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Require Import List PeanoNat Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma fold_left_map : forall (A B C : Type)(f : A -> B) g l (init:C),
fold_left g (map f l) init = fold_left (fun x y => g x (f y)) l init.
induction l; simpl; auto.
erutuf /
Last active June 10, 2018 16:53



Cryptography and Cryptoanalysis

暗号理論の授業です。試験はなく、隔週の宿題のみで成績が決まるのですが、今までの人生で受けた授業で一番ハードでした。今学期の私の時間はほとんど暗号に消えていました。ちなみに担当の教員は Shafi Goldwasser と Vinod Vaikuntanathan で、暗号理論では著名な二人です。ちなみにMITの暗号理論の研究者といえば他にもたとえばRonald Rivest(RSA暗号の発明者の一人)がいるなど、大物揃いです。(実は私は授業を受けるようになってからそのことを知ったのですが……。)


  1. Perfect Secrecy(Shanon Secrecy)
  2. Computational Secrecy, One-Way Functions, Hard-Core Predicates
erutuf / bf.v
Created December 23, 2017 04:30
Require Import List Arith Ascii String.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
Inductive prim := PtrIncr | PtrDecr | Incr | Decr | Get.
Inductive stmt :=
| SNil : stmt
| Prim : prim -> stmt -> stmt
| Put : stmt -> stmt




  • 18.404/6.840 Introduction to Theory of Computation
  • 6.820 Foundation of Program Analysis


import Test.QuickCheck
data BracketStr = BracketStr [Bool] (Maybe (BracketStr, BracketStr))
lenBS :: BracketStr -> Int
lenBS (BracketStr s Nothing) = length s
lenBS (BracketStr s (Just (b1, b2))) = length s + lenBS b1 + lenBS b2 + 2
bs2str :: BracketStr -> String
bs2str (BracketStr s b) =
Require Import Program List.
Open Scope list_scope.
Lemma fold_right_ext : forall (A : Type)(f g : A -> A -> A) xs x0,
(forall x y, f x y = g x y) ->
fold_right f x0 xs = fold_right g x0 xs.
Proof with simpl in *.
induction xs; [auto|]...
rewrite H.
Require Import Program.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import List.
Lemma fold_right_tail : forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B -> B) xs x b0,
List.fold_right f b0 (xs ++ [x]) = List.fold_right f (f x b0) xs.
Proof with simpl in *.
rewrite <- (rev_involutive (xs ++ [x])).
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* begin hide *)
Definition is_true x := x = true.
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
let rec find quot node =
if quot.(node) = node
then node
let repr = find quot quot.(node) in
quot.(node) <- repr;
let union quot node1 node2 =
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition Board := list (list nat).
Definition size (board : Board) := length board.
Definition val (n m : nat)(board : Board) := nth m (nth n board []) 1.
Fixpoint fill' m (l : list nat) : list nat :=