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Last active January 10, 2018 06:00
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Dockerfile to run planemo and rstudio with devtools and planemo
# Planemo and RStudio with vignette-building capability (via R package 'devtools')
# Step 1 - Build from this Dockerfile (you must cd to the directory containing it first)
# docker build -t eschen42/devplan .
# Step 2 - Create a home directory, e.g.:
# mkdir ~/devplan
# Step 3 - Run the container with this new directory; note that the container will create
# files in this directory with UID 1000 (which is user rstudio on the guest), e.g.:
# docker run --name devplan --rm -ti -p 8787:8787 -p 8790:9090 -v ~/devplan:/home/rstudio eschen42/devplan
# Step 4 - On the host, browse to RStudio at http://localhost:8787
# Step 5 - Set up /home/rstudio/.ssh (on the guest; ~/devplan/.ssh on the host) if desired
# and make sure that the permissions are right (see:
# Step 6 - On the guest:
# - Set up planemo in conda
# wget
# chmod +x
# ./ -b
# rm
# echo "export PATH='/home/rstudio/miniconda2/bin:$PATH'" >>~/.bash_profile
# . ~/.bash_profile
# conda config --add channels r
# conda config --add channels bioconda
# conda install -c conda-forge pyaml
# conda install planemo
# Step 7 - On the guest:
# - Set up access to git
# - Clone the wrapper project you want to work with and cd to it.
# - Run the following:
# #planemo conda_init # this is unnecessary unless conda is not installed
# planemo conda_install .
# planemo test --conda_dependency_resolution .
# - Once tests are passing, run the following:
# planemo serve --host --conda_dependency_resolution .
# Step 7 - On the host, browse to the test instance at http://localhost:8790
FROM rocker/verse:3.4.1
MAINTAINER Arthur C. Eschenlauer,
RUN /bin/sh -c 'apt-get update' && \
/bin/sh -c 'apt-get install -y texlive-science texlive-latex-extra'
RUN apt-get -y install bzip2 curl wget vim-tiny
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/vim.tiny 10
RUN apt-get -y install net-tools bind9-host dnsutils
RUN apt-get -y install locales gawk debconf git
RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
RUN sed -i -e '/rstudio:$/ s/:$/:\/bin\/bash/' /etc/passwd
#optional - install man pages
RUN apt-get -y install man-db manpages manpages-dev
RUN apt-get -y install procps
RUN apt-get -y install openssh-client
RUN echo "su - rstudio" >> /init
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