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Created March 26, 2017 15:00
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let rec find quot node =
if quot.(node) = node
then node
let repr = find quot quot.(node) in
quot.(node) <- repr;
let union quot node1 node2 =
let repr1 = find quot node1
and repr2 = find quot node2 in
quot.(repr2) <- repr1
let equiv quot node1 node2 =
find quot node1 = find quot node2
type termgraph =
id : int;
label : int;
children : termgraph list;
let congruent quot p q =
p.label = q.label && List.for_all2 (fun pi qi -> equiv quot ) p.children q.children
let rec preds quot i t =
if List.exists (fun ti -> equiv quot i t.children
then t :: List.concat ( (preds quot i) t.children)
else List.concat ( (preds quot i) t.children)
let rec merge quot t i j =
if equiv quot i j
then ()
let u = preds quot i t
and v = preds quot j t in
union quot i j;
List.iter (fun ui ->
List.iter (fun vi ->
if equiv quot || not (congruent quot ui vi)
then ()
else merge quot t v) u
type term = Term of int * term list
let rec from_term' m (Term (n, ts)) =
let children, m' = from_term'' (m+1) ts in
{ id = m; label = n; children = children; }, m'
and from_term'' m = function
| [] -> [], m
| t::ts ->
let graph, m' = from_term' m t in
let ts', m'' = from_term'' m' ts in
(graph :: ts', m'')
let from_term t = from_term' 0 t
let tinit ts = List.fold_right (fun (t1, t2) xs -> t1 :: t2 :: xs) ts []
let rec drop n = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> if n = 0 then x :: xs else drop (n-1) xs
let rec cc' quot t rules =
List.iter (fun (p, q) -> merge quot t p q) rules;
quot, t
let rec subterm t (Term (n, ts)) =
if t = Term (n, ts)
then true
else List.exists (subterm t) ts
let rec leaves graph =
match graph.children with
| [] -> [graph]
| _ -> List.concat ( leaves graph.children)
let rec somes f = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
match f x with
| Some y -> y :: somes f xs
| None -> somes f xs
let rec leaves_congr' base = function
| [] -> []
| c :: cs ->
if List.mem c.label base
then leaves_congr' base cs
let cs' = somes (fun c' -> if c.label = c'.label then Some c' else None) cs in (fun c' -> (, c'.id)) cs' @ leaves_congr' (c.label :: base) cs
let leaves_congr graph = leaves_congr' [] (leaves graph)
let rec tuples = function
| [] -> []
| _ :: [] -> []
| x :: y :: xs -> (x, y) :: tuples xs
let cc symb l r rules =
let t, m = from_term (Term (symb, tinit ((l, r) :: rules))) in
let quot = Array.init m (fun x -> x) in
let rules_id = leaves_congr t @ tuples (drop 2 ( (fun x -> t.children)) in
cc' quot t rules_id
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