim ?p ?c' =>
let env' := eval compute in (run_prim (data,ptr,input) p) in
run env' c'
| Put ?c' =>
let x := eval compute in (data ptr) in
idtac x;
run env c'
| Loop ?c1 ?c2 =>
let x := eval compute in (Nat.eq_dec (data ptr) 0) in
match x with
| left _ => run env c2
| right _ => run env (append c1 (Loop c1 c2))
Goal True.
run ((fun _:nat=>0), 0, [4;3]) (parse ",>,<[-<+>]<.").
run ((fun _:nat=>0), 0, [3;3]) (parse ",>,<[->[->>+<<]>>[-<+<+>>]<<<]>>.").
run ((fun _:nat=>0), 0, @nil nat) (parse "+[>.+<]").
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